JNIS podcast
The Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery (JNIS) is a leading peer-review journal for scientific research and literature pertaining to the field of neurointerventional surgery. The journal launch follows growing professional interest in neurointerventional techniques for the treatment of a range of neurological and vascular problems including stroke, aneurysms, brain tumors, and spinal..
JNIS podcast
1M ago
The use of assistive devices when treating unruptured aneurysms is widespread in neurointerventional practice. But there is no standard for how long patients should receive dual anti-platelet therapy after the procedure, to protect them from thrombotic complications. Durations can range from one month to one year. This episode looks at a review of patient data across 12 locations to understand the effect of therapy duration on risk of complications.
Dr Felipe C. Albuquerque, Editor-in-Chief of JNIS, interviews Dr. Andrew Ringer¹, first author of the paper: Impact of duration of dua ..read more
JNIS podcast
2M ago
There has been a large increase in the number of non-invasive neurovascular studies performed in the last decade, particularly CT angiograms and MR angiograms. What has this meant for catheter-based angiography? This episode looks at an analysis done on a large claims database in the USA, to observe trends in imaging modalities, as well as the distinctions in use by neurosurgeons and radiologists.
Dr Felipe C. Albuquerque, Editor-in-Chief of JNIS, interviews Dr. Francis Jareczek¹ and Dr. D. Andrew Wilkinson¹, two of the authors of the paper: National trends in catheter angiography and ce ..read more
JNIS podcast
2M ago
In the January 2019 podcast, Felipe C. Albuquerque talks to Reade De Leacy about the BRANCH (wide-neck bifurcation aneurysms of the middle cerebral artery and basilar apex treated by endovascular techniques)- a multicentre, retrospective study comparing core lab evaluation of angiographic outcomes with self-reported outcomes.
Read the JNIS Editor's Choice paper here: https://jnis.bmj.com/content/11/1/31 ..read more
JNIS podcast
2M ago
In this podcast, the Editor-in-Chief of JNIS, Robert Tarr, is joined by David Fiorella, the corresponding author of the study, "Final results of the US humanitarian device exemption study of the low-profile visualized intraluminal support (LVIS) device". Dr Fiorella, from the Department of Neurological Surgery, Stony Brook University Medical Center, New York, concludes that the LVIS device facilitates coil embolization of wide-necked intracranial aneurysms with high rates of technical success. The process also granted an excellent safety profile, and very high rates of complete and near-comple ..read more
JNIS podcast
4M ago
Survival for glioblastoma remains very poor despite decades of research, with a 5-year survival of only 5%. Technological improvements that have revolutionized treatment of ischemic stroke and brain aneurysms have great potential in providing more precise and selective delivery of cancer therapeutic agents to brain tumors. In this podcast, JNIS Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Felipe C. Albuquerque speaks with Dr. Stephen Chen (1)and Dr. Peter Kan (2) about their paper "Perfusion-guided endovascular super-selective intra-arterial infusion for treatment of malignant brain tumors". The paper describes a tec ..read more
JNIS podcast
4M ago
The direct aspiration first pass technique (ADAPT) has been introduced as a simple and fast method for achieving good angiographic and clinical outcomes using large bore aspiration catheters for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke (AIS). A study recently published in JNIS by Dr Turk et al. conclude that ADAPT is an effective method to achieve good clinical and angiographic outcomes, and serves as a useful firstline method for revascularization. In this podcast, The Editor-in-Chief of JNIS Felipe Albuquerque and Aquilla Turk discuss the details of this single center's long term experience wi ..read more
JNIS podcast
4M ago
Although many U.S. neurointerventionalists report at least one stressful malpractice claim over their career, the majority conclude without any court proceedings or direct repercussions in their practice. In this podcast, we look at the prevalence and causes of malpractice claims and complaints filed with state medical boards against neurointerventionalists, and some of the risk factors in an increasingly busier field.
Dr Felipe C. Albuquerque, Editor-in-Chief of JNIS, interviews Dr Kyle M. Fargen (Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem); and Dr Joshua A. Hirsch (Massachusetts General Hospital ..read more
JNIS podcast
7M ago
Single-stent assisted coiling techniques such as ‘L-stenting’ are an alternative to intrasaccular devices for wide-neck bifurcation aneurysms. In this episode, Aliya Siddiqui¹ and Dr. Reade De Leacy² join JNIS editor-in-chief Dr. Felipe Albuquerque to discuss the background and findings of their recent study, regarding the efficacy and safety of the 'L-stenting' technique.
Read the paper: A core-lab adjudicated analysis of single-stent assisted coiling of wide-neck bifurcation aneurysms
1. Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA
2. Neurosurgery, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sin ..read more
JNIS podcast
11M ago
Alis Dicpinigaitis (1) and Dr. Fawaz Al-Mufti (2) join JNIS Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Felipe C. Albuquerque, to discuss the study, "Mapping geographic disparities in treatment and clinical outcomes of high-grade aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in the United States". They explain the findings of their study, covering the predictive impact of factors including age, insurance status, race, and hospital ownership.
Read the paper: https://jnis.bmj.com/content/early/2024/02/19/jnis-2023-021330
(1) New York Presbyterian - Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, New York, USA
(2) Department of Neu ..read more
JNIS podcast
1y ago
Dr. Michael Veldeman (1) joins JNIS Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Felipe C. Albuquerque, to discuss the study, "Intra-arterial nimodipine for the treatment of refractory delayed cerebral ischemia after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage". Dr. Veldeman explains the methods of the study, the growing significance of computerised tomography perfusion imaging in diagnosis of unconscious patients, the use of induced hypertension, and interventional complications that arose when treating subarachnoid hemorrhage patients.
Read the paper: https://jnis.bmj.com/content/early/2023/12/16/jnis-2023-021151
(1 ..read more