Welcome to the ALL THINGS OSTEO podcast where we talk everything about Osteopathy and health.
1y ago
How I moved my Osteopathy clinic online as COVID-19 took over our country, the world and our lives. My thoughts, feelings and processes, and finding the positivity in the time we have, before life gets back to normal ..read more
1y ago
Little intro into the things we can do to help people through the menopause. Exercise, eating and bowels, hormone balancing and more ..read more
1y ago
It's all about the big toe!!!! How important is it to assess and treat the big toe and how it affects the biomechanics of the whole body. The importance of of the big toe in walking, running, and contribution to pelvic pain and many more issues ..read more
1y ago
Welcome to the very first short *pilot* podcast of All.Things.Osteo where you get to meet me, Jo, and find out why I have set this podcast up, and what to expect in future episodes ?? EXCITING AND SCARY ..read more
4y ago
How I moved my Osteopathy clinic online as COVID-19 took over our country, the world and our lives. My thoughts, feelings and processes, and finding the positivity in the time we have, before life gets back to normal ..read more
4y ago
Little intro into the things we can do to help people through the menopause. Exercise, eating and bowels, hormone balancing and more ..read more
4y ago
It's all about the big toe!!!! How important is it to assess and treat the big toe and how it affects the biomechanics of the whole body. The importance of of the big toe in walking, running, and contribution to pelvic pain and many more issues ..read more
4y ago
Welcome to the very first short *pilot* podcast of All.Things.Osteo where you get to meet me, Jo, and find out why I have set this podcast up, and what to expect in future episodes ?? EXCITING AND SCARY ..read more