My Tractor Forum » Ford/New Holland Tractors
Get free guides on how to modify your Ford New Holland Tractor here. Share issues regarding the conversion, charging, power steering, and more; and find attachments to service manuals in this forum. My Tractor Forum is a family-friendly community dedicated to all Tractor owners and enthusiasts.
My Tractor Forum » Ford/New Holland Tractors
1d ago
I got the tractor out this morning to smooth out the whoop-de-doos in the driveway. I made a tight turn to go over it again and I had left a trail of oil. It was coming from the power steering pump. One video suggested that it might be coming from the reservoir o'ring but I put a piece of cardboard between it and the fitting and it was dry. I'm pretty sure it's coming from the fitting. Is the line attached with a flare or a ferrell? Is this a standard hydraulic fitting or something special...
Ford 2000 Steering Pump Leaking ..read more
My Tractor Forum » Ford/New Holland Tractors
1w ago
I have o/a 1963 Ford 4000 gas/4 cylinder tractor. I used it for bushhogging until i bought a newer JD. I drove the ford 4000 and parked it. maybe 2 years later after retiring i decided to work on it, paint it and maybe sell it. it was mostly covered during this time. I replaced some of the old wiring and ignition switch. I'm getting 12 Volt fire to both sides of the coil and to the distributor but i have no fire on the coil wire and i see no fire on the points. I am assuming maybe it...
No Fire ..read more
My Tractor Forum » Ford/New Holland Tractors
1w ago
I need to rebuild or replace the power steering pump on my 601 Select-0-Speed Ford tractor. My problem is that I can’t find any identifying marks on the pump, and the pumps for sale online don’t look like the one on my tractor. I have added a photograph of the pump. I would certainly appreciate any help identifying the pump. My old tractor is getting too hard to steer ..read more
My Tractor Forum » Ford/New Holland Tractors
1w ago
I've noticed several people have been able to tell when equipment was built by the numbers. Can anyone tell me what year my Ford 555C Backhoe was built?
Engine L2729250H29A
Model DF9P1Z
Unit 0J05B
Transmission 0E29 ..read more
My Tractor Forum » Ford/New Holland Tractors
1w ago
Hi everyone, I'm looking at a Ford 1700 diesel 4x4 tractor and I want to know if anybody knows of any major issues this model had. I don't know the exact year yet but just looking for anything that I might want to pay attention to ..read more
My Tractor Forum » Ford/New Holland Tractors
1w ago
I have a 2810 that I just aquired... My problem is that I have no fuel to the injectors. I have fuel all of the way to the injection pump. I have bled the fuel line from the tank to the filter, from the filter to the pump. I can get pressure from the bleeder screw on the side of the pump but no fuel from the injector line bosses.
I have taken the cover off of the pump and verified that the shut off linkage is not stuck. Also the metering rod is not stuck. Checked the filter and...
Ford 2810 injection pump ..read more
My Tractor Forum » Ford/New Holland Tractors
2w ago
My recently-purchased 1520 came with a roll-over bar, but it was not installed on the tractor. Are there any specific bolts used to secure it in place ..read more
My Tractor Forum » Ford/New Holland Tractors
2w ago
hi, I have a 1979 Ford 1900 diesel, it came to me in pieces and I’ve put most of it back together one thing I cannot figure out is how the floor boards get mounted if anyone has a picture or knows the hardware to do so that would be great, here’s what I’m looking at - I could be missing some pieces thank you
as you can see I’ve had to retrofit some things to make it work already but the boards seem to line up with the 5/8 inch or so studs ..read more
My Tractor Forum » Ford/New Holland Tractors
2w ago
He Folks,
My late uncle was the proud owner of this Golden Jubilee. It's been sitting in the garage for years which Uncle Buck would never have approved of because he was a hard working man. Grew up farming the tobacco fields of Eastern Tennessee.
In a remembrance of him, I'm looking to put it to work this spring for an urban farming project, but I'm honestly not all that familiar with it's capabilities as compared to more modern machines. It's of a make and year a little before my time...
Getting A Golden Jubilee Up To Speed ..read more
My Tractor Forum » Ford/New Holland Tractors
3w ago
Just bought a little 1520 to use around my bit of acreage. I had to replace my old Farmall H due to getting older (me, not the H). It's getting harder to get up onto, and to steer it. Anyway, I'm intersted in getting the 720C front blade for it, to clear snow from my lane and maybe some other relatively light-weight stuff. I'm trying to find a manual for it, so I can see how it mounts and if I even wanna go with it, but, to be honest with ya, I don't wanna shell out for one in case I end up...
New to Group with 1520 Ford ..read more