Mazda CX-30 Forum
The Mazda CX-30 Forum is a forum community dedicated to Mazda CX-30 owners and enthusiasts. Here you can find discussions about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, purchasing, maintenance, and more! Share your resources on dealerships, pricing, renting, and more. You can also post your complaints, discuss all related problems, and find solutions.
Mazda CX-30 Forum
13h ago
Hi all, my wife and I are new to this site and have a 21 plate CX30 which, up to now, has been very reliable.
We recently noticed a few issues happening at the same time which seemed to be more than coincidental and electrically based. The car alarm would go off unexpected but that seems to have now settled down. Different lights and messages would appear on the dashboard then, again, settle down but the most consistent one is that the electric windows, both front and back, on the...
Window fault ..read more
Mazda CX-30 Forum
18h ago
With my great age I am finding it very difficult clambering around to find the navigation CD location. The Handbook doesn't help other than tell me that it could be anywhere depending on the model. I have a 2020 CX30 ..read more
Mazda CX-30 Forum
19h ago
Hello all.
Just purchased a beautiful soul red crystal CX30 Sport Lux. Replaced a Ford Focus and now compliments my other car, a soul red 25th anniversary MX5.
Looking forward to many happy miles of motoring in the CX ..read more
Mazda CX-30 Forum
1d ago
Hi friends! My name is Kevin and I currently drive a 2019 CX-5 and my wife drives a 2023 CX-30. My previous car was a 6 speed 2017 Mazda 3 hatch, but was totaled a few years back after being sandwiched in a car accident. Nice to meet you all ..read more
Mazda CX-30 Forum
1d ago
When starting the engine from cold, is the M Hybrid battery used or does the starter motor only draw current from the standard 12V battery? Similarly, if the 12V battery is too discharged to start the car, will the car start using current drawn from the M Hybrid battery ..read more
Mazda CX-30 Forum
1d ago
Hi to all. Just joined yesterday. I have a CX30 now 3 years old with a problem I posted yesterday. This is my 9th Mazda so I’m a definite Mazda fan ..read more
Mazda CX-30 Forum
2d ago
Just recently, I have discovered that my CX30 start button does not turn and start the engine. I should mention that for the last 2.5 years I have had a dash cam fitted which “sleeps” while parked but records any movement near the car. It has a “box” as part of the wiring which switches off power to the camera if battery voltage drops below 11 volts. Any ideas about the starting problem would be much appreciated. It has only happened for the last couple of weeks. Thanks ..read more
Mazda CX-30 Forum
2d ago
My lease on my CX-30 Turbo PP is coming to a end soon and I'm torn right now whether to buy out or return it.
Did have a trouble-free ownership pretty much. Residual sitting around 22k ish and I'm contemplating because I only have 18k miles on the car right now. Overall I think it's a great car minus the small gas tank, sluggish transmission, and crappy brakes. Tires still sitting around 7/32nd which is amazing. Car did develop some annoying creeks and rattles though.
How many of you...
Let go or Keep ..read more
Mazda CX-30 Forum
2d ago
I have a 2020 CX30.
It used to work fine, but now is not recognising school signs and speed limits correctly. e.g. it says "school zone ahead" when there isn't one, or "red light and speed camera" when I am past that. The problem is both before and after the zones.
Any suggestions please? If I did a Reset would that help? If so, please give me easy instructions.
Thank you everyone ..read more
Mazda CX-30 Forum
2d ago
Anybody have any information or updates on whether or not Mazda plans to deal with the issues where CX30 Turbo rims (the black ones) are coming from factory not fully painted on the inside part of the rims?
My former 21 CX30 Turbo rims were painted solid black inside and out, but on the 2024 model it seems like they literally just painted the outer surface and not the full inside of the rims. In fact, even little spots between the spokes and part of the rim where its bolted to the car have...
2024 Cx30 Turbo Rims not fully painted from factory ..read more