I asked for too little too late | Colleen
Unbreak My Heart
by Unbreak my heart | Cheri Anderson
4M ago
Colleen's heartache carries both sorrow and wisdom. She loved her husband with all her heart. She loved the 3 girls from his previous marriage with all her heart. So much of her story with her ex is tied to the challenges of being the unwanted step-mom of a teen. Her husband struggled with substance abuse and unfortunately, Colleen's love wasn't strong enough to overcome all the adversity that came her way. They eventually filed for divorce. At 65, she's single and carries her sorrow with grace and beauty.  You're invited! Let me know if you'd like to participate in collaborating with me ..read more
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Mistakes make exceptional possible | Lizz
Unbreak My Heart
by Unbreak My Heart | Cheri Anderson
2y ago
You are in for a ride with Lizz's story. It's filled with tragedy and trauma that Lizz is in the midst of healing from. You'll learn how she's been coping with grief and what happens when her soulmate and best friend, G breaks her heart.  Lizz is also the Nutress of the World! She founded Goodnuss, a nut milk innovation company providing affordable access to fresh plant-based beverages for the first time. Check it out at milkyournuts.com ..read more
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I'm not even sure why | Jason
Unbreak My Heart
by Unbreak My Heart | Cheri Anderson
2y ago
High school romance is exciting, confusing and can have a lifelong impact on how we view love and future relationships.  In this episode, we hear Jason, joined by his buddy Tanner, share about how he and his first love connected and ultimately fell apart. His break-up haunted him with depression, insomnia, and his motivation to just show up every day.  After some time, support from family, friends, and professionals - he's turning a corner towards a brighter outlook on life and love.  My conversation with Jason is rich with common relationship problems that tend to stick to our ..read more
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Cocooned for a year | Kerry
Unbreak My Heart
by Unbreak My Heart | Cheri Anderson
2y ago
Kerry and I's conversation flowed with casual ease and laughter. Can you start over in your mid-30's as a divorcee and single Mom? Yes! What about navigating the mystery and terrors of online dating? Kerry shares about diving in, finding new liberties and navigating the disappointments and hopes of possible new relationships.  Listen to be entertained and inspired ..read more
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I'm so tired of running | Tanner
Unbreak My Heart
by Unbreak My Heart | Cheri Anderson
2y ago
It's time to plan for college and think about what's going to happen next for Tanner and his girlfriend. She was the one for him and making choices to prioritize the relationship was a no-brainer.  Those choices were sacrifices. He could've gone to a really great school for his talents and scholarships, instead he stayed local for her. Well, the worst happened. She changed her mind and moved out of state. It was too late for him, he was locked-in to a local school. Shortly after college started, she called and broke up with him.  He's been heart broken and angry. This is just more lo ..read more
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His fake profile, my first love| Annie
Unbreak My Heart
by Unbreak My Heart | Cheri Anderson
2y ago
Sometimes our first relationship leaves a near eternal impact on our day to day in the here and now. Annie's first love started out as a Dragon ball z character. This unlikely match evolved from mystery, to pen pals and eventually to love.  They had a long distance relationship between Florida and Connecticut. With the distance it took time to get to see and embrace the inherent inter-personal problems. In spite of the romance, the trust and friendship - deep down they knew it wasn't going to work.  Even when we might know the truth, it doesn't mean we're willing to see it. Two years ..read more
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She said YES, I held back | Chris
Unbreak My Heart
by Unbreak My Heart | Cheri Anderson
2y ago
Chris found a match that gave him hope he'd soon be starting a family of his own. Resilient to overcome the challenges of a long-distance relationship, they tried their best to make 'til death do us part' happen.  However, there were significant choices each of them had to make independently, faster than they could manage mentally and emotionally. The pressures of building a life together collided through a proposal, his lady buying a house, and Chris accepting a new job in a whole new state. Even though she said yes, their other choices cemented them in a perpetual long-distance situatio ..read more
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Why so angry? | Kurt
Unbreak My Heart
by Unbreak My Heart | Cheri Anderson
2y ago
Kurt arrived at this interview just after his final deposition with his soon-to-be ex-wife. A second failed marriage and being a Christian single father of three is not what he imagined would be his reality. Like many people in his situation, he carries a lot of guilt and anger.  What's at the root of his anger? Is he trying to escape something ugly inside? Only one way to find out ..read more
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Don't forget to pay the cable bill | Lindsey
Unbreak My Heart
by Unbreak My Heart | Cheri Anderson
2y ago
Lindsey's story is sharp with wisdom, moments of relatability, and insight. In less than a year's time with her boyfriend, she thought they would get married.  After one fight, he said, "he wanted out". Was that just emotion or did he mean it? They stayed together, but it was rocky, eventually leaving them estranged. Lindsey found herself in a second and shorter unhealthy relationship leaving her recked with questions. Questions that have led to healing, positive life changes, and hope ..read more
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I was trying to spare pain | Zeke
Unbreak My Heart
by Unbreak My Heart | Cheri Anderson
3y ago
Zeke is a friend of mine, originally from Argentina. He was brave enough to be my first guest, before I really knew how the flow of the show would go.  I love this conversation with Zeke as it is full of wisdom and insight. We talk about the basics of breaking up, what happens when we try and protect others from pain and some universal ways to recover from heartache. Chocolate may be a key ingredient! Do you have a favorite comfort food to help you through the pain?  ..read more
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