26 Things Lynnsey Has Learned
Life Just Happens
by lifejusthappenspodcast
4y ago
Happy Monday! This week's episode is brought to you by Lynns! She's reflecting on the morning of her 26th birthday on the things she's learned this year. She shares everything from the type of exercise that works best for her to what kind of planner she likes to use to how everyone is on a different timeline. Tune in to hear all 26 items! Follow us on Instagram @lifejusthappenspodcast Receive our monthly newsletter HERE ..read more
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Life Updates!
Life Just Happens
by lifejusthappenspodcast
4y ago
On this week's episode the girls catch up after a little absence from the POD and each other. They talk on what we all we have missed from them these past couple of weeks. Tune in to find out what they have been up to! Follow us on Instagram @lifejusthappenspodcast Receive our monthly newsletter HERE ..read more
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8 Small Changes for the Mind
Life Just Happens
by lifejusthappenspodcast
4y ago
This week on Life Just Happens, you've got another solo episode with Lynns! She shares how she's reading a book "52 Small Changes for the Mind" by Brett Blumenthal, which is all about making one change each week of the year to help improve your memory, minimize stress, increase productivity and boost happiness. In this episode, she's walking you through the first 8 changes of the year! Tune in to see what small changes you can make for your mind! Follow us on Instagram @lifejusthappenspodcast Receive our monthly newsletter here ..read more
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Human Design
Life Just Happens
by lifejusthappenspodcast
4y ago
On this weeks episode the girls start off with a little bonus financial advice. Tune in to learn a little how taxes are working especially with the possibility of a stimulus check. Also tune in to explore the idea of human design. A little mix of astrology and other personality tests you can take. You know the girls love learning about themselves so buckle up while they try to figure this one out! Follow us on Instagram @lifejusthappenspodcast Receive our monthly newsletter HERE! Get your own Human Design Chart here! Other Human Design Links: Authority Types, Energy Types & How to Learn Ab ..read more
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Friendship Breakups & Fade Outs
Life Just Happens
by lifejusthappenspodcast
4y ago
This week on the pod, the girls talk about losing a friend and what it's like to have a friend breakup vs just having a friend fade out. It is definitely not easy but something everyone goes through. Tune in for some quick advice on the subject! Follow Us on Instagram @lifejusthappenspodcast Receive Our Monthly Newsletter HERE ..read more
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Resisting Change Even When You're Unhappy
Life Just Happens
by lifejusthappenspodcast
4y ago
On this week's episode, Claud goes solo. She dives into the hard stuff by talking about how sometimes change can be hard and why we resist it. Good, bad, or otherwise, many people go through this. We want you to know you are not alone. Follow us on Instagram @lifejusthappenspodcast Receive our monthly newsletter here ..read more
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Getting our Tarot Cards Read! (feat. Georgia!)
Life Just Happens
by lifejusthappenspodcast
4y ago
On this week's episode, the girls have a guest!! Georgia is back as the one and only guest and is reading the girls tarot cards. Tune in to see what the universe has in store for each of them. Follow us on Instagram @lifejusthappenspodcast Receive our monthly newsletter here ..read more
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Environmental Wellness [Wellness Wheel Series!]
Life Just Happens
by lifejusthappenspodcast
4y ago
On this week's episode, the girls dive into a new series! They're bringing back the wellness wheel in each episode of the series to deep dive into each of the 8 topics covered by the wheel. On this week's episode the girls dive into environmental wellness. What is your environmental action item? Tune in to pick a good one and hear what the girls picked this round. Follow us on Instagram @lifejusthappendspodcast Receive our monthly newsletter here ..read more
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Staying on Track with Your Goals
Life Just Happens
by lifejusthappenspodcast
4y ago
On this week's episode of Life Just Happens, Claud gives a short and sweet talk about staying on track with your goals. Everyone makes new years resolutions but not everyone keeps them. Tune in to see how to recognize when you might be drifting from achieving your goal and how to get back on track. Follow us on Instagram @lifejusthappenspodcast Receive our monthly newsletter here ..read more
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Happy New Year!
Life Just Happens
by lifejusthappenspodcast
4y ago
Tune in to this weeks episode to hear about the girl's goals for 2021! They did it a little differently this year to keep their lives balanced. They chose a goal in each area of the wellness wheel to make sure that all goals weren't just health and fitness related as goals often are this time of year. Listen in to see if you can gather some goals to fill each section of the wheel! Follow us on Instagram @lifejusthappenspodcast Receive our monthly newsletter here ..read more
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