Saturday Morning RPG Show
Leveling up as Game Masters!! In each episode, we discuss Table-Top RPG news. Going over games we run and play in, learning from our victories and TPKs! Join us as our campaigns evolve and we learn what it takes to be a DM, GM, Judge, or Referee.
Saturday Morning RPG Show
1M ago
Catch the show live Saturday Mornings on YouTube!
* [ ] Critical Role Darington Press to be in Barnes & Noble
* [ ] WotC 2024 Monster Manual preview videos: Release Feb 17th
* [ ] Less is More, and hits harder
* [ ] d4: D&D Deep Dive Monster Video
* [ ] Dungeon Dudes Animal Lords Monster Video
* [ ] Dungeon Dad on Cyclopes
* [ ] Male and female medusas, hags, dryads, etc.
* [ ] Gnolls are Fiends, Kobolds are Dragons, Goblins are Fey
* [ ] Should the Monster Manual have come out first?
* [ ] Goodman Games Dungeon Denizens PDF
* [ ] My Unicorg!
* [ ] Every Goodman Games Adventure
Cr ..read more
Saturday Morning RPG Show
1M ago
Catch the show live Saturday Mornings on YouTube!
* [ ] Welcome to the New Year!
* [ ] Draw Steel is out (if you’re a patron)
* [ ] Anticipated RPGs of 2025
* [ ] D&D Pinball and Slot Machines
* Link
"Celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024, Dungeons & Dragons has captivated fans across generations and has become a cultural phenomenon. As part of Hasbro's year-long celebration of this milestone, Games Global will harness The World's Greatest Roleplaying Game to create an immersive, high-engagement slot experience, giving operators a chance to tap into the global fanbase," reads t ..read more
Saturday Morning RPG Show
1M ago
Catch the show live Saturday Mornings on YouTube!
* [ ] What happened in 2024 Tabletop?
* [ ] Vecna Eve of Ruined
* [ ] 2024 PHB and DMG
* [ ] Roll20 acquired Demiplane
* [ ] 3rd party content on DnD Beyond
* [ ] WotC, more layoffs, sued by investors,
* [ ] Planegea
* [ ] Dungeon Crawl Classics
* [ ] Music is the Sphere of Chaos
* [ ] DCC Day at my local store
* [ ] Ran lots of Dying Earth
* [ ] Played in Forbidden Lands
* [ ] Mothership 1e
* [ ] Jorphdan Channel Hit 25 million views
Crowd Funding & Deals
* [ ]
Design / Inspiration
* [ ] Modular_D6 v0.6.8 on Itch! (FREE)
* [ ] Writing ..read more
Saturday Morning RPG Show
2M ago
Catch the show live Saturday Mornings on YouTube!
* [ ] WotC dropping Artificer Playtest
* [ ] Feb 18 - Monster Manual 2024
* [ ] Summer - Dragon Anthology
* [ ] Fall - Starter Set
* [ ] Late 2025 - Forgotten Realms Player/Campaign Guide
* [ ] 36-Word RPG Jam on itch.io
* [ ] Secret Level Amazon Show
Crowd Funding & Deals
* [ ] Terror from the Underdeep (5e) Goodman Games (Backerkit)
* [ ] Free League Humble Bundle
Design / Inspiration
* [ ] Modular_D6 v0.6.8 on Itch! (FREE)
* [ ] Writing Modules, fixing spells, working out stuff.
* [ ] Scavengers Reign
* [ ] Lower Decks Season Finale ..read more
Saturday Morning RPG Show
2M ago
Catch the show live Saturday Mornings on YouTube!, leave a message or ask a question here https://forms.gle/MmMB73qiXaKFvX9m9
* [ ] Thanksgiving done, into the holiday season!
* [ ] Bluesky is kicking, find me there.
* [ ] Goodman Games creating their own version of 5e.
Crowd Funding & Deals
* [ ] Waiting for new 5e License, Christmas there are few Kickstarters.
* [ ] Pico: Tiny Bugs
* [ ] New affiliate: Shop of Many Things,
Design / Inspiration
* [ ] Modular_D6 v0.6.8 on Itch! (FREE)
* [ ] Monte Cook Games The Weird - Spell Crits and Fumble Tables
* [ ] Conversation with current grou ..read more
Saturday Morning RPG Show
2M ago
Catch the show live Saturday Mornings on YouTube!, leave a message or ask a question here https://forms.gle/MmMB73qiXaKFvX9m9
* [ ] D&D Direct August 27th on YouTube.
* [ ] Alt Covers delayed outside of North America.
* [ ] UK and Europe - Oct 18
* [ ] Australia - Oct 24 (BIRTHDAY!)
* [ ] New Zealand - Oct 31
* [ ] Dungeon Master’s Guide 11/12/2024
* [ ] Monster Manual 02/18/2025
* [ ] D&D Beyond to include 2014 and 2024, but merge some rules?
* [ ] It was problematic including playtest material, doing both editions is going to be difficult.
* [ ] New spells will replace old versi ..read more
Saturday Morning RPG Show
2M ago
Catch the show live Saturday Mornings on YouTube!, leave a message or ask a question here https://forms.gle/MmMB73qiXaKFvX9m9
* [ ] ENnie Award Winners for 2024
* [ ] D&D 2024 PHB is out in the wild. Reviews are popping up.
* I’m still confused about duel wielding.
* [ ] Alphastream has a good video review.
* [ ] Sly Flourish does too.
* [ ] GenCon
* [ ] DnD Beyond VTT (Project Sigil) will go to consoles
* [ ] Want this to be a digital toybox, not a game like Baldur’s Gate 3
* [ ] Artificer is coming (of course) and I’m sure further redesigns of existing sub classes.
* [ ] Paizo launc ..read more
Saturday Morning RPG Show
2M ago
Reflecting on 2023 and looking at the new year! News about ttrpgs and more!
Really good Call of Cthulhu Humble Bundle this week!
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This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit jorphdan.substack.com ..read more
Saturday Morning RPG Show
2M ago
First Draft of the ORC License
Basic Roleplaying Universal Game System
Kobold Press Project Black Flag is now Tales of the Valiant
Carbon Grey
Cloud Breaker Alliance Playtest
Catch us Live on YouTube! Saturday Mornings 9:00am PST
Discord for Chatting - https://bit.ly/Jorphdan
Patreon for Patrons - https://www.patreon.com/jorphdan
Follow us on Twitter!
Follow us on YouTube!
This is a publ ..read more
Saturday Morning RPG Show
3M ago
Catch the show live Saturday Mornings on YouTube!, leave a message or ask a question here https://forms.gle/MmMB73qiXaKFvX9m9
* [ ] I’m back! Had to travel for my muggle job, and exhausted.
* [ ] D&D Immersive Experience coming to Ontario
* [ ] Similar to Universal D&D fan night
* [ ] PAX Unplugged 2024 Dec 6-8th
* [ ] Dropout releases “Never Stop Blowing Up” for free
* [ ] Critical Role’s in-game novel “Tusk Love” to be published by Penguin Random House
Crowd Funding & Deals
* [ ] It’s MotherShip Month! (Backerkit)
* [ ] DCC Goblin Holiday Bundle (Kickstarter)
* [ ] Stay Fros ..read more