Lessons from growing garlic in a hot climate
Love of Dirt
by Nicki Mckay
3y ago
If you watch certain garden shows, they will tell you that you shouldn't even try growing garlic in our climate. 'Stick to garlic chives they say', but seriously it's not the same thing at all. Well I am the kind of person that if you tell me I can't do something, I will be determined to prove you wrong. After many years of failure, this year I had a successful crop and in this weeks episode I am sharing my learnings.  ..read more
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Heidi Merika - Boosting your Immunity with Plants
Love of Dirt
by Nicki Mckay
3y ago
We're back for a new season of the Podcast in 2020. This episode I chat with Heidi Merika who is a Naturopath and Medical Herbalist. We talk about Heidi's journey into the plant world and deep dive into ways you can boost your immunity from plants you can grow or find.  ..read more
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Spring Garden Jobs
Love of Dirt
by Nicki Mckay
3y ago
Spring is a lovely time of year for us, but it does get hot very quickly! I would liken our Spring to more like a Mediterranean summer, it’s hot and dry. In this Podcast I thought I’d share some of the things we’re doing this Spring to make sure we get through summer reasonably unscathed ..read more
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Welcome to the Love of Dirt Podcast
Love of Dirt
by Nicki Mckay
3y ago
Growing food is fast becoming a lost art. It's feared, it's unknown, it's challenging, it's rebellious. But it doesn't have to be hard. In this episode I give a quick introduction about what the Love of Dirt podcast is all about - growing food, fair food and sustainable living ..read more
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What to plant in Spring
Love of Dirt
by Nicki Mckay
3y ago
Here in the subtropical climate we have to be super organised to make sure we get things in before summer hits and kills our gardening dreams.  In this episode I chat about some of my favourite things to get growing in spring time.  ..read more
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Things I wish I knew before starting my Veggie Patch
Love of Dirt
by Nicki Mckay
3y ago
It can be incredibly easy to setup a vegetable garden and wonder what the hell is the point. You may find that nothing grows well, your harvests are too small to warrant the effort or your crops are decimated by possums or full of grubs. I experienced ALL of these things but persevered. Had I have known a little bit more about growing my own food, it would have prevented a lot of frustration.  In this episode I share the things I wish I knew before I started my veggie patch ..read more
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Growing food when you rent
Love of Dirt
by Nicki Mckay
3y ago
Before we bought our place (less than 12 months ago) we rented for many decades. During that time we still managed to grow a lot of food. In this podcast I talk about ways you can grow your own food in a rental ..read more
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Choosing the right composting worm farm setup
Love of Dirt
by Nicki Mckay
3y ago
Whenever anyone asks me where they should start when it comes to composting I always say get a composting worm farm. In this episode I chat about the different types of worm farm setups we've had, we currently use and other options you may want to check out.  ..read more
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Best raised bed for your Veggie Garden in Australia
Love of Dirt
by Nicki Mckay
3y ago
Often we are asked what type of raised bed we prefer to use in our suburban patch. There are a range of options and in this episode I have put together a break down of options to suit the Australian conditions ..read more
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Tips for creating an organic vegan garden
Love of Dirt
by Nicki Mckay
3y ago
Are you vegan but struggle to find solutions that aren’t animal based for your vegan garden?  For a very long time I was super confused as to how you could be vegan and also eat organically. Organic fertilisers are generally manure based, and manure for the horticulture industry generally comes from the animals within the meat industry. Then there’s worm farming and attracting beneficial insects to murder the bad insects. In this episode I talk about ways to boost your organic vegan garden soil and keep your garden pest free.  ..read more
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