Exploring Astrophysics
Join me as I learn about the world of Astrophysics. My name is Vikram Bhamre and I am 16 years old. I will look into the daily lives of people in the profession, explore the breadth of the topic, and gain a deeper understanding of the nuances of the field.
Exploring Astrophysics
1y ago
Welcome to episode 30 of exploring astrophysics with me, Vikram Bhamre. Today I am joined by Dr. Kareem El-Badry, a researcher who works mostly in the analysis of binary star systems and has obtained the nickname ‘Black hole destroyer’ for some of his past work. Stay tuned to hear more about that ..read more
Exploring Astrophysics
1y ago
Hi everyone, welcome to another episode of exploring astrophysics. Today I am speaking to Dr Lynne Hillenbrand, a professor of Astronomy at Caltech who is an expert in the formation and evolution of young stars and the formation of star clusters. Dr. Hillenbrand spoke to me about trying to learn more about the evolution of these young stars, whose processes are often hidden behind dust and gasses from the Nebula it is in. Her work is partly focus on the properties of the circumstellar disc, a disc of gas and dust that rotates around a young star ..read more
Exploring Astrophysics
1y ago
Today I am joined by Dr Maria Charisi, a postdoctoral associate at Vanderbilt university. Her expertise is in looking for Supermassive Black-Hole Binaries: which are systems that are formed during the collisions of galaxies and weigh well over hundreds of millions of times our Sun. Dr Charisi also talked about her experience in academia and how she would describe it to someone potentially looking for a career in research ..read more
Exploring Astrophysics
1y ago
In this episode, Dr Simcoe spoke about his research involving spectroscopy to look back into the early universe and search for the first stars. He also spoke about another interest of his - designing and building astronomical telescopes and instruments - and how it first began when he was still in high school. Lastly, he gave us a sneak peek into the job of a director of a huge astrophysics department like MIT's Kavli institute and the work that goes in to managing it ..read more
Exploring Astrophysics
1y ago
In this episode, Dr Panopoulou spoke about how every galaxy has a magnetic field, and by using the polarisation of light we are able to map the structure of this field in our galaxy. We talked about the difficulties of doing this, including the limited information the polarisation of light can convey and how hard it is to check the accuracy of any results.  ..read more
Exploring Astrophysics
2y ago
Dr Romer shared some of her most exciting and coolest experiences as an astrophysicist, including a trip to the south pole! She also mentioned how in the past astronomers would have to travel to the obersevations sites in places like Chile to take the images, rather than having it all automated from your office. Dr Romer spoke about the recent James Webb space telescope images, and her reaction and thoughts to seeing the amazing pictures ..read more
Exploring Astrophysics
2y ago
In this episode, Sven spoke to me about his work in gravitational lensing, and more specifically, a novel statistical analysis method he is developing. He also spoke about how he transitioned to astrophysics from studying math, as well as how his analysis technique could prove incredibly useful in learning more about the matter distribution in our universe ..read more
Exploring Astrophysics
2y ago
Dr Jeffery goes into detail about how dark energy and dark matter, two things he is researching extensively, are elusive and that astrophysicists know very little about it. The Dark Energy Survey is a project which he is part of that tries to map the distribution of dark energy in our universe. Dr Jeffrey also spoke about machine learning in the context of his research and how it is being used extensively throughout the projects he is working in ..read more
Exploring Astrophysics
3y ago
This episode I spoke to Dr Doel about some of the projects he has been working on. He told me about the considerations that need to be accounted for when retrofitting telescopes as well as how he entered this field. Dr Doel also described how he thought the field have changed in the past to what it is now.  ..read more
Exploring Astrophysics
3y ago
This episode I spoke to Dr Cavaglia about what the LIGO collaboration is and how it operates, as well as some of the details of the interferometers. He also spoke about the kinds of data cleaning a data analyst such as himself needs to perform of the LIGO data to actually find gravitational wave signals. I also asked him a little about his role teaching and some advice he might give to high school students looking to pursue astrophysics ..read more