Songwriting for Everyone
This podcast is for all songwriters, whether just starting or advanced - no musical background necessary! Composer and teacher Joseph Lilore cover the techniques of modern hit songwriters, along with an in-depth analysis of popular songs through time. The first series of lessons is an interactive course, where Joe plays chord progressions on the guitar as you sing along, turning your words..
Songwriting for Everyone
5d ago
Songwriting - In this episode Joe illustrates how a complete song is created by developing 6 small musical phrases into a complete work through the use of repetition and repetition with variation. In all genres and styles of music this is the technique composers use to make their music cohesive and memorable ..read more
Songwriting for Everyone
5d ago
Songwriting - This episode features a chord progression based on the Mixolydian mode. It is recommended to improvise vocal and instrumental melodies, and in addition, incorporate these chords and progressions into your songs as is, or with variation. In addition I have included a complete song background ..read more
Songwriting for Everyone
5d ago
Songwriting - This episode features a chord progression based on the Lydian mode. It is recommended to improvise vocal and instrumental melodies, and in addition, incorporate these chords and progressions into your songs as is, or with variation.  ..read more
Songwriting for Everyone
5d ago
Songwriting - This episode features a chord progression based on the Phrygian mode. It is recommended to improvise vocal and instrumental melodies, and in addition, incorporate these chords and progressions into your songs as is, or with variation ..read more
Songwriting for Everyone
5d ago
Hi everyone - I am thrilled to announce I have joined the Free Music Archive Website. I have uploaded 85 pieces of music which may be used by anyone in need of background music for any project absolutely free of charge. My music is divided into 3 categories - Classical Guitar & Various instruments and ensembles - Orchestral Miniatures for Orchestra lasting between 2 & 5 Minutes and Soundscapes (sound images). In this episode the work featured is "VOYAGE" Jonathan Page and Myself collaborated on this work ..read more
Songwriting for Everyone
5d ago
Songwriting - This episode features a chord progression used for hundreds of years in all styles of music. In the key of A minor - Am, G, F and E minor and E major. It is recommended to improvise vocal and instrumental melodies and in addition, incorporate these and those that follow in future episodes into your songs as is, or with variation ..read more
Songwriting for Everyone
5d ago
Hi everyone - I am thrilled to announce I have joined the Free Music Archive Website. I have uploaded 85 pieces of music which may be used by anyone in need of background music for any project absolutely free of charge. My music is divided into 3 categories - Classical Guitar & Various instruments and ensembles - Orchestral Miniatures for Orchestra lasting between 2 & 5 Minutes and Soundscapes (sound images). In this episode the work featured is "ANGEL" - main theme & finale.  ..read more
Songwriting for Everyone
5d ago
Songwriting - In this episode Joe plays another popular chord progression used in modern music, all styles "6415". In the key of D Major = Bm, G, D & A Major. This will enable you to practice improvising musical phrases and sentences anytime anywhere. In addition it is recommended to practice chordal ear-training and using your instrument to improvise using the D Major and B minor pentatonic scales ..read more
Songwriting for Everyone
5d ago
Songwriting - In this episode Joe plays another popular chord progression used in modern music, all styles "6145". In the key of C Major = Am , C, F and G. This will enable you to practice improvising musical phrases and sentences anytime anywhere.  ..read more
Songwriting for Everyone
5d ago
Songwriting - In this episode Joe plays the most popular chord progression used in modern music, all styles "1 5 6 4. In the key of C Major = C G Am and F. This will enable you to practice improvising musical phrases and sentences anytime anywhere.  ..read more