Attachment Anxiety: Tackling Insecurities for Healthy Relationships
What Healthy Couples Know That You Don't
by Rhoda Sommer
2w ago
Attachment anxiety. Tackling insecurities for healthy relationships. Insecurities can rob us as individuals and in relationships. Insecurities feed everything from a shopping addiction so you look good on the outside or a secret life of porn because real people are confusing and too messy. Fighting our insecurities is a battle all of us share more
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What Healthy Couples Know That You Don't
by Rhoda Sommer
1M ago
Connection is a tricky business. Creating and maintaining genuine connections within relationships is a multifaceted challenge that holds profound importance in our lives. The intricate dance of understanding, empathy, and communication often proves to be a mystery to all of us. Miscommunications, differing perspectives, and the complexities of individual personalities can leave us confused as to what happened. more
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Breaking Down Barriers: Overcoming Challenges in Sexual Intimacy
What Healthy Couples Know That You Don't
by Rhoda Sommer
3M ago
Our sex lives are too easy to leave behind. It’s so easy to make excuses & dismiss opportunity with “I’m too tired.” Going without sex for long periods of time creates feelings of hurt & rejection that pile up to destroy connectedness. If a couple is unable to talk about sex then negative assumptions are silently stashed more
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Feelings Unleashed: Understanding & Harnessing Emotions
What Healthy Couples Know That You Don't
by Rhoda Sommer
4M ago
Emotions are messy and confusing - they can so easily take us for a ride. Loneliness can carry us into bad relationships. Our fears can keep us isolated. Our shame can ruthlessly feed self-doubt & self-torture. Our resentments & anger can keep us stuck. We are unable to communicate decently if we don’t have emotional balance. Listen & learn what to do about this difficult business of emotions more
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Shame’s Stranglehold On You & Your Relationships
What Healthy Couples Know That You Don't
by Rhoda Mills Sommer
5M ago
Shame strikes at the core of an individual's self-worth. When individuals feel ashamed, they believe that they, themselves, are bad, rather than simply acknowledging that they have done something wrong, which is why shame can be a massive roadblock to healing for so many people more
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What Healthy Couples Know That You Don't
by Rhoda Sommer
5M ago
Accepting reality and acknowledging one's strengths and weaknesses is essential for personal development. By denying or distorting reality, individuals may miss opportunities for growth, self-improvement, and reaching their full potential. So lying to ourselves definitely stunts our growth more
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How Couples Can Win with Finances
What Healthy Couples Know That You Don't
by Rhoda Sommer
6M ago
Money & how to manage this difficult subject as a team instead of ignoring the problems or constantly fighting. Money is a powerful force that touches every aspect of our lives, and when it comes to romantic partnerships, it can be a source of unity or division. more
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In Pursuit of Wellness: Finding Your Best Therapist Match
What Healthy Couples Know That You Don't
by Rhoda Sommer
7M ago
Therapy is a process that has to be honest…it is both an art & a science in my mind. It is impossible to grow if both of your feet are in comfort & support. You need to straddle the line between support, safety & being challenged or uncomfortable. Therapy requires that you be uncomfortable to learn new ways to look at yourself more
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From Clashes to Connection: Using Disagreement to Deepen Relationships
What Healthy Couples Know That You Don't
by Rhoda Mills Sommer
8M ago
Agreement and harmony are too often celebrated as the cornerstones of strong relationships, it is only in the presence of healthy disagreement that truly adds depth, resilience, and growth to these bonds. Disagreement, when approached constructively and respectfully, can foster better understanding, promote critical thinking, and lead to enhanced empathy and connection. When people stop avoiding hard conversations and plunge in to the risk of disagreement there is a deep richness to the more honest conversation more
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Sleep: Separating Fact from Fiction for Better Sleep and Stronger Relationships
What Healthy Couples Know That You Don't
by Rhoda Sommer
9M ago
Sleep is a universal experience that affects everyone. Sleep is particularly relevant to relationships, as poor sleep habits can impact both partners and cause relationship stress. Sleep disorders can also affect sexual intimacy, emotional regulation, and communication within relationships more
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