E5. 103: Diverted Neutral Current 2025
Team Electrical Podcast
by Paul Meenan
1M ago
It is 2025 and Sparky Ninja aka Mr David watts gave us a tour through his Northern Irleand Presentation he created with  @JPElectric  with an updated presentation of his ever evolving understanding of the phenominon of Diverted Neutral Current or is it Diverted Net Current ..read more
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E5. 102: AI in EIectrical Installations
Team Electrical Podcast
by Paul Meenan
1M ago
Paul speaks to Dave and JW about a recent talk in done in Northern Ireland where he takes us through a concept he developed with AI, MODUS and the ICG (intelligent Circuit Guardian) Could it be a thing ..read more
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E5. 82: Earthing without Rods
Team Electrical Podcast
by Paul Meenan
1M ago
In this podcast 82: Earthing without Rods, the Three Amigos are joined by SAE from Canada and Earthing Solutions from the UK to look at ways to eliminate using a earth rod ..read more
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E5. 87: The 1st Edition
Team Electrical Podcast
by Paul Meenan
4M ago
JW, Paul and David talk the first ever edition of the wiring rules and how its not changed that much ..read more
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E5. 101: Potential Induced Degredation
Team Electrical Podcast
by Paul Meenan
5M ago
JW and Paul discuss PID aka potential induced degreation and Paracitic Capacitance affecting solar installs ..read more
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E5. 100: EICRs - Which Edition?
Team Electrical Podcast
by Paul Meenan
5M ago
JW and Paul delve into teh subject after being asked whihc edition should I inspect and test to? Its a common query so we delve into teh regs and BS0 to look at why we do ..read more
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E5. 99: Amendment 4
Team Electrical Podcast
by Paul Meenan
6M ago
JW, Paul and David run through an epically long journey covering the proposed changes in the Draft For Public Comment (DPC) Amendment 4 of the wiring regs. we do not cover them all ..read more
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E5. 98: BS 7671 Amendment 3
Team Electrical Podcast
by Paul Meenan
6M ago
John Ward, Paul and SparkyNinja are back after a long sabatical to talk about electrical things. Specifically Amendment 3 to BS 7671 ..read more
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E5. 97: Electrical Installations in Furniture
Team Electrical Podcast
by Paul Meenan
1y ago
The three Amigos return for a long awaited extended chat around electrical installations in furniture aka BS 6396 ..read more
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E5. 96: Pop Devices
Team Electrical Podcast
by Paul Meenan
1y ago
We introduce the POP device. what its is, the standards and if it will ever appear in day to day lives of sparks ..read more
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