BizBites is a business podcast by small business owners and entrepreneurs that highlight trends & provides tips & tricks that are of interest and value to the small business owner and entrepreneur.
2y ago
Many people believe that a mortgage is exclusively used for buying a home. However, you need to remember that there are four typical purposes that mortgages are used for. This includes purchase, refinance, equity takeout and bridge financing.
By Baqar Bhatti LLB, CPA, CMA, CGMA | CEO & Owner of Panacea at Zenith | Mortgage agent with Search Mortgage Corporation | 289-952-3494 | pazca2017@gmail.com | www.pazca.com
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2y ago
This podcast briefly explains the steps that may be taken by a tax filer and his or her authorized representative to reply to a CRA inquiry letter to make sure that the reply looks professional, and it is supported by the relevant evidence.
By Baqar Bhatti LLB, CPA, CMA, CGMA | CEO & Owner of Panacea at Zenith | 289-952-3494 | pazca2017@gmail.com | www.pazca.com  ..read more
3y ago
There are two savings schemes available for Canadian residents and citizens. These schemes are TFSA and RRSP. Based on the respective merits and demerits of both saving schemes, it appears that TFSA is more advantageous and one may opt for RRSP only once the TFSA room has exhausted.
By Baqar Bhatti LLB, CPA, CMA, CGMA | CEO & Owner of Panacea at Zenith | 289-952-3494 | pazca2017@gmail.com | www.pazca.com  ..read more
3y ago
This podcast provides an overview of the importance of strategic planning for small businesses in a post-pandemic business environment to ensure survival and growth.
By Baqar Bhatti LLB, CPA, CMA, CGMA | CEO & Owner of Panacea at Zenith | 289-952-3494 | pazca2017@gmail.com | www.pazca.com  ..read more
4y ago
It is definitely a must to stay abreast with what is happening in the techie world, however, if operating the business does not require this new app or that new tool then it is definitely not a wise business decision to get it...
By Grace Nasralla, Business Blogger | e-presence Consultants Inc. (founders of BizReflections, The small business blog) | info@e-presence.ca | www.e-presence.ca.
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4y ago
What truly have differentiated businesses that are meeting their monthly revenue from businesses that are struggling to survive is innovation in remodelling the business to meet customer needs in a pandemic that really hit the business community hard. Here are 4 tips to guide a business to innovatively remodel its offerings.
By Grace Nasralla, Business Blogger | e-presence Consultants Inc. (founders of BizReflections, The small business blog) | info@e-presence.ca | www.e-presence.ca ..read more
4y ago
This podcast provides an overview of possible implications for CERB recipients who wrongly claimed the CERB relief or those whose cases fall in grey areas suggesting actions that they may take to avoid penalties.
By Baqar Bhatti LLB, CPA, CMA, CGMA | CEO & Owner of Panacea at Zenith | 289-952-3494 | pazca2017@gmail.com | www.pazca.com  ..read more
4y ago
This podcast provides an overview of key differences between the CERB and the CRB from eligibility, application and tax perspectives.
By Baqar Bhatti LLB, CPA, CMA, CGMA | CEO & Owner of Panacea at Zenith | 289-952-3494 | pazca2017@gmail.com | www.pazca.com  ..read more
4y ago
This Podcast provides an overview of the importance of co-working space in today's market. With soaring commercial lease prices now more than ever, entrepreneurs and small to medium size businesses are depending on co-working space to help their operations thrive.
by Bilal El Sheikhali, CEO at Britespace Offices | 416.722.7619 | bsheikh@britespaceoffices.com | www.britespaceoffices.com
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4y ago
This podcast provides an overview of the rationale behind adopting a progressive direct tax system to increase government tax revenues based on the principles of equity and equality.
By Baqar Bhatti LLB, CPA, CMA, CGMA | CEO & Owner of Panacea at Zenith | 289-952-3494 | pazca2017@gmail.com | www.pazca.com  ..read more