My Hero Joshua
A parenting blog written about a very special little boy Joshua. Written from his Dad's perspective.
My Hero Joshua
3y ago
Joshua has been saying recently that he hates school and doesn’t want to go. Is it just a phase? I hope so. It’s hard hearing him saying how he hates school because I didn’t exactly like it myself. It’s hard to figure out why this may be as well because ..read more
My Hero Joshua
3y ago
Oh dear, what have on earth have I started? Following on from introducing Joshua to Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater – he has taken a big liking to the PlayStation 4. Today he asked to play on FIFA. Something I’ve not played in a long while, in fact FIFA 15 is ..read more
My Hero Joshua
3y ago
As it’s Armistice Day, I thought I would do a post in commemoration of John Joseph Fallon, an ancestor of Joshua and I. In my teenage years, I was really interested in history, particularly family history. I’ve always been curious about my family, who they were, and what their lives ..read more
My Hero Joshua
3y ago
One of the things I’ve been meaning to write about is Joshua and eating. As you’re no doubt aware, nothing has ever been straightforward with Joshua and yes that includes his eating. As part of the condition oesophageal atresia that Joshua was born with, it meant he was unable to ..read more
My Hero Joshua
3y ago
A few days ago I took the opportunity of introducing Joshua to Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater and the PlayStation 4. … And you know something? I’m so glad I did. When I was younger I loved computer consoles and games. My first console being the Sega Mega Drive. Ah the ..read more
My Hero Joshua
3y ago
Something I’ve always wanted to achieve is bedtime reading with Joshua. It is something that has often alluded us for one reason or another. Perhaps my struggles bonding with him have contributed to that. Or that he almost always wants Rebecca to take him up to bed given the attachment ..read more
My Hero Joshua
3y ago
Joshua had another hospital appointment last week. Nothing out of the ordinary in our lives, however this was with a doctor we have never seen before. We have so much faith in the NHS but when a new doctor enters the picture, there is always a sense of trepidation. As ..read more
My Hero Joshua
3y ago
Ah yes, the air of inevitability – a given where children are concerned …. Following on from my post about Joshua asking questions – we have never really had one about how his skin presents, that was until now… As I wrote about previously, Joshua has an extremely rare skin ..read more
My Hero Joshua
3y ago
Yesterday I was reminiscing about the Paw Patrol Awards with Rebecca. It was the best time and yesterday was two years to the day that we went to Hamleys and had free reign of the shop. Part of the reason why I nominated Joshua was that he was approaching the ..read more
My Hero Joshua
3y ago
Questions, questions, questions… This is our life right now. The mind, the overactive mind of a seven year old is truly a joy to behold. Okay, maybe not quite but it’s certainly is very interesting to say the least. Recently Joshua has been asking both Rebecca and I a lot ..read more