I Ran 167 Days In A Row And I Don’t Recommend It
Stuart Danker | I Write Stuff
by Stuart Danker
1M ago
My IG Story archive is just videos of me running. It’s not that I don’t want you to run. I don’t recommend it because you should find something that resonates with you. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start with a little introduction. So I’m the type of person who’d adopt a new habit, just because. No warning, no prep, and boom—suddenly I’m on a meditating streak. That’s how I quit my one-pack-a-day smoking habit. I just decided I wanted to stop smoking. That’s how I turned vegetarian for a couple of years. And as of 12 June 2024, I’ve officially run five kilometres a day, 167 days in ..read more
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Why I’ve Lost Interest In Words And What I’m Doing About It
Stuart Danker | I Write Stuff
by Stuart Danker
1M ago
So I lost interest in words for a bit. No writing, reading, or even listening to words, except when work is involved. It was just one thing after the other: a new job, a newborn, my old procrastination habit. You know, the usual. But it’s coming up to 16 months since landing a full-time job, and I’ve realised I hadn’t written for myself since.  Do you know how much time 16 months is? I could’ve written just 250 words a day and I’d have two novels by now. I could’ve spent twenty minutes a day learning a new language and have mastered a fourth language. I could’ve laid one brick a ..read more
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It’s Okay To Hurt
Stuart Danker | I Write Stuff
by Stuart Danker
3M ago
You’ve always felt different from a young age. You grew up being told you weren’t enough.  These would be the voices of a permanent gloom, a cloud that would follow you for the rest of your life. Yet you try outrunning your cloud. You pick up self-help books. You play motivational podcasts on repeat. You adopt the billionaires’ morning routines. But nothing changes. You’re still you. Only now you take cold showers and meditate as soon as you wake up. In a blink of an eye, your teenage years disappear behind you. You’ve garnered a few decades of life experience, but the dark cloud keeps lo ..read more
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So I Wore All Black For A Year To Improve My Social Skills
Stuart Danker | I Write Stuff
by Stuart Danker
4M ago
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. My pre-all-black days. I’ve always worn a black T-shirt for as far as I can remember. Scroll back through my Instagram account and you’ll probably catch the rogue grey or white, but I’ve always leaned more toward black clothes. I have to credit my genesis story to the series Californication. Hank Moody was a true inspiration to the budding writer that was yours truly, and so I adopted the fictional character’s wardrobe, as well as the philosophy of a personal uniform. But then came the next level—the day I decided to wear all black. Every day. I re ..read more
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I’m Not Cut Out To Be A Magazine Editor Because Of These Responsibilities
Stuart Danker | I Write Stuff
by Stuart Danker
4M ago
Ever since I joined the publishing industry, I aspired to be an editor. I just needed the writing skills, and I had a decent serving of that. I pictured myself catching typos and lecturing writers on how they could improve their style. I’d be perched at my desk, approving or rejecting pitches like I was swiping on Tinder. Every once in a while, I’d throw out words like ‘pagination’ or ‘masthead’. Turns out, I had totally misjudged that role. As a deputy editor for a lifestyle magazine, I get a first-hand look at what my boss does, and I’m quickly learning the many reasons why I might not want ..read more
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I Left WordPress, And Now I’m Back With A Mini-Me
Stuart Danker | I Write Stuff
by Stuart Danker
7M ago
During my active days on here, I’d wield the term Hiatus Monster a lot, complete with capitalisations and trademark symbol for the added oomph. I’d save this term specifically for bloggers who’d publish ‘I’m back’ posts after months of inactivity. “Everybody falls prey to the Hiatus Monster,” I’d type. “Hopefully you’ll evade capture the next time!” Not once did I think I’d fall into the monster’s jaws myself. Until now. A new human appears! A quick thank you Before that, I’d just like to take one minute to thank the likes of Kelvin, Brad, Betsy, Hetty, Melissa, A Peaceful Tree, Rhiannon, Sa ..read more
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This artist is dropping bombs about writing
Stuart Danker | I Write Stuff
by Stuart Danker
1y ago
Ideas are about confluence. I believe it’s Neil Gaiman who said that. I can’t come up with quotes like that. That’s because I don’t typically insert ten-dollar words like confluence into my everyday speech. And that’s despite the fact that I live in Kuala Lumpur (which literally means muddy confluence in Malay), but I digress. Anyway, in my spare time, I watch sketchbook videos so I can fancy myself an artist. That’s when I came across this talented Singaporean’s video and found myself upon a confluence. Chroma Moma’s (who shall henceforth be known as CM) thoughts on art mirrored mine on writi ..read more
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Sometimes you just have to embrace the chaos
Stuart Danker | I Write Stuff
by Stuart Danker
1y ago
My entire life has been based on sweating the details. I’d been a hairdresser, then an auditor, then a writer. And those vocations have been all about that centimetre, that one decimal, that one letter. So it didn’t come as a surprise that I felt obligated to pursue my hobbies the same way. That meant sticking to Ryder Carroll’s bullet journal guidelines to a tee. Or picking only one specific word processor to rule them all. Heck, I got into backpacks once because I decided to travel with only one carry-on, no matter the duration or location. But life is never linear, and the danger of distill ..read more
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Why routines are important
Stuart Danker | I Write Stuff
by Stuart Danker
1y ago
Say what you want about the self-help world, but if there’s one thing they got right, it’s morning routines. You don’t even need to adopt the industry standard habits either. No 4 a.m. wake-up times or cold showers necessary. A walk would suffice. Or a stretch. Even brewing your coffee a certain way counts as a routine, as long as you commit to it daily. Why are routines important? Because when there is one constant, every other variable in life becomes more noticeable. We’re human, after all, and we’re all susceptible to the likes of insomnia, illness, or in my case, constantly making vague r ..read more
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Plan to do it again tomorrow
Stuart Danker | I Write Stuff
by Stuart Danker
1y ago
You might adopt a diet to lose weight, a workout regimen to get fitter, a writing routine to finish your novel. But you’ll never attain anything meaningful if your pursuits end after you reach the finish line. It’s not about reaching your weight goal. It’s about staying there. No point aiming for riches if you’re just going to squander it all the very next day. Seeking improvement requires ditching the habits that are holding us back. So it makes no sense to return to past habits once you reach your goals. That means changing your eating habits for a lifetime. Not retiring from your passions ..read more
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