The Happy Apple
Welcome to The Happy Apple Podcast, bought to you by me, Katie King aka The Balanced Nutritionist. The Happy Apple podcast drops monthly, covering a wide variety of health topics but we ALWAYS try to keep the conversation positive and happy. Food should not be a source of stress.... it can be both nutritious and delicious at the same time. I'm here to remind you that healthy food is fun and..
The Happy Apple
1M ago
Welcome to another episode of the Happy Apple! I recently connected with a like minded personal trainer who operates near where I live who agreed to an interview on this episode of the Happy Apple. Matthew Sullivan is a highly experienced and professional personal trainer, operating from Drive Fitness who holds a Bachelor of Exercise & Sports Science as well as a number of other qualifications.
During this exercise we cover:
-Advice for anyone wanting to begin a journey towards heath and fitness.
-Common pitfalls when starting a journey towards better health and fitness.
-Why p ..read more
The Happy Apple
1M ago
In this episode, I am very lucky to be joined by client and friend Anita.
Anita began her journey with Metabolic Balance 13 months ago; in January 2022.
As well as having 2 teenagers , Anita works full time, runs marathons and does regular pilates classes.
This is Anita's reflection of her Metabolic Balance journey; her expectataions of the program, what she actually gained from Metabolic Balance, what maintenance looks like now, who she would recommend MB too and why and how it has changed her life.
We also talk about the incredible, but underestimated effect that food has on the way th ..read more
The Happy Apple
1M ago
This is episode 3 in the mini series on the Happy Apple, focusing on Metabolic Balance.
In this episode, I have the privelage of interviewing Alexandra Brewster. Alex is a fellow Metabolic Balance coach.... but she is also a nurse, midwife, qualified Naturopath, nutritionist, western herbal medicine practitioner an functional medicine practitioner.
Alex and I chat about nutrition in general... and how nutrition should be the FIRST port of call in the treatment of disease.
We also talk about the Metabolic Balance program and how magical it truly is.... how much power there is in being abl ..read more
The Happy Apple
1M ago
Following last fortnight's passionate interview with CEO of metabolic balance AUS & NZ Cherry Wills, I thought I'd dive more into the 'what is' side of Metabolic Balance.
In this podcast, I dissect the '8 rules' of Metabolic Balance. Together with the personalised food list, the 8 rules is a core componenent of the Metabolic Balance program. So if you are considering Metabolic Balance for you then this is a great podcast to listen to, in order to gain further understanding of 'what a program is like.'
This is episode 2 in my mini-series, focusing on Metabolic Balance.  ..read more
The Happy Apple
1M ago
Welcome to the first episode of the Happy Apple for 2023.
I am so pleased to sit down with the head of Metabolic Balance for Australia and NZ - a friend and mentor, Cherry Wills!
Metabolic Balance is a comprehensive health program I offer in my clinic and I was trained by Cherry over 5 years ago it 2017.
Cherry and I discuss:
-What sets Metabolic Balance apart from other 'diets'
-How food can benefit in the management of a host of health problems
-How food can help people reach their full potential as human beings and be the very best version of themselves....
And there are many other passion ..read more
The Happy Apple
1M ago
This one is especially for those`of you who are looking to make a big health change in 2023. Your success in doing so is dependent not on your exercise, not on your nutrition, not on your lifestyle.... ultimately it is dependent on your mindset. Because its your mindset that will govern all of these elements.
I've been reflecting a lot on why some clients make longterm changes... and why others make a change for a season. And mindset is definitely the key. And its not the mindset DURING the process... but having the right mindset from the BEGINING of the process that really matters.  ..read more
The Happy Apple
1M ago
A bit of a different episode today and very focused on mindset for change. Self respect and self compassion... you absolutely need BOTH in life and in health. What does self respect and self compassion look like? Why is it critical? Why, without them, do we end up in a spiral of self sabotage? Listen in because this is all covered in this episode ..read more
The Happy Apple
1M ago
Not only is just as important... its part of having a healthy relationship with food! You can not have one without the other.
Do you 'track' your exercise? I.e. do you track heartrate, exertion, calories burned and other 'numbers'? In this episode I explore how this might be detrimental to your overall health... especially your mental health.
Is it more important to you that you burn a lot of calories.... or is it more important that you enjoy what you are doing and listen to your body?
Just a few things I ask you to ponder if you choose to tune in to this one ..read more
The Happy Apple
1M ago
I recently re-entered the world of 'mainstream exercise' by joining up with a friend at a local gym. I was quite stunned... and disgusted by the marketing that was plastered all over every available space at the gym. Most of it was conflicting nutrition advice and all of it was belittling. It made me think how terrible this sort of messaging is and how things really need to change if we are going to genuinely encourage people to take responsibility for their health ..read more
The Happy Apple
1M ago
Why do so many people want to look after themselves better and make better food choices... but don't? Why do many improve their health and food choices for a little while.... but not a lifetime? Because its not really about the food... its about how we think and feel about food. And ourselves for that matter. If you start there, then you will get permanent change.  ..read more