23 Bebidas populares en España
Podcast to practice Spanish
by dl Spanish lessons
1y ago
En España tenemos una gran gastronomía y en ella se incluyen muchas bebidas alcohólicas realmente ricas. Somos conocidos por nuestros grandes vinos, pero también puedes disfrutar de cavas, sidras, y de todo tipo de licores como el orujo, el herbero, el pacharán y muchos más. ¿Te suenan? ¿No? Escucha el pódcast y descubre todos ellos. Además de practicar tu español y aprender nuevo vocabulario puedes adquirir la transcripción y el vocabulario en mi web. ¡Disfruta! Transcripción y vocabulario: https://www.dlspanishlessons.com/podcasts/bebidas-populares-en-espana ..read more
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11. Se acerca el verano: ¿cómo vivimos esta temporada del año en España?
Podcast to practice Spanish
by dl Spanish lessons
1y ago
Transcripción + vocavulario: https://www.dlspanishlessons.com/blog/2020/06/12/se-acerca-el-verano-como-vivimos-esta-temporada-del-ano-en-espana/ Summer is one of people´s favourite seasons. It´s warmer, days are longer and we usually can get some days off. Then, we can travel, visit friends, eat ice cream... ¿How are holidays in Spain? Listen to this text in Spanish and practice your reading on my blog ..read more
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9. La Semana Santa
Podcast to practice Spanish
by dl Spanish lessons
1y ago
Transcripción: https://www.dlspanishlessons.com/blog/2020/04/08/la-semana-santa/ Short intro: The Holy Week is a celebration that begins on Palm Sunday. The main days of the Holy Week are Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. During the Holy Week the streets of many towns and cities are filled with processions of "nazarenos" and beautiful religious floats carried proudly by float bearers. Listen to the audio and learn much more ..read more
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6. Los apellidos en España
Podcast to practice Spanish
by dl Spanish lessons
1y ago
Transcripción + vocabulario: https://www.dlspanishlessons.com/blog/2020/01/27/los-apellidos-en-espana/ Short intro: You may have noticed that Spanish names are quite long as they have more words than in other cultures. The reason are not middle names, as in Spain they are not common, but it is due to our double surnames ..read more
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4. El Gazpacho Manchego
Podcast to practice Spanish
by dl Spanish lessons
1y ago
Transcripción aquí/here Short intro: Gazpachos manchegos is a winter dish cooked in a "caldero" (big pot) with meat, bread and broth. The name also reminds of the cold soup named "gazpacho", but it is quite different. Read about this delicious dish and try the recipe ..read more
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2. El sistema educativo en España
Podcast to practice Spanish
by dl Spanish lessons
1y ago
Transcription + vocabulary + exercise: https://www.dlspanishlessons.com/blog/2019/09/19/el-sistema-educativo-en-espana/ Short intro: “Back to school” is known today as the time when children and teenagers start the new academic year.  “La vuelta al cole” is in September. Here you have a post with information about the education system in Spain ..read more
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21 Los dispositivos electrónicos
Podcast to practice Spanish
by dl Spanish lessons
1y ago
Spanish vocabulary about the most used electronic devices. Transcript, vocabulary and infographic: https://www.dlspanishlessons.com/producto/transcript-vocabulary-and-infographic-for-podcast-21-electronic-devices/ Vocabulario en español de los dispositivos electrónicos más usados. Transcripción, vocabulario e infografía: https://www.dlspanishlessons.com/producto/transcripcion-vocabulario-y-infografia-del-podcast-21-dispositivos-electronicos/ Spanisches Vokabular der am häufigsten verwendeten elektronischen Geräte. Transkription, Wortschatz und Infografik: https://www.dlspanishlessons.com ..read more
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20 Nombres colectivos e individuales
Podcast to practice Spanish
by dl Spanish lessons
1y ago
Transcripción y lista de nombres colectivos más usados: https://www.dlspanishlessons.com/podcasts/nombres-colectivos-e-individuales (Transcription and list of most used collective names/Transkription und Liste der am häufigsten verwendeten Kollektivnamen) Hola, hoy vamos a tratar un tema de gramática del español. Los nombres colectivos y los individuales. 1. Qué son. 2. Cuándo usarlos. 3. Cómo escribirlos.. Hello, today we are going to deal with a Spanish grammar topic. Collective and individual nouns. 1. What are they? 2. When to use them? 3. How to write them? ¡Disfruta ..read more
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19 Estación: el otoño
Podcast to practice Spanish
by dl Spanish lessons
1y ago
Transcripción y vocabulario: https://www.dlspanishlessons.com/podcasts/estacion-el-otono Hola, hoy vamos a hablar de “El otoño”. El otoño trae muchos cambios, en el tiempo, en la ropa, también trae fiestas. Bien, pues de todo esto vamos a hablar: un pequeño popurrí de lo típico en otoño. Hello, today I'm going to talk about “El otoño (Autumn)”. Autumn comes with many changes, in the weather, in our clothes and it is a time of festivals. And we are going to talk about all this: a potpurrí typical autumn things. ¡Disfruta ..read more
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18 Comidas y horarios en España
Podcast to practice Spanish
by dl Spanish lessons
1y ago
Transcipción y videoreceta: https://www.dlspanishlessons.com/blog/2021/06/06/comer-en-espana/ In Spain there are 5 meals that divide the day: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Listen about our day ..read more
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