Levelling Up and the Online Safety Bill with Damian Collins MP
The SafeToNet Foundation's Safeguarding podcasts
by The SafeToNet Foundation
8M ago
In this Human Rights Safeguarding Podcast: the UK's Online Safety Bill with Damian Collins MP, the Bill's Scrutiny Committee's recommendations, the meaning of "harm", what offline laws apply to the online if any, Section 230, Francis Haugen, End-to-End Encryption (E2EE),  the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the role of Ofcom the Regulator and how they will ensure social media companies comply with this new legislation ..read more
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Digital Wallets & Dark Patterns of Persuasion with Rick Lane, Iggy Ventures
The SafeToNet Foundation's Safeguarding podcasts
by The SafeToNet Foundation
8M ago
In this human rights safeguarding podcast with Rick Lane of Iggy Ventures, we discuss updates to Section 230, COPPA and the WhoIs issue, national security concerns caused by TikTok, the regulatory splinternet, digital wallets and why the US is a laggard in adoption, the 4th C of the CORE report, and a worked example of a COPPA-compliant digital wallet ..read more
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2021 Review... What a year!
The SafeToNet Foundation's Safeguarding podcasts
by The SafeToNet Foundation
8M ago
Our 2021 review of Human Rights Safeguarding Podcasts includes many of this year's amazing guests. Topics include Addiction, Apple's NeuralHash CSAM, Age Verification, John Doe vs Twitter, WhoIS, County Lines, General Comment 25, pack-hunting predators,  and the TriChan Takedown ..read more
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The 2021 Global Threat Assessment with Iain Drennan CEO WeProtect Global Alliance
The SafeToNet Foundation's Safeguarding podcasts
by The SafeToNet Foundation
8M ago
In this Human Rights Safeguarding Podcast: Iain Drennan CEO WeProtect Global Alliance discusses the 2021 Global Threat Assessment report, research with the Technology Coalition, Economist Impact and Crisp Thinking, the Global Strategic Response, Online Sexual Harms and the seven recommendations they make for government, civil society and online service providers ..read more
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CSAM Users in the Dark Web with Tegan Insoll and Anna Ovaska, Protect Children
The SafeToNet Foundation's Safeguarding podcasts
by The SafeToNet Foundation
8M ago
In this Safeguarding Podcast with Anna Ovaska and Tegan Insoll from Finland's Protect Children we discuss their research programs  "Help Us To Help You" and "No Need for Help”,  the compassionate approach Protect Children takes to offender treatment, the drivers, motivations, attitudes and habits of CSAM consumers, and whether offenders's responses can be trusted. Our Safeguarding Podcasts are one of Feedspot's Top 10 UK Human Rights podcasts ..read more
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The Five Pillars with Sean Litton CEO Technology Coalition
The SafeToNet Foundation's Safeguarding podcasts
by The SafeToNet Foundation
8M ago
In this Safeguarding Podcast: Sean Litton CEO of the Technology Coalition discusses their Five Pillars to eliminate CSAM, Universal Video Hashing, universal Terms of Service, the UN CRC and General Comment 25, the need for Age Verification, their work with EVAC and WeProtect and the UK's draft Online Safety Bill. Our Safeguarding Podcasts are one of Feedspot's Top 10 UK Human Rights podcasts ..read more
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The Trichan Takedown with Lloyd Richardson and Professor Michael Salter
The SafeToNet Foundation's Safeguarding podcasts
by The SafeToNet Foundation
8M ago
In this Safeguarding Podcast: Lloyd Richardson Canadian Centre for Child Protection & Professor Michael Salter talk us through the Trichan Takedown, how ISPs fought against CSAM message boards and how some ISPs colluded with them, the role of CDNs such as Cloudflare in CSAM replication and sharing, and the evasive tactics used by the CSAM message board admins to hide their vast libraries of child abuse images and videos ..read more
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Hunters, Talkers & Loopers with HSI Special Agent Austin Berrier
The SafeToNet Foundation's Safeguarding podcasts
by The SafeToNet Foundation
8M ago
In this Safeguarding Podcast: Austin Berrier Homeland Securities Investigations Officer discusses the impact of Apple’s Child Safety tech on Law Enforcement, the live streaming of child sexual abuse on encrypted video streaming services, how online predatory pedophiles hunt in packs, Project Mercury and how Zoom worked with international law enforcement to indict 300 child abusers ..read more
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One Kind Word with Martha Evans, Director Anti-Bullying Alliance
The SafeToNet Foundation's Safeguarding podcasts
by The SafeToNet Foundation
8M ago
In this Safeguarding Podcast with Martha Evans, Director of the Anti-Bullying Alliance: The Children's Code and how it might impact cyberbullying, the impact of COVID on cyberbullying, ABA's Agreed Policy Recommendations, Marcus Rashford, Anti-Bullying Week and One Kind Word, the 12,000 children reallocated schools due to bullying and the need for a Government-led Annual National Bullying Survey ..read more
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Digital Crime Scenes : Digital DNA with Professor Hany Farid
The SafeToNet Foundation's Safeguarding podcasts
by The SafeToNet Foundation
8M ago
In this Safeguarding Podcast with Hany Farid, Professor at the University of California, Berkeley: PhotoDNA, what is is and how it works, what PhotoDNA doesn't do, what are Hashes and do they work in an End-to-End Encrypted world, is Apple's NeuralHash child safety proposal the incipient slippery slope as many claim, Apple's Secret Sharing Threshold and why that's a problem, and "WhatsApp's hypocrisy". Links to other relevant content: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Apple's Curate's Egg: https://safetonetfoundation.org/2021/08/12/apples-curates-egg/ CSI Apple: The Omnibus Edition https://saf ..read more
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