Bitesize EdgeNLP
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming and we believe it's one of the most powerful professional and personal development tools in the world. 75% of The Fortune 500 companies use it as a tool in their businesses which says it all, really!
Bitesize EdgeNLP
2y ago
A frank and fascinating conversation with Syd who lost her sight at 9 months old through cancer. Syd is now a coach, and a campaigner for raising awareness of visually impaired people. Working as a mentor for a VI charity, running her own coaching business, being part of a band that has recently been signed up AND swimming and running, Syd doesn't allow her disability to limit her at all... so much we can learn from this inspirational Podcast ..read more
Bitesize EdgeNLP
2y ago
A fascinating conversation with John a highly talented individual with a unique approach. a frank conversation about the importance of change and how we can all become a better version of ourselves ..read more
Bitesize EdgeNLP
3y ago
Social Media- love it or hate it, it's now a big part of any business. Sarah is a VA who specialises in all things social media and loves it (I am glad someone does!) Sarah is passionate about paying forward and offers a free facebook group for business owners who want help in demystifying the world of social media platforms. Sarah also loves a good vision board and offers this as a service to her clients. If you are looking for a VA then look no further: Website: www.crownvaservices.co.uk Instagram: www.instagram.com/crownvaservices Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/createsocial ..read more
Bitesize EdgeNLP
3y ago
A frank and funny conversation with the fabulous Sally Riceman, talking all things menopause, including how hair and beauty are such an important part of who we are and how to make the best of how we feel about ourselves. The impact of the menopause, peri-menopause on how we see ourselves and how to face it with honesty and humour. Fabulously funny, totally honest and massively relatable for most females ..read more
Bitesize EdgeNLP
3y ago
Simplicity of Success - with Simon Jordon by Pip Thomas & Jools Montague ..read more
Bitesize EdgeNLP
3y ago
Penny talks candidly about her journey in business, the successes, the pain points and moments of complete despair. Sharing her drivers and the elements of building a business that brings her Joy. Hear all about her latest venture with Thomas ( husband) BIP100 ...you will be sure to leave this podcast feeling inspired. @pennypower - twitter @pennyfpower - insta FB page https://www.facebook.com/PennypowerOBE Li https://www.linkedin.com/in/pennypower ..read more
Bitesize EdgeNLP
3y ago
Penny shares her story as a business owner, her journey to now in this open, candid and inspiring Podcast. BIP 100 is her latest company set up with her husband Thomas where they focus on building a community of 100 business owners. Leading to serve is inherit in Penny's nature and comes to the forefront with BIP. A truly fabulous conversation with a remarkable ( she wont like me for saying that) woman. @pennypower - twitter @pennyfpower - insta FB page https://www.facebook.com/PennypowerOBE Li https://www.linkedin.com/in/pennypower ..read more
Bitesize EdgeNLP
3y ago
By the age of 25 Kirsty was struggling with an eating disorder and was abusing fitness. Five years later Kirsty had trained to be a personal trainer. She understood the importance of nutrition and used fitness positively. With her further study in NLP, Kirsty also works as a successful mindset coach. A truly insightful and delightful conversation ..read more
Bitesize EdgeNLP
3y ago
An open and candid conversation with the fabulous Sam Vale. A creative individual who has a refreshingly honest view of body confidence, the narratives we use and how to find balance in a fluid unpredictable world. Sam shares how her drive for balance influences some decisions during her journey with Breast Cancer and how encouraging body confidence and openness with her two children is so important ..read more
Bitesize EdgeNLP
3y ago
Having left the Navy Andy worked in Asia for a Power Station polluting the air and quickly realised that things needed to change. The older you get you realise what is important to you and it doesn't have to be money. Having moved across in the Forestry Sector Andy set up The Patt Foundation 16 years ago, planting 3 million trees across 8 countries. Now wrapping the skills that veterans can bring and the therapeutic qualities working with trees can bring to mental health - Andy has a fabulous Story to share ..read more