Business Travel Guys
An unscripted podcast brought to you by Jason and Joe who discuss business travel-related issues, share valuable tips, and tell often hilarious tales of their travel.
Business Travel Guys
1y ago
In our first episode back in 2021 the Guys share their thoughts on what it will be like to have to prove your vaccination status, both as employees as airlines and travelers. They also talk about what will happen to global business travel going forward. Have we seen the peak ? And finally, Joe and Jason dig into what the touchless world of travel will be like. Are you ready ..read more
Business Travel Guys
1y ago
The guys finally catch us up on all they are up to during these crazy times. Joe and Jason talk about the importance of keeping active and resting your busy mind during a time that has been very stressful on all of us. They make a couple of nods to @Peloton and @Calm as they learn some new techniques to keep their bodies and minds in top top shape over the last few months. They guys refer to the big moves to the airline change fees this past week (as they reference @BTUK in this great article) and Jason talks all about his first hotel stay since early March. All t ..read more
Business Travel Guys
1y ago
On this week this week's "Lucky 13th" episode of the Business Travel Guys the guys talk about how they have been holding up these days, discuss what their friends have started to see in the easing back into travel, how they have kept their travel supplies fully stocked and finally what some airlines are doing to keep us safe in the skies. All this and much more on another episode of The Business Travel Guys ..read more
Business Travel Guys
1y ago
This week the guys discuss what is has been like for 2 world travelers to be off the road, in their houses and sheltering in place. Today they talk about how they are faring, how the travel industry is adapting and staying afloat as well how things will be changed forever when travel resumes. All this and much more on the Business Travel Guys!
https://www.forbes.com/sites/danielreed/2020/04/15/covid-19-wont-kill-leisure-or-business-travel-but-it-will-change-it-significantly-perhaps-forever/#3103ac9b50b4 ..read more
Business Travel Guys
1y ago
Well, the Guys have been grounded! Travel restrictions because of the COVID-19 impact are keeping the guys on the ground and ready to share some thoughts with all of you about the impacts to the travel experience, shifting to remote/home working and how to practice some patience during these trying times. All this and more on a new episode of The Business Travel Guys ..read more
Business Travel Guys
1y ago
This week the guys start off by answering a listener question about dealing with sleep deprivation on the road. Next they cover the World's Top Beaches as folks get ready for #SpringBreak. And finally, Joe's game has been changed! Jason gives him some magical advice on packing Joe's first hard side suitcase. All this and more on another episode of #BusinessTravel Guys. @TripAdvisor  ..read more
Business Travel Guys
1y ago
This week the guys talk more about the #Covid-19 or #Coronavirus and the lengths that companies are taking to keep their employees safe. They share some great tips on staying safe if you do have to travel. Here is a #FoxNews article on traveling safely that the guys refer to. The guys also talked about the great #CDC Travel Site dedicated to the topic of Covid-19 and the State Department Travel Maps that offer some great advice. Finally they discuss the best ways to continue to be productive while not able to travel #MicrosoftTeams #Zoom and #Webex ..read more
Business Travel Guys
1y ago
On this week's episode the guys talk about the Americans who finally get to come home on the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan. They also debate the best way to clean and store your suitcase when you get back from a trip and finally talk all about the unruly passenger who prompted a 2 jet escort from the Royal Air Force and is sending her to 2 years in prison. All this and more on another episode of The Business Travel Guys! #BusinessTravelGuys #BusinessTravel #RoyalAirForce #Coronavirus #Japan ..read more
Business Travel Guys
1y ago
This week the guys jump on what has become a very hot topic - the case of the punchy passenger hitting the seatback of the reclining passenger ahead of him on a @Delta flight. This week we saw this article and then it hit every news outlet possible. Even getting the @Delta CEO to jump in on some TV interviews. Next the guys debate the best way to reinforce a good or bad experience with @uber. Is it the stars or the tip? Finally, the guys talk about when is the best time to decide you are going to call a delayed travel day quits and head to a hotel. All this ..read more
Business Travel Guys
1y ago
This week the guys talk all about the amazing bonuses that @Delta employees got this year. They also debate the best kind of headphones for business travel. They sound pretty excited about a new program from @Marriott where you can earn and use your #Bonvoy points for luxury homes and villas and finally they talk all about a new trend in #PopUp Hotels. #instagram   ..read more