Freedom is Scary
John Bryan's Podcast: Civil Rights Lawyer, Political Scientist, 2nd Amendment Advocate, History Buff. Commenting on issues of constitutional law, from the perspective of a lawyer who makes a living investigating and suing the government over police misconduct, other civil rights issues, and also other stuff.
Freedom is Scary
4y ago
Biden bypassed Congress to target homemade and pistol-braced firearms. At the same time, he is calling on Congress and states to enact Red Flag gun confiscation orders. Like a dictator, Biden is seeking to unilaterally regulate firearms that gun owners currently own. Join me as I catch up with John Crump from the #GOA - Gun Owners of America, who are actual #FrontLineHeroes in the fight to preserve liberty and prevent tyranny. #2ndAmendment What do you need to know and how can you help? Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1976 to ..read more
Freedom is Scary
4y ago
"No Knocks" are in the news following the Breonna Taylor shooting case. What is a "No Knock" warrant and when/how are they legal under federal constitutional law? One of my favorite topics. By favorite I mean that if I was a middle eastern dictator they would flow freely. This has been in the news now following the Breonna Taylor case. I'll offer some analysis on that case, and also answer other civil rights constitutional law questions, if you have any - since this is LIVE.
This is the FREEDOM IS SCARY livecast Episode 16. Please join me. It seems to be happening every Monday evening......
th ..read more
Freedom is Scary
4y ago
My thoughts on the Ruth Bader Ginsburg drama. There are 3 currently living retired Supreme Court justices: Sandra Day O’Connor, Anthony Kennedy, and David Souter. Each of these still-living former justices chose to retire, rather than to remain on the bench until death. RGB was perhaps the most partisan justice ever to serve on the Court, so understandably, she made the purposeful choice to stay on as long as possible. Therefore, it was her choice to politicize the vacancy which would be created by her death. In fact, her last words, as relayed by her granddaughter, were purportedly, “My most ..read more
Freedom is Scary
4y ago
Kamala Harris is now the VP candidate. You may have heard her bring up the topic of systematic inequality, or injustice. Look no further than her achievements as a career prosecutor, and many others like her across the nation, to find evidence that those things indeed exist. They really do. As a country, America is OVER-CRIMINALIZED. Let's take a look at the prosecutors and thousands of criminal laws. Harris was a district attorney in San Fransisco from 2004 to 2011. She served California Attorney General from 2011 to 2017, where at least 1,560 people were incarcerated for marijuana relat ..read more
Freedom is Scary
4y ago
Excessive force issues may never be the same after the George Floyd death. Many states have enacted legislation now prohibited so-called "chokeholds," and Trump's Executive Order directed states to do so. In this livecast I'll discuss this, as well as the application of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training with my buddy, Adam Martin, who is not only former law enforcement, but a BJJ coach, practitioner, and competitor.
Why? Because ever since the death of George Floyd, “chokehold” has been the word of the day. Trump brought them up in his June 16, 2020 Executive Order, and now many states have issued ..read more
Freedom is Scary
4y ago
Today, on "Freedom is Scary," a live discussion with one of our patriot defenders of the Constitutions in our state legislature, Delegate Jim Butler. Discussing the West Virginia governor's executive orders and the efforts at disposing of them. He is one of the plaintiffs in the writ of mandamus we filed with the WV Supreme Court. ETA: also gubernatorial candidate, Del. Marshal Wilson joined us. Read the writ of mandamus, and learn more about why the executive orders are unconstitutional: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2020 ..read more
Freedom is Scary
4y ago
In Episode 1 of the Freedom is Scary Livecast, West Virginia Civil Rights Lawyer, John H. Bryan, goes live at 12:00 noon about the West Virginia Governor's threatened Travel Ban. Read the blog post at: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2020... In this video, I will explain why doing so would be unconstitutional. Also, it looks like my friend and client, Delegate Marshall Wilson, was successful in getting on the ballot for Governor. Follow along live. If you have any questions, put them up in the comments. Check out my blog at: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com ..read more
Freedom is Scary
4y ago
In episode 3, I go through the actual transcript of President Clinton's 1998 impeachment trial, and you might be surprised by what was said then, as opposed to what was said now. For instance, did you know that law professors also gave their opinion in 1998 about impeachment law, and unlike Trump's impeachment, they all spoke out against impeachment, warning against damage it could cause to our country. Oh.... and instead of just 4 of them, there were 200 of them! And 400 history professors warned against it as well. I wonder what happened to those guys?
Civil Rights At ..read more
Freedom is Scary
4y ago
The Scopes "Monkey" Trial in 1925 was called the "trial of the century," and it was the second "trial of the century" in less than a year - both featuring famous lawyer, Clarence Darrow, a genius of verbal manipulation and communication. Learn about the interesting backstory of "A Boy Named Sue," by Johnny Cash, and its relation to the Scopes Trial.
Learn how this "monkey trial" included the 1925 version of Hillary Clinton mixed with Franklin Graham and Fred Thompson, pitted against the 1925 the real life Atticus Finch, mixed with Johnny Cochran. It's actually pretty crazy. Al ..read more
Freedom is Scary
4y ago
Episode 1 of the John Bryan Podcast, a legal pontification session exploring topics such as the impeachment hearings, constitutional law topics surrounding interactions between citizens and law enforcement, including open carry of firearms issues, other gun law and self defense issues, and last, but not least, blood sugar meters. If you use a glucose meter for diabetes, or anyone you know uses one, you have to hear what comes last. WTF is going on with disparate results between the brands of meters? Don't miss this, because I haven't heard this anywhere else.....
I'm a civil r ..read more