» Ruger Handgun
This forum is for all conversations regarding Ruger handguns. » Ruger Handgun
1y ago
Are there any folks here that esc a 57?
Do you carry it cooked and locked?
Ruger does not recommend carrying with one in the pipe.
What say you more » Ruger Handgun
1y ago
Are there any folks here that carry a 57?
Do you carry it cocked and locked?
Ruger does not recommend carrying with one in the pipe.
What say you more » Ruger Handgun
1y ago
I have a ruger security 380 and there are no magazines with a higher capacity than 15 can I buy a magazine for a ruger security 9 and load that magazine with 380 acp in use the 9mm magazine in my 380 handgun more » Ruger Handgun
1y ago
another forum member posted about his new Ruger Mk IV and that led me to do some research regards the improvements made by Ruger. found, in my opinion, that the "Hunter" was the most desirable model so the search was on..... found one in a (somewhat) LGS so we bought it (and was able to "trade-in" Wife's older generation 22/45 and another paperweight pistol which brought the price of the Hunter very much "down"), just need to get to the range to see how it shoots
specs : 10rd...
the Wife's new Ruger more » Ruger Handgun
1y ago
I got me a Ruger Mark IV for Christmas and took it to the range a few weeks ago. While it shot good, I wasn't happy with the sights and trigger. I bought a set of Hi-Viz sights, Ruger Target grips and a Volquartsen trigger assembly and got everything installed.
The sights need some adjustments, but it shot VERY well today as they were. I had to find the range and adjust to it, but dang, that thing is a SHOOTER!!!
The first targer shot is at 10 yards.
Ruger Mark IV update more » Ruger Handgun
1y ago
Anybody out there know anything about a Ruger New Model Blackhawk Marked SUPER FORTY-FOUR?
WHC more » Ruger Handgun
2y ago
so, i wanted to put a red dot on my pistol. i bought a plate from advanced engineering, that mounts in the dovetail for the rear slide. i also bought a sight pusher. initially, i contacted the local gun store to ask if their guy would install it and sight it in. they emailed me back that they don't mount dovetail plates because they sometimes strip out, and ruin the slide.
i never heard this before, but that's not unusual, you could build a mountain with stuff i don't know.
american 45 red dot mounting plate more » Ruger Handgun
2y ago
I have an early .357 Ruger Blackhawk. Serial # 10896. How can I tell if it has the safety conversion??? And why is it that the cylinder doesn’t spin until I pull the hammer halfway back?? Are those two questions answering themselves, I’m confused more » Ruger Handgun
2y ago
I want to put a fiber optic front sight on my 9E . It has a smaller dovetail than the SR 9 . I found that after ordering one , I thought if it fit the SR-9 it would fit the 9E , not so. I have looked ,but there doesn’t seem to be one made for the 9E . Anybody know one that would fit , maybe from a different brand more » Ruger Handgun
2y ago
Pocket carry everywhere HAS rusted out factory original spring 38 that was never SS
Went to replace this rust broken part only to find NO Stainless Steel/equal metal non-corrosive as a replacement.
Soooo the engineering IQ WAS & replacement options IS
to allow rust-out on an internal spring trapped inside an already tight cylinder until it fails at just the wrong time
IDEAL: Spring 38 available in 18/10 stainless PLEASE more