Fathers.com Blog
National Center for Fathering: Our vision is to have an actively engaged father or father figure in the life of every child. Striving to improve the lives of children and establish a positive fathering and family legacy that will impact future generations.
Fathers.com Blog
1w ago
National Center for Fathering
From Duty to Delight: Transforming Your Fatherhood
Committed dads embrace their role as a privilege, not an obligation. Shift your mindset and become a more engaged and positive father.
The post From Duty to Delight: Transforming Your Fatherhood appeared first on National Center for Fathering and is written by fathers.com ..read more
Fathers.com Blog
2w ago
National Center for Fathering
Time: Are You Spending or Investing?
As fathers, we need to invest every minute of our time wisely. Strengthening bonds with our children is clearly one of the highest-yield investments.
The post Time: Are You Spending or Investing? appeared first on National Center for Fathering and is written by fathers.com ..read more
Fathers.com Blog
2w ago
National Center for Fathering
Dad: Water Your Daughter’s Heart with Positive Words
Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield: Like a plant needs water, dad, your daughter needs your encouragement & affirmation. Nurture her heart. Help her thrive.
The post Dad: Water Your Daughter’s Heart with Positive Words appeared first on National Center for Fathering and is written by fathers.com ..read more
Fathers.com Blog
2w ago
National Center for Fathering
Instilling Generosity in Our Kids: Strategies for Dads
As dads, we play a crucial role in shaping our children's character. We can nurture compassion, a culture of giving, and a desire to make a difference.
The post Instilling Generosity in Our Kids: Strategies for Dads appeared first on National Center for Fathering and is written by fathers.com ..read more
Fathers.com Blog
2w ago
National Center for Fathering
Keep Using Your Unique, Mysterious Secrets with Your Kids
Some fathering practices are distinctive to you and your kids, and somehow they just work. Even simple rituals can strengthen your bond with them.
The post Keep Using Your Unique, Mysterious Secrets with Your Kids appeared first on National Center for Fathering and is written by fathers.com ..read more
Fathers.com Blog
2w ago
National Center for Fathering
Dad Hacks: Use These, Share Yours
Dads can use tips and tricks to make our demanding role a little easier. Some are practical and everyday, and others more serious and life-changing.
The post Dad Hacks: Use These, Share Yours appeared first on National Center for Fathering and is written by fathers.com ..read more
Fathers.com Blog
3w ago
National Center for Fathering
Consistent Fathering: A Steady Hand in a Stormy World
Fathers play an important role in providing a reliable reference point for their children, especially during challenging and uncertain times.
The post Consistent Fathering: A Steady Hand in a Stormy World appeared first on National Center for Fathering and is written by fathers.com ..read more
Fathers.com Blog
1M ago
National Center for Fathering
Dad: Water Your Daughter’s Heart with Positive Words
Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield: Like a plant needs water, dad, your daughter needs your encouragement & affirmation. Nurture her heart. Help her thrive.
The post Dad: Water Your Daughter’s Heart with Positive Words appeared first on National Center for Fathering and is written by fathers.com ..read more
Fathers.com Blog
1M ago
National Center for Fathering
5 Ways Dads Can Protect Their Kids from Digital Dangers
by David Tucker: Discover 5 essential strategies for dads to create a safe plan for their children as they interact with media and the digital world.
The post 5 Ways Dads Can Protect Their Kids from Digital Dangers appeared first on National Center for Fathering and is written by fathers.com ..read more
Fathers.com Blog
1M ago
National Center for Fathering
Instilling Generosity in Our Kids: Strategies for Dads
As dads, we play a crucial role in shaping our children's character. We can nurture compassion, a culture of giving, and a desire to make a difference.
The post Instilling Generosity in Our Kids: Strategies for Dads appeared first on National Center for Fathering and is written by fathers.com ..read more