The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast
Teaching strategies, classroom management, education reform, educational technology - if it has something to do with teaching, we're talking about it. Jennifer Gonzalez interviews educators, students, administrators, and parents about the psychological and social dynamics of school, trade secrets, and other juicy things you'll never learn in a textbook.
The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast
6d ago
In a classroom that is emotionally "cool," no one is preoccupied with any kind of anger, hurt feelings, anxiety, or fear, and this frees them up to concentrate on academics. One way to make that happen is by using neutral language: By choosing words that are less judgy and more neutral, we keep things professional, calm, and cool.
Thanks to Explore Learning for sponsoring this EduTip!
You can find full written versions of these tips at cultofpedagogy.com/edutips ..read more
The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast
1w ago
As our understanding of the human mind gets more sophisticated and nuanced, we're learning how to identify neurodivergence, how to appreciate it, and how to help those who fit under that umbrella navigate the world better. In this episode I'm joined by Emily Kircher-Morris and Amanda Morin, authors of the new book Neurodiversity-Affirming Schools. The book offers all kinds of specific guidance that will help teachers reshape their classrooms into places that offer flexible options for students with a wide range of "wiring." In today's episode, they'll share four actionable changes you can make ..read more
The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast
2w ago
As you move through your career, you'll discover new ways of doing things that you're excited about — so excited that you want to share them with colleagues and convince them to try them, too. But trained professionals aren't always open to changing the way they work, and we don't want to come off as the know-it-all telling everyone what to do. So the most effective way to share a new idea is to talk about it in terms of "I."
Thanks to Grouper for sponsoring this EduTip!
You can find full written versions of these tips at cultofpedagogy.com/edutips ..read more
The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast
3w ago
To become skilled readers, our students need reading instruction in all of their classes, not just English language arts. But if other subject-area teachers don't know how to support readers, how can they do this? In this episode, literacy expert Jen Serravallo walks us through the steps of a close reading lesson, one of nine re-usable lesson structures she offers in her new book, Teaching Reading Across the Day. By the time you're done with this episode, you'll be able to teach a close reading lesson yourself.
Thanks to Wix Tomorrow and Brisk Teaching for sponsoring this e ..read more
The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast
1M ago
When student behavior starts driving you bananas, and you feel like you're going to yell, this simple notebook technique can regulate your nervous system and calm your class down fast.
Thanks to Grouper for sponsoring this EduTip!
You can find full written versions of these tips at cultofpedagogy.com/edutips ..read more
The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast
1M ago
It's our annual round-up of tools for educators, and this time along with it, we're announcing the launch of the online version of our Teacher's Guide to Tech! This year we're talking about three new AI tools, a platform for creating interactive lessons, a video editor, and a tool that makes text more accessible to everyone, plus a replacement for any teacher who really misses Flip! My lead technology specialist, Marnie Diem, joins me to talk about them.
Thanks to Alpaca and Brisk Teaching for sponsoring this episode.
To see videos of these tools in action, visit cultofpedagogy ..read more
The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast
2M ago
It can happen to the best of us — classroom management deteriorating over time. Don't despair! By figuring out where the problems are, you can turn things back around. My guest is Claire English, who runs an incredible platform called The Unteachables, where she shows teachers how to manage their classrooms with confidence and calm. We talk about three reasons why classroom management can fall apart midway through a school year and what teachers can do to get things heading back in the right direction.
Thanks to Scholastic Magazines+ and Alpaca for sponsoring this episode.
For a ..read more
The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast
2M ago
Multitasking isn't great for our brains, it compromises our mental health, and ultimately it doesn't even work, but that doesn't stop many of us from trying to do it all the time. What we may not realize is that it also sneaks into our classrooms and interferes with learning, and it's happening in ways you may not even notice. In today's episode, I'm talking with cognitive scientist Megan Sumeracki about the pitfalls multitasking creates in schools, and what we can do to avoid them.
Thanks to The Gilder Lehrman Institute and Alpaca&nb ..read more
The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast
2M ago
You can never have too many ideas for helping struggling students, right? In this episode, you'll get a few more that you may not have tried. My guests are two teachers — learning specialist Sarah Riggs Johnson and math teacher Nate Wolkenhauer — who share their system of strategies that help all students learn better, a kind of pyramid where the ones at the bottom apply to all students, the middle layers are used with a smaller group, and at the top are strategies that are only needed for a few students. If you teach math or special ed, this one is a must, but even if you don't, you're going ..read more
The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast
2M ago
Do you ever feel like you're just marching through your content, trying to get it done? Like your students are just regurgitating it back, but not really learning it? Would you love to design deeper learning experiences in your classroom, but you're just not sure how? This episode may have some answers for you. I talk with Sarah Fine, co-author of the book In Search of Deeper Learning, about the specific elements found in classrooms that offer richer, more engaging learning experiences for students, and how you can apply those elements to your own teaching.
Thanks to EVERFI and ..read more