Better Presentations More Sales Podcast
Presentation and Sales skills are fundamental to business success. We present ourselves, our company, our products/services all the time client interactions, sales pitches, product demos, at events, webinars, internal and investor briefings, etc. With the help of an array of high profile global guests, this podcast aims to help you deliver better presentations that combined with enhanced sales..
Better Presentations More Sales Podcast
5d ago
Tim Newman specialises in working with young professionals helping them when they first start presenting.
Tim shares some great advice and tips for anyone keen to start presenting but concerned about it and as such often avoiding it.
It’s why Tim’s business is called Speaking with Confidence which you can find here https://timnewmanspeaks.com
Tim also has a Speaking with Confidence podcast
We talk about Tim’s formula for public speaking which includes adapting your approach for your audience, engaging them with compelling content, understanding what your audience are expecting and ..read more
Better Presentations More Sales Podcast
1w ago
Greg Bennick is a professional speaking coach and keynote speaker
Greg is an international speaking coach for TedX Perth, Australia
We talk about how to get started on a speaking journey, how to overcome the fear of presenting and how to apply focus to your talk.
Greg reminds us that whenever we are speaking or presenting the audience are on our side, they want us to do well and they want to learn from us. So speak on what you know. And build in stories that are entertaining, fun and engaging on your core topic.
Ask yourself ‘what do you want the audience to remember?’
A great way ..read more
Better Presentations More Sales Podcast
2w ago
People who regard themselves as introverts often think that presenting and speaking isn't for them.
So I'm delighted on this episode that founder of I-Factor Leadership Stacey Chazin talks about why introverts make great presenters
Stacey is a leadership coach who helps introverts embrace their strengths and step into leadership roles with confidence
In her view introverts can be the most powerful and impactful speakers.
Stacey herself is an introvert who believed she wasn't cut out for presenting and speaking.
To answer why introverts make great presenters, Stacey talks about the innate stren ..read more
Better Presentations More Sales Podcast
3w ago
Presentations can be very predictable
So I'm delighted to have on this week’s show Angie Hyche sharing out of the box presenting ideas
Ideas that will engage your audience and ensure that you are a memorable presenter or speaker
Angie is a certified professional organiser and has been a speaker for many years as well as being an author and a podcaster
We talk about out of the presenting ideas as well as how to declutter your presentation slides - imagine the impact both of these will have on your presentations
Using out of the box presenting ideas will stand you out for certain as a pres ..read more
Better Presentations More Sales Podcast
1M ago
Presentation design can make a huge difference to the success of your presentation.
I’m delighted therefore that on this episode I talk about how to transform your presentation design with freelance presentation designer Tim Jacques
Tim shares some great insights into how he goes about designing a presentation for his clients based on who they are and the brand message they want to get across as well as who the audience is and how they want to receive the presentation.
We also talk about the difference between presentation design for an in-person audience and presentation design for a virtual ..read more
Better Presentations More Sales Podcast
1M ago
Here are three opportunities in 2025 where you can deliver better presentations and as a result potentially create more sales.
Firstly internal meetings whether that be to colleagues or management team
Secondly to clients where the key to a better presentation is to focus on the client from the get go not yourself and in both cases to use less words on your slides.
The third opportunity for a better presentation in 2025 is when you go out networking and you deliver your elevator pitch so instead of starting with the usual stuff about yourself, identify a problem that your audience can r ..read more
Better Presentations More Sales Podcast
2M ago
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In this episode of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast I'm sharing 6 presenting tips for 2025 from six different guests who appeared on the show in 2024.
Those 6 presenting tips for 2025 can easily be implemented and applied to most business to business sales situations.
The 6 presenting tips for 2025 and the guests who shared them are:
Jacqueline Farrington - be aware of creating presentation presence before you start to speak and use a rhetorical question, a metaphor or a bold statement to help you generate an engaging start.
Peter George - remember that your presentat ..read more
Better Presentations More Sales Podcast
2M ago
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In this episode of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast I'm sharing six sales tips for 2025 from six different guests who appeared on the show in 2024.
Those six sales tips for 2025 can easily be implemented and applied to most business to business sales situations.
My message when I'm working with clients is to don’t think like a sales person but think that you are there to help people buy the right things at the right time and to make it easy for them to buy
The six sales tips for 2025 and the guests who shared them are:
Will Barron – simplify your sales process ..read more
Better Presentations More Sales Podcast
2M ago
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Neil Gordon is a persuasion expert who focuses on helping entrepreneurs, speakers and other thought leaders deliver compelling messages.
This includes the elevator pitch.
Usually found in action when people go to networking events or indeed any situation where they get a brief amount of time to explain themselves the elevator pitch can be very samey when lots of people are taking it in turns.
Which is why this episode will help you transform your elevator pitch.
The usual question that prompts the elevator pitch is 'what do you do?' Neil though suggests that y ..read more
Better Presentations More Sales Podcast
2M ago
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Become a Frequent Speaker with Cam Beaudoin
Cam Beaudoin is the founder of The Frequent Speaker.
In this episode Cam shares tips and insights into helping would be speakers get going and move from free to paid gigs.
Cam describes how important narrowing down not just your subject but also your audience is if you are going to be a successful speaker.
He describes it as having a signature talk, something you get known for and the more focused your talk the easier it will be for event planners to hire you - monopolise that niche is Cam’s advice.
Cam suggests you t ..read more