Tony Talks Wealth Podcast
Welcome to Tony Talks Wealth! Tony interviews real people about their money journey, challenges and how they overcame them. You will learn personal finance and practical money management tips to help you get your finances in order as well as your money mindset. He also discusses how to invest and plan for an early-retirement and financial freedom in simple, easy to understand language.
Tony Talks Wealth Podcast
2y ago
Welcome to the 100th episode of Tony Talks Wealth! Listen to Tony talk to wealth experts from many of his recently published podcasts and share their wisdom on the question that Tony asks all his guests ; What does wealth mean to you?
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Steve Conley
Bev Jones
Kristina Wise
Fanny Snaith
Angel Ribo
Jim Meulhhausen
Rick Heyland
Joseph Wilkins
Dr Clemen Chiangmai
EA Csolkovits
BEST MOMENTS‘The three kinds of wealth, financial wealth, health, and social wealth. En more
Tony Talks Wealth Podcast
2y ago
Individual Savings Accounts (ISA) are a great way of saving and minimising the amount of tax you have to pay on your investment returns. Tony talks about the different kinds, how they work and how they can benefit you and your Investment Plan.
Some ISA’s give you instant access to your money and can be used to plan your finances in the short term. You can also invest in an ISA for the future.
If you are a UK resident over the age of 18 you can open up one of each kind of ISA over the tax year. Cash ISAs do not invest in the stock market and the investment relies on interest rate more
Tony Talks Wealth Podcast
2y ago
Investing can be a very complicated and confusing process, especially for those who are new to it. There are so many options and strategies out there and it can be difficult to know where to start. Having a clear understanding of what you are hoping to achieve and your current finances is essential before you start to decide how you are to move forward toward your goal. Tony talks about how you can achieve this.
Cash Flow Modelling (CFM) is a powerful tool that can help you take control of your finances and move toward your investment objectives.
With CFM you can clearly more
Tony Talks Wealth Podcast
2y ago
Goals based investing is a great way to make wise financial decisions when you are overwhelmed by the choice in investment options. Tony talks about how to navigate the myriad of investment products available today by clarifying what you are really aiming for in the future.
A variety of financial goals such as retirement, home purchases or saving for a child’s education can be specified specifically to make choices on investments.
Focus on the long term. You are less likely to make impulsive, short term decisions.
Have a disciplined approach to investing to avoid spoiling your p more
Tony Talks Wealth Podcast
2y ago
Tony talks about how to make the most of your pension pot so you can get back to dreaming about your retirement and not dreading it. Many people are feeling financial pressure at the moment, and it can be difficult to consider the future, but even with current conditions there are ways you can maximise your pension opportunities.
When offered the opportunity to join a workplace pension it is always a good idea to do so due to the contributions they make.
You also get extra money from the government in your tax payments on any contributions you make.
The more
Tony Talks Wealth Podcast
2y ago
The key to a robust retirement is having a good idea of the plans that you have for when you reach your chosen age. To keep up your lifestyle in your golden years you need to be sure of your pension and financial situation. Tony talks about what you need to know when working on your future.
Retain a professional Financial Advisor to achieve the retirement that you want.
Currently only half of those with assets over £100,000 to £500,000 excluding property are planning to take professional financial advice.
‘With so m more
Tony Talks Wealth Podcast
2y ago
Tony talks about the erosion that occurs in your savings with the current inflation rates and how you can benefit from tax relief in the coming year.
Tax efficiency is a key consideration when investing because it can make such an enormous difference to your wealth and quality of life.
One way to avoid tax is to contribute to an individual savings account (ISA) and take advantage of up to £20,000 tax free with a stocks and shares ISA.
A cash ISA allows you to earn interest on your savings without having to pay any tax on interest earned.
Junior ISA are for those under 18 more
Tony Talks Wealth Podcast
2y ago
In this episode Tony talks about the difference between individuals' personal plans towards retirement and some of the extra challenges previous generations of savers never had to worry about.
Life expectancy is longer than ever before which means you need your money to last much longer.
More companies are moving away from Defined Benefit Pensions which guarantee you a certain amount of money in your retirement. Defined Contribution Plans are much more subject to the ups and downs of the market.
A mixture of various investments further individualises many peoples ap more
Tony Talks Wealth Podcast
2y ago
Tony talks about the requirements of withdrawing your pension and the five things you need to carefully consider before doing so. Currently you can access your pension from the age of 55, changing soon to 57 unless you have a protected pension age, so if you are approaching these birthdays it's worth checking out Tony’s advice.
Pension Freedoms. Consider your pensions accessibility arrangements.
Savings Requirements. How much will you need each month to maintain your lifestyle?
Future costs. You need to consider care needs and inheritance planning.
Health and Life Expecta more
Tony Talks Wealth Podcast
2y ago
With many people living longer expectations of retirement are being reshaped and there is no longer a one size fits all approach to retirement planning. Tony talks about the many choices and options available to you in your retirement bearing these changes in mind.
It's important to consider loved ones over the course of one's retirement.
Find out if your pension will cover your finances throughout your retirement or if you should be investing your savings.
Do not leave your retirement planning too late.
Find out how much you need to save for your more