Dual Boot VeraCrypt Windows + Linux (solution for 2 pendrives)
by WhiteHacker
4y ago
Good morning, Today I’m going to describe the way I encrypted a computer with a Linux and Windows disk using VeraCrypt. In my case, Windows was encrypted with VeraCrypt and Linux was encrypted on a hidden system partition using LUKS. LUKS, like VeraCrypt, is a very powerful encryption system for Linux. Both VeraCrypt and LUKS are referred to as “paranoid encryption systems“ I used a slightly more complex dual boot encryption system. To run Linux, you need two low capacity flash drives !!! In my case, I encrypted Windows 10 and Linux MX (latest release). The way I bypassed the forced windows ..read more
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Fully anonymous Kali using TOR and VPNa
by WhiteHacker
4y ago
The following configuration will be the basic and most important for most of the white hacking methods presented. I recommend that you pay special attention when setting up your system according to my recommendations. Hacking from our computer (host) without any form of proxy is reckless for a hacker, and in a penetrating context can lead to the target quickly blacklisting a valid IP address. By redirecting all traffic through Tor and reducing the threat of malicious input and output nodes using a VPN, we can configure Kali to become completely private and anonymous . Proper configuration of v ..read more
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USB drivers for Xiaomi phones
by WhiteHacker
4y ago
Instructions for installation and handling of Drivers for Xiaomi devices together with the Downl oad section.Xiaomi PC Suite software is compatible with the following versions of Windows: Windows 10 (32-bit), Windows 10 (64-bit), Windows 8.1 (32-bit), Windows 8.1 (6 Windows 8 (32-bit), Windows 8 (64-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit), Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows Vista (32-bit), Windows Vista (64-bit), and Windows XP (32-bit). Xiaomi USB driver installation instructions for Windows 10, 8, 7 To install Xiaomi USB drivers for Windows for the first time, do the following: First, download the USB drivers ..read more
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by WhiteHacker
4y ago
I’m starting writing a new section on mobile phone hacking. In my tutorials I will show you how to root phones and perform other magic tricks with them, not available to the average user. After unlocking the bootloader, we gain unlimited possibilities to interfere with the software of our XIAOMI. For smartphones, we get the ability to change rooms, upload various modifications and root! In today’s ROOT release xiaomi Redmi Note 7, a phone extremely resistant to the rooting process and any changes to the soft. IMPORTANT: This procedure shows complex operations that can damage the device if pe ..read more
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Unlocking the Xiaomi Booloader
by WhiteHacker
4y ago
Before proceeding, ask yourself what is a Xioami bootloader? This block is programmed by Xiaomi to prevent third-party retailers from installing ROMs that could potentially be harmful to Xiaomi smartphone users. NOTE: Unlocking the bootloader involves losing the data present on our phone. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you make a backup (copy) of the files you want to keep. What about the warranty? For products sold directly by Xiaomi, the company itself confirms that unlocking the bootloader invalid warranty. If you purchased the device from other parties, we encourage you to contact t ..read more
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Use of Python for Encryption
by WhiteHacker
4y ago
Encryption is the process of converting plain old data or information into a secret message such that it is meaningless to the casual observer. Some useful terminologies as follows: Plain Text – This is the actual data that can be understood by all users. Cipher Text – This is the encrypted data that seems to be meaningless but hides the actual data. Encryption – Also called encoding, this is the process of using mathematical algorithms or other means to encrypt plain text into cipher text. Generally a key is used to encrypt plain text and the key is shared securely between the sender and rece ..read more
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Best Linux for hacking
by WhiteHacker
4y ago
Linux is the preferred OS of choice for hackers around the world. There are several reasons for this: Precise control – Linux provides complete control to the user over every aspect of the operating system right down to the kernel. This is very useful especially for pro-hackers who find Linux programs to have far more control and capabilities than in any other OS. Security – another aspect which is a strong suite of Linux as it is known worldwide as the most secure OS. Reliability – Third aspect is the high level of transparency provided by Linux which makes it valuable to hackers. There are m ..read more
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Short tips F.A.Q
by WhiteHacker
4y ago
How to set multiple IP targets in Metasploit? to set up multiple IP targets, enter inside Metasploit: “set RHOSTS ..read more
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Crack passwords using Zydra turorial
by Editor
4y ago
Files with sensitive information are often encrypted. These include password protected PDF and ZIP files, Linux shadow files that contain passwords that are encrypted and so on. Different tools use different encryption mechanisms. A file may be encrypted using weak algorithms such as the older PKZIP algorithm or the strong AES-256 encryption. Zydra is a tool that can be used to crack these passwords and give you access to such protected files. Here we list the steps for doing so: First download Zydra from GitHub. You can easily do this using the wget utility. Zydra comes as a python file. Zyd ..read more
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by WhiteHacker
4y ago
Nowadays sensitive information in PDF or ZIP files are often password protected. This includes bank account statements, medical records, salary statements and so on. Password protection algorithms differ based on the application used to password protect the file and the encryption format chosen. One of the strongest encryption format is AES while PKZIP is an old algorithm. Some programs also used their own proprietary algorithms for password generation. There are several hacking tools used by ethical hackers around the world that can be used to crack password protection on files. Some of the m ..read more
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