Mazda 6 Forums
The Mazda 6 Club is a forum dedicated to the Mazda6 / Atenza. It's a place to discuss reliability, performance, modifications, and more! Ask questions about the vehicle and get answers from other owners and experts. Find out if the Mazda 6 is the right car for you and check out the consumer reviews and articles.
Mazda 6 Forums
8h ago
Hi I’m new to Mazdas but been working on cars about 20 years now I’m having a problem with intermittent spark and the scan tool says PO 340 cam position sensor i’ve changed the sensor and still the same thing fires once and then dies iv check coil have fuel pumps working fuses seem to be fine not sure where to go from here whether the ECM is faulty or not. It’s my daughter’s car she said lights came up on the dash the transmission was. lagging and the car just stopped. We had to get it towed...
Intermittent spark problem Mazda 6 2003 2.3L ..read more
Mazda 6 Forums
13h ago
Title says it all....
I keep blowing the fuse and then I have no lights in the rear. This never happened until recently when I installed my fogs which are tapped into my side markers. Just last night the fuse blew on the highway when my gf turned on an interior light inside my car. Any ideas as to why I keep blowing the fuse, should I wire the fogs differently ..read more
Mazda 6 Forums
18h ago
Greetings All,
I'm hoping to get an answer on how to replace blower resistor on my Mazda 6 2010 (2.5L). The issue is that blower only works on high setting (4).
I got an estimate from local Mazda dealer and they want to charge me $180 for labor + $18 for part which sounds awfully a lot. I was thinking that if it is located behind the glove compartment (see link below) I could simply replace it myself. I did look behind glove compartment but couldn't visually locate it.
Can somebody provide...
replace blower resistor on Mazda 6 2010 ..read more
Mazda 6 Forums
1d ago
Charging system issue.
Alternator and battery are good.
Heavy gauge wire on alt is good.
2 wires (blue and grey) on alt connector have communication at fuse box plug, but are now a different color (blue/green and black). They also both show communication with a heavier red wire. I just want to run 2 new/separate wires, but not sure which is which ..read more
Mazda 6 Forums
2d ago
I have a 2015 mazda 6.
I assume this is how it is, but it's very annoying. So many times, I have the engine running while in park, and need to get the back or passenger door opened but it's usually locked by default... the only way I am aware of is to go back to the driver door and press the inside unlock button..you can not use the remote nor can you press the outside door's lock/unlock button on either the driver or front passenger door. Whoever designed this did not consider...
Remote can't unlock doors when engine running ..read more
Mazda 6 Forums
2d ago
I've only had the car two days and have got a bit of an issue. I noticed that the interior lights were switched off and when I moved the switch to 'Door' the lights would stay on permanently even though the door open sign was not showing.
I did some checking an noticed that the previous owner had replaced the boot light with an LED bulb which was flickering and I've since removed it. Is this likely to have caused an issue?
I've noticed that the courtesy door lights don't work...
Interior Lighting Issue (2013 2.0 Sport Nav ..read more
Mazda 6 Forums
2d ago
I have a 2017 CX5 Grand Touring AWD looking to update the OS and get it set up to work with Android Auto, but I'm also looking to update the GPS. I purchased my vehicle in the US and have the SD card for North America, but I brought my car to Brazil with me. I assume I should update based on the original OS, but are there any recommendations for getting it set up for life in Brazil? Thanks ..read more
Mazda 6 Forums
2d ago
I had a parking sensor throw an error when putting my GJ 2015 into reverse, tried cleaning the offending sensor, it still showed a yellow triangle, considered taking it out to see what was wrong, so last thing I tried was spraying WD40 on it....
It worked it's now functioning as intended!!
Top tip ..read more
Mazda 6 Forums
2d ago
Howdy all. Long time member whos original account doesn't want to play nice. My lower coolant T broke and while it's down I figured I should probably replace the water pump. 2004 V6 hatchback. I've been looking for the complete service manual for the V6 but have had no luck, just the rebuild manual. Does anyone have it saved somewhere? Alternatively, does anyone have the waterpump replacement procedure somewhere. All of the 6crew stuff appears to be gone forever.
Thank you!
Rob ..read more
Mazda 6 Forums
2d ago
Hi all,
Just got a 2019 Mazda 6 Atenza. Was keen to finally have Android Auto on it. However it hasn't worked for my Pixel 7. But works for Pixel 7a. Which leads me to conclude it might be a phone issue.
On my pixel 7 it says it's connected to Android Auto. But on the console it is stuck with the message:
Enable Android Auto. To use Android Auto stop the vehicle when it is safe to do so and follow the instructions shown on the Android device.
I can only select cancel and then it doesn't...
2019 Mazda 6 Android Auto not working for pixel 7, but works for Pixel 7A ..read more