Empowered Parents = Empowered Children
We are two passionate preschool teachers here in #Yeg. Our intention is to support parents and children as they navigate the early years of social and emotional learning.
Empowered Parents = Empowered Children
1y ago
Where Joca comes from and Cynthia is going, is the same place. To grow and to learn, sometimes you need to change ..read more
Empowered Parents = Empowered Children
1y ago
Joca and Cynthia share life back in the classroom, back with their students and with the pandemic still at the door ..read more
Empowered Parents = Empowered Children
1y ago
In this episode, Matt and Joca discuss how they met, being raised in different cultures and how those experiences transcend into who they are today ..read more
Empowered Parents = Empowered Children
1y ago
May you be empowered to have the flexibility to adapt going into this new school year and may you build meaningful relationships with your students and parents ..read more
Empowered Parents = Empowered Children
1y ago
How do we cope with the lows and learn to live with an outpouring of gratitude ..read more
Empowered Parents = Empowered Children
1y ago
September is just around the corner and collectively we are all trying to navigate what Back to School will look like in our new normal. No matter where you stand, sending kids to school or keeping them home, let’s support each other ..read more
Empowered Parents = Empowered Children
1y ago
With families choosing to return to preschool in the fall, we share some tips that you can start now, along with other ways to support your child as they transition back to preschool.  ..read more
Empowered Parents = Empowered Children
1y ago
Reflecting on the transition we are experiencing together ..read more
Empowered Parents = Empowered Children
1y ago
Some books recommendations that instills kindness, empowerment and diversity ..read more