Lake Austin showing signs!!!!
Bass Fishing Forum
by jamesrobertsfishing
2d ago
Well with the grass making a come back, so are the bass. Starting to see some big girls showing up. If you are interested in getting out on Lake Austin for a chance at a fish of a lifetime please give me a call or text! James 512-789-1553 First picture is from my very first Guided Trip on Lake Austin back in 2005. Second picture is from my most recent Guided Trip on Lake. [ATTACH type="full"... Lake Austin showing signs more
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Lake Austin 2/11/25
Bass Fishing Forum
by tdh136
3d ago
Well seems I was the only one who wanted to fish in the rain today. The fish are still a bit scattered and not really showing big prespawn/spawn gathering activity, but I fished about 3.5 hours got 13 fish and one nice 7.10 lbs fish. She seemed kinda skinny to me but certainly not spawned out yet. The water was a couple degrees cooler today (60) than last Friday. I wish I was on Deker , but this lake definitely is going to be good in a few years. There are lots of fish, and LOTS of grass... Lake Austin 2/11/25 more
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Decker 2/9/25
Bass Fishing Forum
by Jeremy
5d ago
Last night, I set out a t-shirt and jeans for today's fishing apparrel. I was under the impression that Sunday would be like Saturday, sunny and warm. I opened my garage door at 4:30AM to discover a bone-chilling north wind. I checked the KXAN weather app and learned that today's high temperature had already come and gone. I was scheduled to pick up Todd in an hour for a half day Decker jaunt. I briefly considered changing to an abbreviated three-hour trip to Lake Pflugerville as a bail... Decker 2/9/25 more
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Lady Bird 2/8/25
Bass Fishing Forum
by Jeremy
6d ago
I put in at Holiday Inn to a deserted lake. The only company I had at the ramp was a pair of those TxDOT HERO trucks waiting for their next trouble call. I worked my way up the shoreline to the hike and bike where I caught a couple of fish dirt shallow with TR BBH. I left the hike and bike and went up my usual track to First St. I was fishing at a leisurely pace because there were no other anglers around. Waller wing dam yielded a long pause jerkbait fish. At Congress, I was... Lady Bird 2/8/25 more
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Fayette 2/7 (duplicate of a previous report that went missing)
Bass Fishing Forum
by buckaroo
6d ago
My report vanished! But that’s OK because it’s still fresh in my mind so here we go: There were a lot of guys fishing today, and most of them were in the timber fishing plastics. I had to wait in line to lunch this morning when I got there at 7 AM. Ditto for when I took out at 3:00 PM. I went to work in the shallows with a wakebait, but couldn’t find any takers. So I commenced throwing a spinner bait and a jig. The fish were aggressive and happy to eat the spinnerbait. This bass had a lot of... Fayette 2/7 (duplicate of a previous report that went missing more
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Spin class at Fayette 2/7
Bass Fishing Forum
by buckaroo
6d ago
By now you know the drill. I got there, threw a wakebait for a bit, couldn’t get bit, then went to work with a spinnerbait and jig. Lot of guys out today and I had to wait in line to launch at 7:00 am. Then again to take out at 3:00. But this is a fishing report. So, how was the fishing? Good! Again, most guys were parked in the timber or a couple of cast lengths from reeds or points fishing plastics it appeared. All the fish I caught today were burrowed well back into the reeds though and... Spin class at Fayette 2/7 more
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Fayette 2/7
Bass Fishing Forum
by buckaroo
1w ago
My report vanished! But that’s OK because it’s still fresh in my mind so here we go: There were a lot of guys fishing today, and most of them were in the timber fishing plastics. I had to wait in line to lunch this morning when I got there at 7 AM. Ditto for when I took out at 3:00 PM. I went to work in the shallows with a wakebait, but couldn’t find any takers. So I commenced throwing a spinner bait and a jig. The fish were aggressive and happy to eat the spinnerbait. This bass had a lot of... Fayette 2/7 more
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New lake record for LBL.
Bass Fishing Forum
by tdh136
1w ago
Legacy Class ShareLunker 672 was just landed by Willie Pipkin at Lady Bird Lake. Willie’s catch weighed in at 14.05 pounds and is the pending Waterbody Record. This is the third Legacy Class fish of the season. Willie, thank you for your contribution to the next generation of trophy bass in Texas more
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Fayette 2/5/25
Bass Fishing Forum
by buckaroo
1w ago
Got on the water around 8:30 for a leisurely day. Water was up to 70 degrees at Oak Thicket and in the backs of coves but 66 on the main lake. Breezy and gusty with partly cloudy to mostly overcast skies. I tested the wakebait bite but nothing doing. Spinnerbaits shallow did some damage. Some better size fish ate a jig pitched into the reeds and other cover. Gluttonous buggers! Then I... Fayette 2/5/25 more
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Gettin’ jiggy at Fayette 2/3
Bass Fishing Forum
by buckaroo
1w ago
Got to the lake at 7:30 am and launched into 66 degree water. It was cloudy and a bit breezy, so I had high hopes for the day. Tried to get a wakebait bite going and got hit right off the bat but it didn’t stay pinned. Neither did the next 3! I went to work with my spinnerbait but couldn’t get any takers. Since the wakebait fish were hitting tight to cover, I broke out my homebrew jigs and home poured trailers. That was the ticket. They were way up in the... Gettin’ jiggy at Fayette 2/3 more
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