S. 16 Ep. 14 The Murder of Sean Kennedy
Beyond The Rainbow
by Rainbowcrimes
1w ago
20 year old Sean Kennedy was adorable with his big dimples and young Justin Beiber haircut. He left a bar one May night in 2007 only to be assault for his sexual identity. After the assault Sean would die 17 hours later. True Crime Quickie is from Jackson, Mississippi in 2024. Intro: Shire Girl by David Fesilyan Outro: Heartbeat by David Renton Resources: https://www.towleroad.com/2008/06/moller-gets-3-y/ https://www.towleroad.com/2007/06/hundreds_attend/ https://www.towleroad.com/2007/05/sc_hate_crime_m/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvgXJj9mTkY https://www.towleroad.com/2007/05/arrest_m ..read more
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S. 16 Ep. 13 John and Mark - The Whacked Story of Two Teen Boys
Beyond The Rainbow
by Rainbowcrimes
2w ago
In 2003, Manchester, England, a 14 year old boy and a 16 year old boy would meet in a chat room. What conspired afterwards was criminal.True Crime Quickie is from Laguna Beach, California in the year 2021. If you'd like to record a soundbite for future episodes...here's the script: Darkcast Network ā€“ The Best in Indie Podcasts Check out all the incredible Darkcast Network Shows at darkcastnetwork.com ! Hey there, I'm (your name) and you are listening to Rainbow Crimes with hopefully some Unicorn Justice. Please email to Beyondtherainbowpod@gmail.com Rainbow Crimes | creating podcast ..read more
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S. 16 Ep. 12 Frenemies - A Collaboration Episode with Book of the Dead Podcast - Missy & Skylar
Beyond The Rainbow
by Rainbowcrimes
3w ago
Join hosts Courtney from The Book of the Dead and CJ from Rainbowcrimes for two chilling tales of Frenenemies. Courtney covers 17 year old Missy Avila from California and CJ tackles the well known case of 16 year old Skylar Neese.  Rainbow Crimes | creating podcast episodes | Patreon Promo for: Murder and Mimosas Intro: Shire Girl by David Fesilyn Outro: Beating Heart by David Renda Resources: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/in-practice/201304/the-3-types-frenemies https://people.com/missy-avila-murder-teens-killed-friend-jealousy-8738378 https://issuu.com/santamonicaumc/docs ..read more
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S. 16 Ep. 11 The Crimes of Glen Race
Beyond The Rainbow
by Rainbowcrimes
1M ago
A young Canadian man with schizophrenia goes on a killing spree in 2007.  Is he using his condition as an excuse for the murders? True Crime Quickie is from Perry, Iowa in 2024 Intro: Shire Girl -David Fesliyan Outro: Beating Heart - David Renda Rainbow Crimes | creating podcast episodes | Patreon Taking new intro recordings now! No need for fancy recording equip just do it on your phone and email it to: Beyondtherainbowpod@gmail.com Script: Darkcast Network ā€“ the best in indie podcasts, check out all of the amazing Darkcast shows at darkcastnetwork.com.  Hey there! Iā€™m ________ ..read more
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S. 16 Miniode D- Murder of a Houston Family
Beyond The Rainbow
by Rainbowcrimes
1M ago
In this final minisode of the year, we go to Houston, Texa where love and jealousy ends the life of a family. Promo for Famous Last Words Intro: Black Moons by The 126ers Outro: Subtle Betrayal by SYBS Rainbow Crimes | creating podcast episodes | Patreon Resources: https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/xavier-davis-no-bond-for-suspect-killed-couple-6-year-old-girl/285-df11c2af-d1cd-48b1-ae3d-0a7eb257478e https://www.fox26houston.com/news/community-rallies-around-3-young-children-whose-parents-sister-were-murdered https://abc13.com/xavier-davis-fondren-shooting-family-killed-6-year-old/10 ..read more
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Minisode C -The Murder of Lauryn Paige Fuller
Beyond The Rainbow
by Rainbowcrimes
1M ago
19 year old trans woman, Lauryn Paige Fuller battled bullying most of her life. She dropped out of high school and rarely spent any time at her family's home. She mostly stayed with her best friend and on the streets. One night in January of 1999, her life would come to a screeching halt. Rainbow Crimes | creating podcast episodes | Patreon Intro: Black Moon by The 126ers Outro: Subtle Betrayal by SYBS Resources: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/20643310/donald_scott-fuller https://www.foto8.com/issue08/scottfuller1.html https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/1999/01/09/lauryn-paige ..read more
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Season 16: Minisode B The Murder of Shelley Nance
Beyond The Rainbow
by Rainbowcrimes
1M ago
20 year old Shelley Nance was a student at The Art Institute of Dallas.  She had just started to date a fellow classmate who had a very jealous room mate. Promo for: Love & Murder Podcast Intro: Black Moons by The 126ers Outro: Subtle Betrayal by SYBS Rainbow Crimes | creating podcast episodes | Patreon Resources: https://thecinemaholic.com/shelley-nance-murder-where-is-daniel-willyam-now/ https://dallasvoice.com/gay-navy-pastry-chef-guilty-murdering-roommates-girlfriend-dallas/ https://www.dailycrime.com/murder-of-shelley-nance-by-daniel-willyam-investigated-on-a-heated-defense ..read more
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Season 16 Minisode A - The Evil of Robert Van Hook
Beyond The Rainbow
by Rainbowcrimes
2M ago
For 10 years 25 year old Robert Van Hook was a serial robber of gay men. Then suddenly he snapped and murdered 25 year old David Self in Cincinatti, Ohio. Promo for: Scottish Murders Intro: Black Moons by The 126ers Outro: Subtle Betrayal by SYBS Resources: https://www.boston.com/news/education/2024/12/03/a-new-mass-high-school-is-catering-specifically-to-lgbtq-students-heres-what-to-know/ https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/crime/crime-and-courts/2018/07/17/execution-homosexual-panic-murderer-set-10-m/792535002/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ohio-executes-robert-van-hook-who-strangled-and ..read more
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S. 16 Ep. 10 The Murder of Steen Fenrich
Beyond The Rainbow
by Rainbowcrimes
2M ago
19 year old Steen Fenrich disappeared from Queens, NY in September of 1999. His 20th birthday passed, as did Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. All during that time, no one, including his parents, reported him missing. March of 2000, a man walking through a park in Queens found a faded plastic tote. Inside were human remains that someone had attempted to burn in acid. The skin and flesh were pulled away from the skull to reveal someone had taken a permanent marker and wrote the victims social security number on it, as well as a racial and gay slur. 2 Quickies, first one from Washington DC ..read more
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S. 16 Episode 6 Seven Murders in Five Years - Dallas Area Serial Killer?
Beyond The Rainbow
by Rainbowcrimes
2M ago
OMG this has episode has been a beast to get right! First only 3 minutes uploaded and then I uploaded an unedited version apparently....sigh! Here's the one it should be!  And I am not putting all the resources back in the show notes...just trust I didn't steal the material from another podcaster... I'm sorry this particular episode has been a struggle to get out! Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/beyond-the-rainbow-podcast--4398945/support ..read more
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