“Healing is a Messy Process:” Sonia’s RA and Graves’ Disease Journey
Arthritis Life
by Cheryl Crow
1w ago
Sonia talks about how daily gratitude, yoga, medications, and the support of groups like Rheum to THRIVE have helped her pursue joy amidst the challenges of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Graves’ disease and other chronic conditions.  Sonia shares how the Rheum to THRIVE support group provided her with the courage to be vulnerable and set boundaries. Cheryl and Sonia reflect on how these groups become sacred spaces where individuals can fully engage with their emotions, be witnessed without judgment, and sometimes find unexpected moments of humor and joy amidst the challenges. The discussion ..read more
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What’s it Like to Truly Partner with Your Doctor? The Power of Shared Decision Making, with Dr Liana Fraenkel
Arthritis Life
by Cheryl Crow
2w ago
In this episode, Cheryl Crow and Dr. Liana Fraenkel dive into the crucial concept of "Shared Decision Making" (SDM) in rheumatoid arthritis care. SDM is a collaborative approach where patients and doctors work together to develop a treatment plan. It empowers patients to express their preferences and values, while doctors listen actively and consider these when recommending treatments. The discussion also touches on the role of education in SDM, especially when it comes to understanding the pros and cons of different medications. Cheryl and Dr. Fraenkel address medication hesitancy, highlighti ..read more
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“It’s Like Managing a Circus”: How Maggie Thrives with Multiple Chronic Illnesses
Arthritis Life
by Cheryl Crow
3w ago
In this episode, Maggie shares valuable insights from life with axial spondyloarthritis, sjogren’s, osteoarthritis, hypermobility, migraine, and POTS. She also shares her treatment journey which she divides into a “discovery phase, treatment phase, and tinkering phase.” Maggie and Cheryl discuss practical advice for managing multiple chronic illnesses, including the importance of social support and finding joy in daily experiences. They also discuss their best coping skills for times when managing your health feels like “orchestrating a circus.” Ultimately, Maggie and Cheryl discuss the import ..read more
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It’s not Just Joint Pain and 8 things Everyone who Loves Someone with Arthritis Should Know (Re-Release)
Arthritis Life
by Cheryl Crow
1M ago
Back in January 2021, I shared the eight most important things that loved ones should know, so they can best support people with autoimmune arthritis. This episode includes messages and insights from twenty-eight other patients! Today, I’m re-releasing this episode with some additional insights I’ve gained after leading patient support and self-management groups over the last 4 years.  Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comments! Episode at a glance: One –  We want you to learn what the disease is and isn’t. Two – The fatigue can be just as bad as the pain. Three – It doesn’t j ..read more
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Elevating the Patient Voice in Rheumatology Research: Cheryl and Jen’s Stories
Arthritis Life
by Cheryl Crow
1M ago
Cheryl and Jen share exciting trends in rheumatology research that will help improve quality of life and develop better targeted treatments for rheumatic disease. They also discuss the importance of involving patients at all levels of research, and shared simple ways that listeners can get involved. Additionally, Cheryl and Jen reflected on the importance of social support in their personal journeys living with rheumatoid arthritis, and the importance of support groups in navigating life with chronic conditions. Medical disclaimer: All content found on Arthritis Life public channels was create ..read more
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Tackling Rheumatoid Arthritis with Obstinance and Humor: Stasha’s Story
Arthritis Life
by Cheryl Crow
2M ago
In this episode, Stasha shares her diagnosis journey for rheumatoid arthritis and reflects on what it was like being a parent to small children while learning how to adapt to rheumatoid arthritis.  Stasha also shares how her quest to merge science-based and natural methods led her to starting a blog. Cheryl and Stasha reflect on the role “obstinance” or stubbornness has played, and reflect on the therapeutic benefits of humor.They also discuss how they view assistive devices in a positive light, and discuss how their identities have been affected by chronic illness. Medical disclaimer: Al ..read more
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“Joined at the Joints:” How Marissa Became a YA Romance Writer with RA
Arthritis Life
by Cheryl Crow
2M ago
Have you ever read a love story that features someone with chronic illness? In this episode, author Marissa Eller shares how living with RA led her to write her debut young adult (YA) romantic comedy book "Joined at the Joints."  She and Cheryl discuss the importance of authentic representation in books and media, particularly for those with invisible disabilities. Marissa also shares what it’s like to be an author with RA, including strategies to accommodate her needs and how writing can be a therapeutic form of expression. The conversation concludes with a discussion about the best advi ..read more
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“Bald Girl Big World:” Colleen’s Alopecia Story
Arthritis Life
by Cheryl Crow
3M ago
  Medical disclaimer:  All content found on Arthritis Life public channels was created for generalized informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Episode Sponsors Rheum to THRIVE, an online course and support program Cheryl created to help people with rheumatic disease go from overwhelmed, confused and alone to confident, supported and connected. See all the details and join the program or waitlist now! For full episode details: Go to the episode page on the Arthritis Life website for full show ..read more
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Comedy, Chronic Illness, and Coping: Katie’s Inflammatory Arthritis Story
Arthritis Life
by Cheryl Crow
3M ago
In this episode, Katie reflects on the crucial role that parental and patient advocacy played in her her journey to a diagnosis of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).  She also shares her college experience, and discusses the roles that comedy and humor have played in helping her cope. Cheryl and Katie express the importance of accepting the need for assistive devices, setting boundaries, believing in oneself, prioritizing needs, and having a support system to thrive with chronic illness. Medical disclaimer:  All content found on Arthritis Life public channels was created for genera ..read more
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Creating a Better Future for Autoimmune Care With Rheumission’s Dr. Micah Yu & Bonnie Feldman
Arthritis Life
by Cheryl Crow
3M ago
Cheryl, Dr. Yu and Dr. Feldman share their patient experiences and exploring problems with current healthcare systems. They then share how these problems led them to form creative patient programs and services. Cheryl shares the origin story for her Rheum to THRIVE program, and Dr. Yu and Dr. Feldman share how they created Rheumission,  a virtual first integrative Rheumatology and Lifestyle clinic for people living with autoimmune disease.  Overall, our passion for reimagining autoimmune care shines through as we highlight gaps in current treatment paradigms, and outline visions for ..read more
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