The Speaking Indian
Hello, I'm Raghuram Shastry, I will be podcasting about the rich culture, heritage, history, stories, literature, games, entertainment, and lots more from my land, India & beyond.
The Speaking Indian
1y ago
An Indian Mother Fights against Norway Govt to get back her kids ..read more
The Speaking Indian
1y ago
In this episode I am narrating about a feel good story about an incident involving my mother, a cute story of her goodness, wherein she travelled with a stranger in weird hours of the night to get back his lost luggage ..read more
The Speaking Indian
1y ago
In this episode I am talking about the relationship between Mount Kailas & Lord #Shiva and my perspective of the Lord of Lords #Mahadev living amidst snow clad mountains, with his family and followers, a simple ascetic life. May Lord Shiva Bless us all on the holy and auspicious occasion of #MahaShivaratri ..read more
The Speaking Indian
1y ago
#Sankranti or #Pongal or #MakaraSankranti is one of the popular #Indian #festivals. It is also a festival of harvesting crops. In this episode I am speaking about this wonderful festival, the different ways in which it is celebrated in various parts of India, the historical and mythological background of this festival and many more details ..read more
The Speaking Indian
1y ago
In this episode I am narrating a story of a good bus conductor who took immense pain to return the novel #EveryoneHasAStory written by author #SaviSharma which i had forgotten in a bus while traveling from my brother's place - Vidyanagar, Toranagallu, Ballari dist to #Bengaluru ..read more
The Speaking Indian
1y ago
In this episode I am speaking about "Yuvraj" a sweeper on the sets of an Indian reality show #IndianIdol_Season12 and his inspirational story. The Story of dreams of an ordinary man of becoming a singer in spite of not being trained. He has learnt music from secretly observing the singers on the stage for the past few years and has improvised his singing by hearing the comments of the judges. Now he has humbly announced his arrival on the big stage of the reality show and has been given a ticket to participate in the show as a participant after having given a mesmerizing audition ..read more
The Speaking Indian
1y ago
Uttana Dwadashi is an Indian festival, mainly celebrated in the Southern part of India. It is also called as Tulasi Puja wherein the holy Indian Basil plant is worshipped. On this occasion Tulasi plant representing Goddess Tulasi is also married to a branch of Amalaki, Indian Gooseberry which represents Lord Vishnu. In this episode I will speak about this lovely Indian festival ..read more
The Speaking Indian
1y ago
Today’s kids and teenagers want freedom and privacy. But to what extent they are worth having it? Does it need for today’s parents to keep an eye on their kid’s privacy so that they do not end up doing something weird or land up doing something really dangerous in the name of privacy? Is total freedom okay or should it be conditional and monitored? How good and how dangerous is freedom? How much open should the kids be to their parents and what is the worth of respecting the freedom and values of privacy given to them by their parents? How important is the wall of trust between the kids and pa ..read more
The Speaking Indian
1y ago
We are all sum of our deeds...good ones, bad ones...everything..! At some point when our karma hits back at us, we might have to dig deep into our interiors and travel inwards to introspect ourselves. In this episode I would give you 5 strong weapons to explore and reincarnate yourselves, to be better versions of yourselves. Hope you would love this episode ..read more
The Speaking Indian
1y ago
Symbols play a key role in our lives. The creation has kept many Symbols around us which are linked to our destiny, which are linked to happenings in our life. But many times we ignore them or read them in a wrong way. In doing so we miss many things in our life. In this episode I am speaking about the Symbols in our life with a lovely story ..read more