Episode 12 with Susan Rose
Kids Yoga Matters
by maria jones
3y ago
Writer of Let's make a rainbow a kids yoga book. She talks about the process of self publishing a book  ..read more
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The Beauty of chair yoga
Kids Yoga Matters
by maria jones
4y ago
Listen to Kim tell us how she uses chair yoga to compliment the support she gives to children in the classroom in her school ..read more
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The Benefits of Online Yoga Trainings
Kids Yoga Matters
by maria jones
4y ago
With special guest Sam Bernice, of Sam B yoga: a teacher, yoga teacher, mum and online course creator ..read more
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Therapeutic yoga for teens with Laura Mcegan
Kids Yoga Matters
by maria jones
4y ago
Laura speaks about therapeutic yoga for teens with me ..read more
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Selfcare for Children: with Mitchy Titch Yoga
Kids Yoga Matters
by maria jones
4y ago
Selfcare for Children: with Mitchy Titch Yoga ..read more
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Episode 7 - With Via from Metta Play
Kids Yoga Matters
by maria jones
4y ago
Metta Play is a set of bilingual kids yoga cards, Via is the creator of these cards. In this Episode we talk about bilingual children and yoga, plus about how these beautiful cards were created and can be used ..read more
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Episode 6 - with Jyoti from special Yoga
Kids Yoga Matters
by maria jones
4y ago
Special Yoga's founder Jyoti and I reconnect through zoom to discuss about teaching yoga to special children, navigating our way through this pandemic and all the work special yoga is doing to be of service to this world around us, special children, families and kids in schools ..read more
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Episode 5 - with Hayley Sanderson of Kids Yoga Teachers UK
Kids Yoga Matters
by maria jones
4y ago
In this episode we talk about Kids yoga teachers Uk and the role it plays in the kids yoga community ..read more
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Episode 4 - with Special Guest Kelly Winkler of Kidding Around Yoga
Kids Yoga Matters
by maria jones
4y ago
In this episode Kelly and I share tips and wisdom about yoga in school during this pandemic ..read more
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Episode 3 - with Veronica Pena from Yotism
Kids Yoga Matters
by maria jones
4y ago
In this episode we speak about Yotism, children with Autism and the effect Covid-19 restrictions have had on children in the spectrum ..read more
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