Revolutionary Insights
A discussion of where the political parties stand on issues and why their solutions to these issues are so radically different. Tune in to learn what conservatives and Christians believe, as well as why, instead of relying on what the media says we believe. This is a podcast for those seeking the truth, both the liberal, conservative, and Christian.
Revolutionary Insights
1y ago
School shootings continue to increase and our children are in danger. What do we do? Is there a quick fix? This episode will look at the history of school shootings and instead of using band-aids to treat the symptoms, we will diagnose the disease that has led to these horrific deaths of children in our schools. There is a cure for this disease, so there is hope and it's up to us as parents to cut out the cancer that is threatening our children and to apply the cure.
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Revolutionary Insights
1y ago
George Washington said, "Religion and morality are the essential pillars of society." Is it no wonder then that when our government tries to remove those supports that there is a breakdown in society and an increase in crime and injustice? This breakdown is a deliberate attempt by the leftist in control of the Democrat Party to replace our constitution with a socialist state. One that is in tune with the Globalism of the New World Order.
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Revolutionary Insights
1y ago
We have won a victory for the unborn, but it’s an incomplete victory. We have struck a blow against the Democrat Party's strategy to undermine and destroy the Constitution. So, what do we do now? Now is the time to bring up the reserves. Who are the reserves and what can you do to ensure total victory? Tune in to see how you can make a difference.
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Revolutionary Insights
1y ago
The Democrats have created a new board within the government to police what they call "disinformation." You may recall this is what Facebook and Twitter did when they hired "fact-checkers" to make sure any speech that leftists disagreed with was censored from their platforms. The Democrats thought it was such a good idea, that they have now created their own tool within the government of the United States to censor what they do not agree with. This should outrage anyone, no matter party affiliation, who values protecting free speech, even speech we disagree with.
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Revolutionary Insights
1y ago
We know that, according to the Bible, Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. However, when was he actually begotten? Most people seem to think that Jesus was begotten when he was born; however, that is not when he was begotten. Some people believe he was created by God and that is when he was begotten; however, that is not the case either. This podcast will explain, using chapter and verse, when he was actually begotten and it's thrilling to think about the brilliance of God's plan!
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Revolutionary Insights
1y ago
We all have an immigration policy. America is our home, just like your house or your apartment is your home. What is your immigration policy when someone comes to your door? Do you let them in questions unasked, or do you screen who enters your home? If someone were to break into your home do you allow them to take up residence and support them or do you have them removed? Does your immigration policy match your Party's immigration policy? If your spouse or roommate let people into your home without screening them, and then expects you to support those peopl ..read more
Revolutionary Insights
1y ago
Since Democrat Strategy is to alter the constitution of the United States into a powerless document, if not completely destroy it, how is teaching kindergarten through 3rd-grade students about sex part of that plan? Why would Disney, a once family-friendly company, side with the Democrats and against parents and children on this issue? If you're unsure of the answers to these questions, you'll want to listen to this latest podcast to find out how it fits in with the left's strategy to convert this country into a socialist state to be part of the New World Order.
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Revolutionary Insights
1y ago
I was asked what it was like growing up in the 60's and 70's and how things have changed. I remember asking the same question of old people when I was growing up during those years. Most people would think that the big change is technology, but that's not the case. Technology has become mobile and instant, but the big change affects us in so many different ways. Listen to this podcast to understand the big change, then use this as an opportunity to share with someone younger than you and engage them in conversation.
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Revolutionary Insights
1y ago
Russia has invaded Ukraine and the big question is why. What is the reasoning behind Putin's decision to invade an independent nation? Russia appears to be clearly in the wrong, but Ukraine was weak and vulnerable as a country because of rigged elections and a perceived lack of justice. Two of the same problems currently plaguing the United States. As we pray for Ukraine, let us also learn a lesson for ourselves.
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Revolutionary Insights
1y ago
Since there is so much news that is being hidden from the American People, this episode will focus on 7 stories that are either being ignored, or misreported. Those 7 stories are Jan. 6th and the Capitol Police, The Canadian Truckers, The US Freedom Convoy, The Durham Investigation and the Coup Attempt, The 2020 Election Steal, The CDC Hiding Vaccine Information, and Supply Chain Shortages. Listen and find out what the Left doesn't want you to know.
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