Surprise, The Dynamic Diabetic and where the heck have I been!
The Diabetic Minute
by Donna Denson - The Dynamic Diabetic
1y ago
We all know that life can throw some curve balls at us. Well I have been a batting practice! So many events and situations have plagued me the last couple of months. I am good and truly hope you are as well. Please forgive me for pulling a disappearing act on you. My passion is helping people, especially diabetics, to get and stay healthy. That has not changed nor will it. If you can be patient, I am coming back strong soon! Your POWER today is your understanding and I hope anticipation for what's to come more
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Why Heat is Serious
The Diabetic Minute
by Donna Denson - The Dynamic Diabetic
1y ago
Sun is out and the fun is in full swing! But do you know why heat is serious? All that fun activity can lead to debilitating problems if we are not careful! Heat exhaustion can make us sick but the next step is heat stroke and that can kill us! Do you know the difference, the symptoms and the prevention steps? Your POWER is being prepared, ready and careful. Enjoy the summer but be mindful of the severe heat we have sometimes and protect yourself! more
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What Causes Divorce?
The Diabetic Minute
by Donna Denson - The Dynamic Diabetic
1y ago
Current studies indicate that one half of all couples in the USA will end up divorced! So what causes divorce? Many individual circumstances certainly but overall the bottom line is that we become dissatisfied with our relationship. Studies also show that married people live longer so it is to our benefit to make the marriage a good one that lasts. POWER is in understanding the underlying issues that cause us to either enjoy a healthy relationship or see a divorce in our future. We can make changes to help and evaluate clearly where our union can be better for us both more
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Artificial Sweeteners in the News
The Diabetic Minute
by Donna Denson - The Dynamic Diabetic
1y ago
Yes, artificial sweeteners in the news again! It is never good these days. While we know that too much sugar is detrimental to our health, we are learning more and more about how artificial sweeteners are hurting us as well. It is kind of like jumping from the frying pan to the fire! Just two cans of Diet soda can start the process of destroying our health. POWER is knowledge and we have an ever increasing amount of data that screams at us to use only natural sweeteners!!! This is the only way we can rest easy more
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Friday's Heroes
The Diabetic Minute
by Donna Denson - The Dynamic Diabetic
1y ago
It's another feel Good Friday and we have Friday's Heroes! A fishy story and a chance conversation are the bases for this week. You know you feel better when you hear good news and the goal is to start your weekend off feeling great! POWER is in being open to how someone else's good fortune or heroics can inspire and motivate you! Go be a hero today more
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How to Keep a Young Mind
The Diabetic Minute
by Donna Denson - The Dynamic Diabetic
1y ago
Unfortunately, we age every day and so does our mind. So how to keep a young mind? Lots of POWER today with suggestions to keep your mind vibrant and healthy! Simple things mostly that any of us can do on the daily. You don't have to be "OLD" to care about the aging of your brain! Have some fun, laughs and enjoy life as you keep the juices flowing more
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Beat the Heat
The Diabetic Minute
by Donna Denson - The Dynamic Diabetic
1y ago
Summer heat gets sweltering and we all want to just cool off! So how do we beat the heat? A cold drink or ice cream seems like a fix but it really is just a temporary solution. Turns out we can cool from the inside out and the cooling will last!!! POWER today is finding out how that works and what you can use to get the effect. HERBS? YES more
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Coffee and Liver Disease
The Diabetic Minute
by Donna Denson - The Dynamic Diabetic
1y ago
It seems there is a proven connection between coffee and liver disease. Drinking coffee appears to lower your risk of chronic liver disease. That is huge for diabetics who are often prone to develop liver problems. Several studies support the belief that coffee can help reduce your risk. POWER today comes in knowing what kind of coffee and how much is helpful. Yummmm.... love my coffee even more if that is possible more
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Nutrients Not Calories
The Diabetic Minute
by Donna Denson - The Dynamic Diabetic
1y ago
Here is some food for thought! Let's eat nutrients not calories smart! We can only consume so much food in a day so it makes good sense to include foods that are rich in nutrients and low in calories. POWER is in this list of 11 foods to include in your diet to optimize your nutrition and good health. Eat smart and add what you can to your daily diet more
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Friday's Heroes
The Diabetic Minute
by Donna Denson - The Dynamic Diabetic
1y ago
After a long week, it is a pleasure to hear about Friday's heroes and have my heart smile! The weekend has a positive start and we all are a bit healthier and happier! POWER is hearing the stories and embracing the idea that there are truly heroes all around! Even YOU can be a hero! We will all step up when the need is great and we will find we are much stronger than we ever dreamed more
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