Ep. 16: The First (Virginia) Thanksgiving
The Week in Review at the Abbeville Institute
by The Abbeville Institute
1w ago
American Thanksgiving wasn't born in Massachusetts. We can thank Virginia for this important holiday ..read more
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Ep. 10: The Southern Poet and His Tradition
The Week in Review at the Abbeville Institute
by The Abbeville Institute
1w ago
Donald Davidson wrote an essay in 1932 arguing for the influence of the Southern poet in the Southern tradition while concurrently blasting the Northern Progressive for his destruction of post-War Southern culture ..read more
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Ep. 2: Jefferson Davis's Farewell Address
The Week in Review at the Abbeville Institute
by The Abbeville Institute
1w ago
Even just a few years ago, Jefferson Davis's January 1861 Farewell Address to the United States Senate was considered to be one of the most important speeches in United States history. Those who heard it both wept and cheered as Davis led several other Senators out of the chamber. The speech is one of the "essential Southern" documents that everyone should know about. https://abbevilleinstitute.salsalabs.org/DonorForm1/index.html ..read more
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Ep. 350
The Week in Review at the Abbeville Institute
by The Abbeville Institute
1w ago
The Week in Review at the Abbeville Institute March 27 - April 7 Topics: Southern History, Southern Tradition, Southern Culture Host: Brion McClanahan www.brionmccclanahan.com ..read more
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Ep. 341
The Week in Review at the Abbeville Institute
by The Abbeville Institute
1w ago
The Week in Review at the Abbeville Institute Jan 23-27, 2023 Topics: Robert E. Lee, Confederate Monuments, Cancel Culture, Southern History, the War Host: Brion McClanahan www.brionmcclanahan.com ..read more
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Ep. 15: Secession and Reconciliation
The Week in Review at the Abbeville Institute
by The Abbeville Institute
1M ago
Modern activist historians think "reconciliation" is a pejorative, but for most Americans in the early 20th century, it was a necessary part of healing. This included histories written by Southerners. We discuss one of those books on this episode of The Essential Southern Podcast ..read more
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Ep. 14: Why Southern History?
The Week in Review at the Abbeville Institute
by The Abbeville Institute
4M ago
Why did Southerners in the early twentieth century think they needed to write their own history? Support the Institute: https://abbevilleinstitute.salsalabs.org/DonorForm1/index.html ..read more
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Ep. 13: Arlington Reconciliation
The Week in Review at the Abbeville Institute
by The Abbeville Institute
5M ago
How did Americans think about the Arlington Confederate or Reconciliation monument in 1914? They clearly told you, and it isn't what the woke cancel culture folks want you to believe ..read more
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Ep. 12: St. Elmo and Southern Women
The Week in Review at the Abbeville Institute
by The Abbeville Institute
6M ago
Augusta Jane Evans's St. Elmo was one of the best selling novels of the 19th Century. You would not know that today, but for generations, women read it and handed it down to their daughters and female family members. Why is it blacklisted? You'll hear. Donate to the Abbeville Institute: https://abbevilleinstitute.salsalabs.org/DonorForm1/index.html ..read more
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Ep. 11: The South and History
The Week in Review at the Abbeville Institute
by The Abbeville Institute
8M ago
E. Merton Coulter was one of the more prominent Southern historians of the 20th century. In 1935, he explained why the South lagged behind the North in the writing of history until the 1860s, and then why the South needed to write its own history ..read more
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