Free Christian Audiobooks
Free Christian audiobook videos, featuring many updated classic Christian books. These audiobooks are also available from Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. Many of the audiobooks are also available free of charge in eBook format, from most popular eBook retailers.
Free Christian Audiobooks
1M ago
Calm, rest, and peace come to us when Jesus becomes the great treasure of our lives. When Jesus is cherished as our inheritance and when we discover that he promises to give himself to us in deep personal relationship, this changes how we experience each day. Living in calm confidence is the result of prizing the Lord Jesus above all else. About the Author John Kitchen grew up on the plains of the Midwest in a good, but unbelieving family. After his father, sister, and he nearly died in an asphyxiation accident, his mother began seeking God. This led to John's surrender to Christ as a teen. Go ..read more
Free Christian Audiobooks
1M ago
Calm, rest, and peace come to us when Jesus becomes the great treasure of our lives. When Jesus is cherished as our inheritance and when we discover that he promises to give himself to us in deep personal relationship, this changes how we experience each day. Living in calm confidence is the result of prizing the Lord Jesus above all else. About the Author John Kitchen grew up on the plains of the Midwest in a good, but unbelieving family. After his father, sister, and he nearly died in an asphyxiation accident, his mother began seeking God. This led to John's surrender to Christ as a teen. Go ..read more
Free Christian Audiobooks
1M ago
Calm, rest, and peace come to us when Jesus becomes the great treasure of our lives. When Jesus is cherished as our inheritance and when we discover that he promises to give himself to us in deep personal relationship, this changes how we experience each day. Living in calm confidence is the result of prizing the Lord Jesus above all else. About the Author John Kitchen grew up on the plains of the Midwest in a good, but unbelieving family. After his father, sister, and he nearly died in an asphyxiation accident, his mother began seeking God. This led to John's surrender to Christ as a teen. Go ..read more
Free Christian Audiobooks
1M ago
Calm, rest, and peace come to us when Jesus becomes the great treasure of our lives. When Jesus is cherished as our inheritance and when we discover that he promises to give himself to us in deep personal relationship, this changes how we experience each day. Living in calm confidence is the result of prizing the Lord Jesus above all else. About the Author John Kitchen grew up on the plains of the Midwest in a good, but unbelieving family. After his father, sister, and he nearly died in an asphyxiation accident, his mother began seeking God. This led to John's surrender to Christ as a teen. Go ..read more
Free Christian Audiobooks
1M ago
Calm, rest, and peace come to us when Jesus becomes the great treasure of our lives. When Jesus is cherished as our inheritance and when we discover that he promises to give himself to us in deep personal relationship, this changes how we experience each day. Living in calm confidence is the result of prizing the Lord Jesus above all else. About the Author John Kitchen grew up on the plains of the Midwest in a good, but unbelieving family. After his father, sister, and he nearly died in an asphyxiation accident, his mother began seeking God. This led to John's surrender to Christ as a teen. Go ..read more
Free Christian Audiobooks
1M ago
Calm, rest, and peace come to us when Jesus becomes the great treasure of our lives. When Jesus is cherished as our inheritance and when we discover that he promises to give himself to us in deep personal relationship, this changes how we experience each day. Living in calm confidence is the result of prizing the Lord Jesus above all else. About the Author John Kitchen grew up on the plains of the Midwest in a good, but unbelieving family. After his father, sister, and he nearly died in an asphyxiation accident, his mother began seeking God. This led to John's surrender to Christ as a teen. Go ..read more
Free Christian Audiobooks
1M ago
Calm, rest, and peace come to us when Jesus becomes the great treasure of our lives. When Jesus is cherished as our inheritance and when we discover that he promises to give himself to us in deep personal relationship, this changes how we experience each day. Living in calm confidence is the result of prizing the Lord Jesus above all else. About the Author John Kitchen grew up on the plains of the Midwest in a good, but unbelieving family. After his father, sister, and he nearly died in an asphyxiation accident, his mother began seeking God. This led to John's surrender to Christ as a teen. Go ..read more
Free Christian Audiobooks
1M ago
Calm, rest, and peace come to us when Jesus becomes the great treasure of our lives. When Jesus is cherished as our inheritance and when we discover that he promises to give himself to us in deep personal relationship, this changes how we experience each day. Living in calm confidence is the result of prizing the Lord Jesus above all else. About the Author John Kitchen grew up on the plains of the Midwest in a good, but unbelieving family. After his father, sister, and he nearly died in an asphyxiation accident, his mother began seeking God. This led to John's surrender to Christ as a teen. Go ..read more
Free Christian Audiobooks
1M ago
Calm, rest, and peace come to us when Jesus becomes the great treasure of our lives. When Jesus is cherished as our inheritance and when we discover that he promises to give himself to us in deep personal relationship, this changes how we experience each day. Living in calm confidence is the result of prizing the Lord Jesus above all else. About the Author John Kitchen grew up on the plains of the Midwest in a good, but unbelieving family. After his father, sister, and he nearly died in an asphyxiation accident, his mother began seeking God. This led to John's surrender to Christ as a teen. Go ..read more
Free Christian Audiobooks
1M ago
Calm, rest, and peace come to us when Jesus becomes the great treasure of our lives. When Jesus is cherished as our inheritance and when we discover that he promises to give himself to us in deep personal relationship, this changes how we experience each day. Living in calm confidence is the result of prizing the Lord Jesus above all else. About the Author John Kitchen grew up on the plains of the Midwest in a good, but unbelieving family. After his father, sister, and he nearly died in an asphyxiation accident, his mother began seeking God. This led to John's surrender to Christ as a teen. Go ..read more