The Long Jump
A mix of opinions, interviews, thoughts, news, business, and generally interesting topics from the perspective of a 38 year old Dutch stay-home dad living in NL. Going beyond frontpage news and diving deeper into the stories behind people, developments, and culture.
The Long Jump
3M ago
In this episode of the Stay Home Dad podcast, Peter sits down with Jessica, who is an English teacher at an international primary school. She teaches to kids that already have a good level of English, but also to kids that have to start from scratch.
Peter and Jessica discuss education in general, how to approach a new language with kids and a bit of Jessica's personal story
Join the conversation on the Stay Home Dad Podcast's facebook page!
reach out to Peter on Instagram via @peterdoes ..read more
The Long Jump
1y ago
In deze super interessante aflevering heb ik Ietske de Bray en Linda Nieuwenburg te gast om te vertellen over het Kind naar Gezonder Gewicht in Alkmaar. Dit project pakt alle probleemgebieden binnen gezinnen aan die een ongezonde levensstijl en overgewicht voor kinderen tot gevolg hebben.
Meer informatie over het project vind je hier: https://kindnaargezondergewicht.nl/
Je kunt Ietske en Linda vinden op LinkedIn
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The Long Jump
1y ago
In this fascinating episode, i catch up with a friend who ive known for 20 years. Marie-Claire is pregnant with her 2nd kid and is running into the frustrations of the recruitmentprocess that even in 2022 does not seem to be able to deal with pregnant women.
We discuss kids, gender gaps, pay gaps, inequality, solutions, problems and generally have a serious look at the career landscape for young and ambitious women, that seems to struggle with what happens when kids get thrown in the mix.
You can find Marie-Claire and her original post that we mention in the talk on LInkedin: https://www.linke ..read more
The Long Jump
1y ago
My guest in this episode is generally considered one of the worlds best crack-climbers. Pete Whittaker is a climber, youtuber and entrepreneur and allround awesome guy. We talk about how he got into climbing, what crackclimbing is, the current and future state of the climbing industry and of course about his company Wide Boyz.
You can find Wide Boyz here: https://wideboyz.com/ as well as on instagram https://www.instagram.com/wide_boyz/
You can find Pete himself on Instagram as well under his handle: petewhittaker01
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The Long Jump
1y ago
In this episode of the Long Jump podcast, peter talks to Coen Mitchell, owner of Tattoo Gold in Auckland NZ.
Coen shares his journey from artistic teen, to world traveller, to meeting his partner and starting his shop. Its an interesting look behind the curtain of an artist, businessowner and allround tattoofanatic.
Find more about Tattoo Gold on their website and surely follow them on IG: www.instagram.com/tattoogold_
For general enquiries only, please send us an e-mail to info@tattoogoldnz.com.
If your request is urgent, please don't hesitate to call us on 027 882 8866 ..read more
The Long Jump
1y ago
In deze aflevering praat Peter met Jethro Wallenburg, Holistisch Coach voor ondernemers over het belang van mentale en fysieke gezondheid om het beste uit jezelf en uit het leven te halen.
Fit zijn is zeker niet alleen maar naar de sportschool gaan, maar heeft vele aspecten. Jethro vertelt over correct neerleggen van de puzzelstukjes om zijn clienten te helpen met soms onverwachtse methoden.
Meer informatie en contact details van Jethro kun je vinden op:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/jethro.energy
email mail@jethro.org en
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jethrowallenburg
Telefoon: +31648206590 ..read more
The Long Jump
1y ago
In deze aflevering praat Peter met Robin, eigenaar van Tattoo Atelier Ink Panthers. Robin runt een nieuwe stijl tattooshop, met logische processen en een frisse kijk op een traditionele industrie.
Robin vertelt ook over de tegenslagen en kansen van de corona pandemie, hoe het allemaal begonnen is en het organiseren van zijn eigen tattoo-conventie.
Ink Panthers kun je vinden op
https://www.ink-panthers.com/ of op instagram @inkpanthers
Bovenstestraat 8
6101 EK Echt
Email: info@ink-panthers.com
Tel: +31(0)475 480135
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The Long Jump
1y ago
Probably one of Peter's favourite guests: Vilma Olsson, the 2019 European Powerlifting champion in the 72kg class and current squat world record holder.
Peter and Vilma talk about powerlifting, records, goals, life in general, being a rolemodel and many more things in this hour long episode
Here is a list of Vilma's sponsors
Tyngre: https://tyngre.se/
Nocco: https://nocco.com/
barbells: https://barebells.com/
SBD: https://sbdapparel.com/
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The Long Jump
1y ago
In deze nederlandse aflevering praat Peter met de oprichtster van Fem Invest Patricia. Ze bespreken Patricia's eigen weg als ondernemer, moeder, echtgenote en vrouw en de huidige staat van de financiele en crypto industrie.
Ook bespreken ze over het "financieel literair" maken van kinderen en volwassenen om te zorgen dat je controle kunt pakken over je eigen financiele toekomst.
Voor meer informatie over Patricia en Fem Invest kun je terecht op de website: https://fem-invest.nl/
niets uit deze podcast is financieel advies, deze podcast is voor informatieve en entertainment doeleind ..read more
The Long Jump
1y ago
In this episode Peter sits down with the nr 22 ranked female squash player in the world, Danielle Letourneau. She gives a fascinating look into the life of a professional athlete and what she does on a day-to-day basis to crack into the global top 10 of squash.
We talk a lot about her routines, food and training, but also about the game itself and how its evolving and of course about her move from Canada to Cairo to pursue her squash career.
Check out Danielle's YouTube channel here
Find Danielle on Instagram here
You can find the Long Jump Podcast on all your fav podcast platforms. Feel free ..read more