Musings of a Stay At Home Dad
Interviewing other stay-at-home parents about the joys and challenges of parenting and how they keep their identity while raising their children.
Musings of a Stay At Home Dad
3y ago
This month I interviewed Laura, mother of three, who has been a stay at home parent for the last five years.  ..read more
Musings of a Stay At Home Dad
3y ago
I had a blast interviewing Mary and I hope you enjoy listening to her story! She has been a stay at home parent since her son, Will, was born a little over two years ago and currently pregnant with baby number two. She is eloquent and honest about the joys and challenges of being a stay at home parent.   ..read more
Musings of a Stay At Home Dad
3y ago
This month I interviewed Annie, a mother of three, who has been staying at home for 4 months.  ..read more
Musings of a Stay At Home Dad
3y ago
Just a short preview to let you know that musings of a stay at home dad podcast is back and the first episode is set to drop in one week! (Friday Oct. 1) Hope you all had a wonderful summer, looking forward to bringing you more stay at home parent interviews!
Email: musingsofastayathomedad612@gmail.com ..read more
Musings of a Stay At Home Dad
3y ago
This month I had the pleasure of talking with Dana. We discussed the differences in raising kids in the US versus Spain. The challenges and isolation COVID can impose on stay at home parents especially those far away from their support systems and parents. Our shared love of books especially those written by BIPOC authors and a short but frank discussion about race and how it impacts our parenting and children.
Due to the seven and a half hour time difference, we had the interview while Gus was up and he happened to bump his head really hard under our dining room table (don't ask ..read more
Musings of a Stay At Home Dad
3y ago
This month, I chatted with Erin from Appleton, WI. She is a mother of three and has been a stay at home mom for the last five and a half years. We talk about the beauty of stay at home parenting along with challenges it presents such as the difficulty of having your own passions, the need for having something to help center yourself, and finding some alone time when you have multiple children.
Also added a new segment called Quick Six, let me know your thoughts!
I hope you enjoy!  ..read more
Musings of a Stay At Home Dad
4y ago
Mother's Day Special!
I interviewed both my mother and mother-in-law this month, who both spent significant time in the role of stay at home moms. The podcast is split in two parts, my mom's interview is first and then Janet's interview is second. If you want to skip to Janet's interview it is at the 37 minute 17 second mark.
As always, the Curtis boys (Milo and Gus) created the music used in the podcast.
If you know any stay at home parent interested in being interviewed, send them my way!
I hope you enjoy ..read more
Musings of a Stay At Home Dad
4y ago
This month I had the pleasure of talking with Dana. We discussed the differences in raising kids in the US versus Spain. The challenges and isolation COVID can impose on stay at home parents especially those far away from their support systems and parents. Our shared love of books especially those written by BIPOC authors and a short but frank discussion about race and how it impacts our parenting and children.
Due to the seven and a half hour time difference, we had the interview while Gus was up and he happened to bump his head really hard under our dining room table (don't ask ..read more
Musings of a Stay At Home Dad
4y ago
This month, I chatted with Erin from Appleton, WI. She is a mother of three and has been a stay at home mom for the last five and a half years. We talk about the beauty of stay at home parenting along with challenges it presents such as the difficulty of having your own passions, the need for having something to help center yourself, and finding some alone time when you have multiple children.
Also added a new segment called Quick Six, let me know your thoughts!
I hope you enjoy!  ..read more
Musings of a Stay At Home Dad
4y ago
I had a blast interviewing Mary and I hope you enjoy listening to her story! She has been a stay at home parent since her son, Will, was born a little over two years ago and currently pregnant with baby number two. She is eloquent and honest about the joys and challenges of being a stay at home parent.   ..read more