The GDPR Series
The GDPR Series is a series of real discussion with Philipa Jane Farley and ProPrivacy on data protection, privacy and cyber security with real business owners designed to help you with your data compliance programmes in a practical way.
The GDPR Series
4y ago
Today on The GDPR Series podcast, we talk connection, networks and messaging. Our guest is a solutions provider in the field of keeping mail safe, physical and digital. He is also a well-known LinkedIn personality who is passionate about professional selling. Listen on to find out how he uncovered successful ways to network, connect and sell professionally on LinkedIn through selling a solution for secure mailing.
Our guest today is Mike Roberts the sincere and friendly helping hand behind ‘LinkedIn 101’ and the seamless secure and confidential mail communication solution Frama Rmail . Frama R more
The GDPR Series
4y ago
Today on The GDPR Series podcast, our focus is bringing the GDPR back down to earth. I chat with a rare woman in cyber (and data) who presents her GDPR message to businesses through the lens of real life cyber security issues. With a very interesting background in the hotel, travel and leisure industry, we are treated to a discussion with somebody who knows all about taking care of masses of far and fast moving data! Listen to find out more.
Our guest today is Andrea Manning. Andrea set up Data Influence with the intent to influence how we think about data. She is on a more
The GDPR Series
4y ago
Today on The GDPR Series podcast, we have a bit of a different guest. My challenge to digital marketing consultant and LinkedIn trainer, Louise Bunyan of SmartFox, was to join me in discussing data protection even though she kept insisting it wasn’t really in her sphere of influence, so to speak. But I knew from many previous work-related discussions that it most definitely was!
We invite you to listen to our chat on the challenges job seekers and employees face in a digital world, curating their identities online via LinkedIn especially while looking for opportunities for growth. As it turns more
The GDPR Series
4y ago
We all have days where we feel truly overwhelmed with our GDPR compliance obligations. We’ve said before, eat the elephant one bite at a time, but how do you decide where to start? Today on The GDPR Series podcast, our focus is an application (and the creator) that guides you through a logical way to manage your GDPR compliance obligations, and yes, it’s mostly about you, smaller businesses. Listen up for some nuggets that will save you a lot of time and effort, especially when dealing with pressurised and complex data access requests!
Our guest today is Claude Saulnier more
The GDPR Series
4y ago
Today on The GDPR Series podcast, our focus is straight business talk, children’s data and moving from paper to digital! I chat with a creative business owner who deals with most of her data protection compliance tasks herself. Besides helping me translate data protection compliance language into plain speak, she shares with us how to just get on and do what needs doing. This business owner writes her own policies and does her own vendor risk assessments! Listen to find out more.
Our guest today is Stephanie McSherry the creative, and all-round wonder(ful) woman more
The GDPR Series
4y ago
Today on The GDPR Series podcast, we talk generally about life as a DPO and a few of the challenges that can arise, particularly independence and having to give the medicine when it’s needed! Our guest today values relationships and lives his motto – your partner for compliance. Need a DPO or thinking about becoming one? Listen to find out more.
Our guest today is Stuart Anderson the multifaceted and talented man behind XpertDPO! Stuart shares some real life experience around getting to know clients intimately, giving difficult advice and dealing with data subjects exer more
The GDPR Series
4y ago
Today on The GDPR Series podcast, our focus is ransomware – cyber security AND data protection! I chat with a well-known on the training circuit and expert cyber guy about the current ransomware landscape and how he got into data protection work. Yes, it does involve managers reading employee emails. Heads up: he’ll be one of our Serity support consultants! Listen to find out more.
Our guest today is Liam Lynch who prides himself on keeping security simplified and training fun! Yes, fun cyber security and data protection done excellently. Liam was really inv more
The GDPR Series
4y ago
Today on The GDPR Series podcast, our focus is data protection and privacy compliant marketing. I chat with an expert marketing strategist about positive, permission-based marketing and how the personal data of your customer is a gift from them to you. Besides some great discussion on the principles underpinning data protection – the GDPR – (and privacy), we have a bit of a chat about some marketing history and how strategies have evolved a little. One certain book has been a bit of a revelation to me – completely missed that one! Listen to find out more.
Our guest toda more