The Party Room
Want to know what's really going on in Parliament House? Fran Kelly and Patricia Karvelas give you the political analysis that matters and explain what it means for you.
The Party Room
6h ago
Two new opinion polls show the Albanese government on the back foot as the election inches closer — and for the first time Peter Dutton seems to be openly entertaining the possibility of a minority government.
It comes as the Opposition leader floated the idea that if elected, his government would consider divestiture powers to break up Australia's insurance giants. So, what's behind Peter Dutton's strategy?
Patricia Karvelas and Jacob Greber break it all down on Politics Now.
Got a burning question?
Got a burning political query? Send a short voice recording to PK and Fran for Question Time a ..read more
The Party Room
2d ago
From Monday February 17, The Party Room is getting a new look and a whole lot more politics. We're calling it 'Politics Now', the ABC's new home for political podcasts, and we're really excited for all the coverage we have planned of the coming federal election.
Politics Now will dive into the biggest political stories in Australia and around the world, giving you a balanced look inside the strategies and decisions behind the headlines. Whenever major news breaks, we’ll be in your feed with coverage you can trust.
From Monday to Wednesday, Patricia Karvelas will chat to a rotating cast of the ..read more
The Party Room
2d ago
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has a spring in his step this week, after it was revealed a carve out on US President Donald Trump's 25 per cent tariff on steel and aluminium was "under consideration". But will the PM's political luck run out before the election?
It comes as the first sitting fortnight of the year comes to an end, with the crossbench decrying the Labor-Coalition deal on electoral reforms as a major party "stitch up". Independents Helen Haines and Zali Stegall have suggested they will overhaul the reforms if re-elected.
Michelle Grattan, Chief Political Correspondent at The Con ..read more
The Party Room
2d ago
Parliament returned this week, but the Albanese Government's momentum was quickly derailed after Donald Trump's announcement the US would "own" the Gaza strip.
And while both the PM and Opposition leader declared they still support a two-state solution — they were both reticent to rebuff the US President's claims — with Peter Dutton labelling Trump "a big thinker". So, is the Government walking on eggshells over concerns about possible future tariffs?
And back home, Hate Speech laws are expected to pass — after the Government agreed to Coalition demands on mandatory sentencing. But two Indepen ..read more
The Party Room
2d ago
Opposition leader Peter Dutton has increasingly spruiked his "anti-woke agenda" across social media and podcasts. So, is he trying to appeal to disenfranchised male voters - and could that be his ticket to government?
And amid a spate of anti-Semitic attacks in Sydney, NSW police have found a caravan found with explosives and the address of a Jewish synagogue inside. The Prime Minister has joined the NSW Premier condemning this as an act of terror.
Phil Coorey, AFR Political Editor joins Patricia Karvelas and Fran Kelly on The Party Room.
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The Party Room
2d ago
Amid a spate of anti-Semitic attacks, the Prime Minister bowed to mounting pressure and called an emergency National Cabinet meeting. But the Opposition slammed the Government for being too slow to act, with Peter Dutton suggesting Anthony Albanese hadn't shown leadership on the issue.
And with US President Donald Trump now officially back in the White House, how will Australia's relationship fare?
Laura Tingle, ABC 730 Chief Political Correspondent joins Patricia Karvelas and Fran Kelly on The Party Room ..read more
The Party Room
2d ago
As the 2025 federal election looms large, both the Albanese Government and the Dutton Coalition are strategising about their electoral pathway to form Government — so, what key seats are in play for both sides?
And could the third party vote be set to increase even further in 2025?
Antony Green, ABC's Chief Election Analyst joins Patricia Karvelas and Jacob Greber on The Party Room.
Got a burning question?
Got a burning political query? Send a short voice recording to PK and Fran for Question Time at thepartyroom@abc.net.au
You can read more on new seat margins and the electoral pendulum on An ..read more
The Party Room
2d ago
The typical Australian home now costs eight times the median household income and rents have soared to a record high.
And while political battlelines are being drawn as we gear up for an election, what can actually be done from a policy perspective?
Brendan Coates, Housing and Economic Security Program Directo r at Grattan Institute joins Patricia Karvelas and Tom Crowley on The Party Room.
Got a burning question?
Got a burning political query? Send a short voice recording to PK and Fran for Question Time at thepartyroom@abc.net.au ..read more
The Party Room
2d ago
As the election year gets underway, questions are being raised about voters' satisfaction with the Albanese Government — and according to an ANU survey, there might be some alarming signs.
Indeed dissatisfaction with the direction of the country is at the same level as it was just before the Morrison government lost the election. So, what will this actually mean as Australians cast their ballot?
Professor Nicholas Biddle, Head of the School of Politics and International Relations at Australian National University joins Patricia Karvelas on The Party Room.
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Got a bu ..read more
The Party Room
2d ago
It seems the election contest has tightened, with a minority government — of either stripe — now seeming increasingly likely.
And recent Redbridge Group research has found the Coalition is now the favourite to win the largest share of seats in parliament — and clinch minority government. So, what trends are driving this?
Kos Samaras, Director Strategy and Analytics at Redbridge Group and Tony Barry, Director Corporate Affairs and Communications at Redbridge Group join Patricia Karvelas on The Party Room.
Got a burning question?
Got a burning political query? Send a short voice recording to PK ..read more