#54 - Alex Potts + Andy Volgelsberg 2.5 Hour Injury Special (26/06/2024)
Parkour Coach Companion
by Sam Coppack
6M ago
Interview with side-charachter Alex Potts and Möbius strip Andy Volgelsberg on all things injury. Alex Potts https://www.instagram.com/alexjtpotts/ Andy Volgelsberg https://www.instagram.com/andyvogelsberg/ Rate the podcast and reach out here: https://www.instagram.com/pkcoachcompanion/ https://www.instagram.com/samcoppack ..read more
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#53 - Georgia Donati Clarke, Parkour Generations (07/05/2024)
Parkour Coach Companion
by Sam Coppack
8M ago
Interview with Women's International Parkour Weekend organiser and Parkour Generations coach Georgia Donati Clarke! Georgia Donati Clarke georgiadonaticlarke Photo by Viktor Andersson grafikeriet Rate the podcast and reach out here: https://www.instagram.com/pkcoachcompanion/ https://www.instagram.com/samcoppack ..read more
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#51 - Dr. Eel & Liam Norbury, PU10, UK (22/03/2023)
Parkour Coach Companion
by Sam Coppack
11M ago
Part 2 I grabbed Mens Style Winner Kevin Franzen (Dr. Eel) and NovaCity Director Liam Norbury for a quick debrief at the end of Project Underground 10 last year! Dr.Eel @kevinfranzen01 Liam Norbury @liamnorbury WATCH DR.EEL & FISHBOY https://thecommons.boston/?pop=videos&post_id=2999 Rate the podcast and reach out here: https://www.instagram.com/pkcoachcompanion/ https://www.instagram.com/samcoppack ..read more
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#50 - Project Underground 10, UK (22/03/2023)
Parkour Coach Companion
by Sam Coppack
1y ago
Part 1 Featuring Verky, Robbie Griffith, Katie McDonell and more. Harry Robson harry_robson10 Jake Harris jakecharris Szymon Ryś szymon_rys Denislav Stoynev deni.stoynev Katie McDonnell katiemcdonnell Robbie Griffith robbiegriffith Travis Verkaik verky02 Reach out: https://www.instagram.com/pkcoachcompanion/ https://www.instagram.com/samcoppack ..read more
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#49 - Dan Calvertt, Klayton Talbot, AJP, UK (24/02/2023)
Parkour Coach Companion
by Sam Coppack
1y ago
We're back. Enjoy the chaos. Dan Calvertt (@dan.calvertt) https://www.instagram.com/dan.calvertt/ Klayton Talbot (@klayton.pk) https://www.instagram.com/klayton.pk/ Adam Redmond (@adamjamesparkour) https://www.instagram.com/adamjamesparkour/ Reach out: https://www.instagram.com/pkcoachcompanion/ https://www.instagram.com/samcoppack ..read more
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#48 - Mathieu Jang, California (03/02/2023)
Parkour Coach Companion
by Sam Coppack
2y ago
Interview with barefoot master Mathieu Jang, a.k.a 4theloveofthecity. https://www.instagram.com/parkour.jang/ Need advertisement for your Parkour brand, organisation or event? Parkour Coach Companion is looking for sponsors, let's talk! https://www.instagram.com/pkcoachcompanion/ https://www.instagram.com/samcoppack/ Coppack's Classic: touch the world 2 (Konstanin Kachurin) https://youtu.be/B6PASbaEVPs We discussed: 'Be strong and courageous', Christianity Ascents/Descents Difference between Hong Kong & Hawaii Transition to barefoot, trees Dream collab Taylor and Ryan Coaching, speed ..read more
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#45 - Tom Redfern, Manchester (09/05/2022)
Parkour Coach Companion
2y ago
Interview with Manchester beast, Tom Redfern. https://www.instagram.com/coachredfern/ Prefer YouTube? Watch here: Like the podcast? Want to hear more? Support me here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/coachcompanion Coppack's Classic: Obsidian1138 - Parkour - The Nature of Challenge https://youtu.be/Poph6Jmc688 We discussed: Manchester Unity Jam Trampoline Park Beef Project Z Business Teaching Wallflips Class grading Level 3 Qualification How do we beat Orlando? Style comps & Flow state Insta Q & A Reach out: https://www.instagram.com/pkcoachcompanion/ https://www.instagram.com/samc ..read more
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#43 - Raíssa Chagas, Curitiba (14/03/2022)
Parkour Coach Companion
3y ago
Interview with relentless Brazillian coach, Raíssa Chagas. https://www.instagram.com/raissachgs/ Prefer YouTube? Watch here: Like the podcast? Want to hear more? Support me here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/coachcompanion Coppack's Classic: Pedro Thomas - Inquebrável https://youtu.be/NhD-vCy33_A We discussed: Language Camila Content creation 'Awareness, consistency, patience' Judgement & Framing in Coaching Big Jam self-consciousness Climb Up tips Using simple equipment & running Technical assimilation phase Celebrating participation before judgement Unsolicited advice & Ta ..read more
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#43 - Renae Dambly (02/03/2022)
Parkour Coach Companion
3y ago
Interview with globe trotting coach and podium swiping athlete, Renae Dambly ..read more
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#42 - Brett Wilkie, York St John University (07/02/2022)
Parkour Coach Companion
3y ago
Interview with PE & Sports Coaching Senior Lecturer Brett Wilkie! Prefer YouTube? Watch here: Like the podcast? Want to hear more? Support me here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/coachcompanion Coppack's Classic: Ampisound - Constant Motion https://youtu.be/j9dinkbiPCU We discussed: Brett's coaching journey 1992 Olympic Games First exposure to Parkour Coaching terminology Physical literacy & Parkour Comparison & Class negativity Celebration of different attributes Random equipment layout Affordances Constraints Balance exercise Using simple equipment Creativity & Experimenta ..read more
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