"The Divine Leaf of Immortality": A conversation on Coca, with Wade Davis.
State of Power
by State of Power
2w ago
Nearly 75 years after the United Nations called for the abolition of  coca leaf chewing, the world will have an opportunity to correct this grave historic error. The World Health Organization (WHO), at  the Plurinational State of Bolivia’s request,  and supported by Colombia, will conduct a ‘critical review’ of the coca leaf over the next year. Based on its findings, the WHO may recommend changes in coca’s classification under the UN drug control treaties. The WHO recommendations would be submitted for approval by the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), with voting likely in ..read more
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S4 Ep7: Building a Just Energy Transition in an Age of Corporate and Imperial Power (Nick Buxton in Conversation with Thea Riofrancos, Ozzi Warwick, and Timothy Mitchell)
State of Power
by State of Power
5M ago
The fossil fuel based energy system has shaped capitalism and our geopolitical order. On the 50th year of TNI's existence, the State of Power report unveils the corporate and financial actors that underpin this order, the dangers of an unjust energy transition, lessons for movements of resistance, and the possibilities for transformative change. How can we build a Just energy transition in the age of corporate and imperial power?  In today’s episode, a special accompaniment to the 12th Annual State of Power Report on energy, Nick Buxton speaks to three interesting people who have unique ..read more
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Breaking Big Pharma and Big Tech, Global Debt and Race Politics, and the End of Borders: In Conversation with Arun Kundnani
State of Power
by State of Power
1y ago
Even a global crisis can provide opportunities for fairer, freer and better ways of organising our world. But too often they can simply become moments to further entrench power, hegemony and undue influence. Unfortunately, as history has demonstrated, global policy making has often shifted in undesirable directions because those in power use crises to push their own interests.  Some commentators have made comparisons between the global impact of 911 on public policy, and the impact of the Covid 19 virus, because while the Covid pandemic may be over, just like 911, its impacts still rever ..read more
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S4 Ep6: Ecofeminism 2: Towards an Ecofeminist Energy Future. (Lavinia Steinfort in Conversation with Shannon Bell, Cara Daggett, and Christine Labuski) )
State of Power
by State of Power
1y ago
Energy is currently produced and consumed based on sexist, racist and classist power relations that favour the pursuit of private profits at the expense of the common good. Extractivist oligopolies and corporatised politics have imposed humiliating austerity measures, privatisations of public services, and excessive and growing socio-economic inequality, displacement and dispossession, and environmental destruction. These processes drive skyrocketing levels of energy poverty and a worsening ecological crisis. The most exploited and discriminated people are hit the hardest: from women in low-i ..read more
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S4 Ep5: Towards an ecofeminist energy future. 1. Ecofeminism (Lavinia Steinfort in Conversation with Dr. Vandana Shiva)
State of Power
by State of Power
1y ago
Energy is currently produced and consumed based on sexist, racist and classist power relations that favour the pursuit of private profits at the expense of the common good.  The current model is responsible for processes that drive skyrocketing levels of energy poverty and a worsening ecological crisis. Groups that are already treated with disdain by many societies are further marginalised, in specific and concrete ways, by the current energy model. The most exploited and discriminated people are hit the hardest: from women in low-income households, women of colour and women with disabili ..read more
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S4 Ep4: Why We Need to Abolish Borders: Arun Kundnani in Conversation with Harsha Walia
State of Power
by State of Power
1y ago
Borders uphold a global system of apartheid—and we should demand nothing less than their abolition. In this interview, activist and writer Harsha Walia lays out how borders and citizenship maintain colonial axes of power. From Fortress Europe outsourcing border control far into the African continent in exchange for aid, to Canada securing the availability of cheap farm workers through its selective immigration system, she demonstrates how capitalism and border regimes feed off of each other. Harsha Walia makes a compelling case for abolition: No banks, no bombs, no borders, no bosses. Or, in h ..read more
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S4 Ep3: Why we need to break Big Pharma's power before the next pandemic hits (Arun Kundnani in Conversation with Mohga Kamal-Yanni)
State of Power
by State of Power
1y ago
How is it that drug companies can make huge profits from vaccines while people in the global south die from lack of access to medical care? How does the global regime of intellectual property rights enable this inequality? And what is the role of Bill Gates in defending this system?  In this interview, Dr. Mohga Kamal-Yanni argues that vaccine inequality is not a market but a policy failure. From the HIV crisis in the early 2000s to the recent pandemic, the public has repeatedly shouldered the risk for the development of live-saving medicines while private corporations have reaped obscen ..read more
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S4 Ep2: Seizing the Means of Computation – How Popular Movements Can Topple Big Tech Monopolies: In Conversation with Cory Doctorow
State of Power
by State of Power
1y ago
 An influential group of big technology corporations, commonly referred to as Big Tech has concentrated vast economic power with the collusion of states, which has resulted in expanded surveillance,  spiraling disinformation and weakened workers' rights. TNI’s 11th flagship State of Power report exposes the actors, the strategies and the implications of this digital power grab, and shares ideas on how movements might bring technology back under popular control. Our guest on the podcast is Cory Doctorow, a  brilliant science fiction novelist, journalist and technology activist ..read more
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S4 Ep1: Will There Be Another Debt Crisis? Current Economic Challenges Facing the Global South: Arun Kundnani in Conversation with Jomo Kwame Sundaram
State of Power
by State of Power
1y ago
What are the economic challenges facing the Global South post-pandemic? What role have global financial institutions like the World Bank and the IMF played in worsening the economic situation for poorer countries? And what economic alternatives might exist? In this interview, Jomo Kwame Sundaram shines a light on the effects that decades of liberalisation policy have had on countries in the global South, including deindustrialisation, food insecurity, and another looming debt crisis. He argues that the recent refusal to waive international property rights related to vaccines as well as sancti ..read more
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S3 Ep15: How the World’s Tax Havens became the Data Centres for the Digital Economy (In conversation with Sofia Scassera)
State of Power
by State of Power
1y ago
As the various tax avoidance scandals such as the Panama papers, Paradise papers and Pandora papers have shown, tax havens are some of the most important instruments for reproducing social inequalities. The wealthy use countries with favourable laws to store their wealth, safely and away from public scrutiny.   But tax havens are becoming an even bigger problem for social equity as the global economy becomes more and more digital. Big Data, generated  by all of us all over the world through our interactions with technology, is the raw material for the digital economy, but is process ..read more
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