Episode 95: A Job, Physical Challenge and Where I'm at
Beyond Labels and Limitations
by John Graybill
2y ago
On episode 95 of Beyond Labels & Limitations, JOHN GRAYBILL shares his new job, what is going on with him physically and how trusting that everything is unfolding as it should has changed him. ________________ Connect with John: YouTube Channel Website Email: BLLjenjohn@gmail.com ________________ "Desire to Inspire" TKG  ..read more
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Episode 93: Insight into Vulnerability and Avoidance
Beyond Labels and Limitations
by John Graybill
2y ago
On episode 93 of Beyond Labels & Limitations, John Graybill shares an insight he had while writing. The insight is into being vulnerable and how that vulnerability led to avoidance. It was from avoidance that he discovered he wasn't accepting his diagnosis. ------------------------------ Connect with John: YouTube Channel Website Email: BLLjenjohn@gmail.com --------------------------- "Desire to Inspire" TKG ..read more
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Episode 91: Confidence after a fall and Volunteering
Beyond Labels and Limitations
by John Graybill
3y ago
On episode 91 of Beyond Labels & Limitations, John Graybill shares the battle that takes place within his mind after a fall and how that battle determines his actions going forward. John also shares what he got from volunteering at his daughters elementary school.  ___________________ Connect with John: YouTube Channel Website Email: BLLjenjohn@gmail.com __________________ "Desire to Inspire" TKG ..read more
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Episode 89: Another Fall and Keep Going
Beyond Labels and Limitations
by John Graybill
3y ago
On episode 89 of Beyond Labels & Limitations, John Graybill shares how he physically just got over his last fall, in terms of bumps and bruises, only to have another fall today. John shares the importance of not allowing the situations in life to bring you down but rather to keep going no matter how small a step you take, don't give up. ________________________ Connect with John: YouTube Channel Website Email: BLLjenjohn@gmail.com ________________________ "Desire to Inspire" TKG ..read more
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Episode 88: What a Day looks like with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy
Beyond Labels and Limitations
by John Graybill
3y ago
On episode 88 of Beyond Labels & Limitations, John Graybill shares what his day looks like. John is ambulatory, 44 years old, been living with the diagnosis for 27 years but the first signs of weakness showed up 33 years ago at the age of 12, and he hasn't worked since 2006 (16 years ago). This podcast is to show what your life could look like, if you have LGMD, but your life could also be better in terms of strength, depending on what type of LGMD you have and the mutations. So, use this podcast as a rough outline of what your life could be like if you were diagnosed at 17 with LGMD2A/R1 ..read more
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Episode 84: Tripped by My Cat
Beyond Labels and Limitations
by John Graybill
3y ago
On episode 84 of Beyond Labels & Limitations, John Graybill shares how his cat tried to kill him with a Karate Kid style move of sweeping the leg. John shares how he felt during and after the fall and how the world can seem to be coming down on you. But, all was not lost as a little boy rollerskating showed him one important lesson. _________________ Connect with John: YouTube Channel Website Email: BLLjenjohn@gmail.com _________________ "Desire to Inspire" TKG ..read more
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Episode 79: Changing the mentality of "How do I get rid of muscular dystrophy" to "How do I live with it"
Beyond Labels and Limitations
by John Graybill
3y ago
On episode 79 of Beyond Labels & Limitations, John Graybill shares how he went from a "get rid of this disease" mentality to "How do I live with this." It wasn't easy at first questioning his beliefs/thoughts but once he saw them for what they were, self-limiting, he set out to dismantle their power over him. ____________________ Connect with John: YouTube Channel Website Email: BLLjenjohn@gmail.com _____________________ "Desire to Inspire" TKG ..read more
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Episode 77: What have I learned from myself in 2021 with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy
Beyond Labels and Limitations
by Jen Ives & John Graybill
3y ago
On this final episode of season 2 of Beyond Labels & Limitations, John Graybill shares what he has learned from himself over the past year while living with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy. All was not bad. In fact, when John can create some distance from his "sufferings" is when he learns the most from muscular dystrophy.  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! _____________________ Connect with John: Website YouTube Channel Email: BLLjenjohn@gmail.com _______________________ "Desire to Inspire" TKG ..read more
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Episode 76: Having a Mobility Scooter Means What and A Cinderella Play
Beyond Labels and Limitations
by Jen Ives & John Graybill
3y ago
On episode 76 of Beyond Labels & Limitations, John Graybill shares what having a mobility scooter has done for him, what beliefs he had about having the scooter, and a play he went to with his family. There are lessons in everything and it's up to us to find them. _____________________ Connect with John: YouTube Channel Website Email: BLLjenjohn@gmail.com ______________________ "Desire to Inspire" TKG ..read more
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Episode 75: Self Esteem with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy
Beyond Labels and Limitations
by Jen Ives & John Graybill
3y ago
On episode 75 of Beyond Labels & Limitations, John Graybill talks about self esteem and living with a disease like muscular dystrophy.  ________________________ Connect with John: Website YouTube Channel Email: BLLjenjohn@gmail.com _________________________ "Desire to Inspire" TKG ..read more
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