SHAPE America's Podcast
The SHAPE America Podcast, hosted by Sean Nevills, is here to bring you exclusive content from the world of health and physical education. This one-stop weekly professional development tool features interviews with SHAPE America Teachers of the Year and other physical education champions discussing relevant health and physical education topics. The goals of this podcast are to provide you with..
SHAPE America's Podcast
1y ago
On this special podcast version of Unplugged, Stephanie is joined by Dr. Kathleen Ethier, Director, Division of Adolescent and School Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Kathleen gives an update on the CDC's work and structure, new resources they have released and more!
Check out these resources:
CDC Adolescent and School Health https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/index.htm
Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being in Schools: An Action Guide for School and District Leaders: https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/mental-health-action-guide/index.html
Collection o ..read more
SHAPE America's Podcast
1y ago
Sean is joined by Sarah and Nadine for a great discussion about the National Health Education Standards revision process. They discuss why the standards are being revised currently, the progress the task force has made over the past two years, what lies ahead & more!
Nadine Marchessault, MEd, NBCT is the Co-Chair of the National Health Education Standards Task Force. She is also a Health Education Specialist at the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education. Nadine has 17 years of experience in education (PreK-12), which includes service as a teacher and leader. She specializes in health ..read more
SHAPE America's Podcast
1y ago
Sean is joined by Kevin Andrew Richards, Michael A Hemphill, & Paul M Wright, authors of SHAPE America's newest publication, Qualitative Research and Evaluation in Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. They discuss the genesis of this book, the history of qualitative research in Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, how the book is structured, what the K-12 teaching audience can take away from it and more!
Purchase the book here: https://www.jblearning.com/catalog/productdetails/9781284262391
Kevin Andrew Richards, PhD - Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana ..read more
SHAPE America's Podcast
1y ago
On this episode of the podcast, host John Strong welcomes Dr. Jason Rawls from Ohio. They discuss Dr. Rawls' history in education, how to exchange cultures in the classroom, how to identify youth culture and ways to build healthy relationships with your students.
Dr. Rawls is not only a scholar and an educator, but he is also a practitioner of Hip-Hop. Dr. Rawls contributed production on the album Mos Def & Talib Kweli Are Black Star, which was critically acclaimed as one of the best albums of 1998 and was a major force in the late-1990s underground hip hop explosion. Dr. Rawls has also p ..read more
SHAPE America's Podcast
2y ago
Today, we are welcoming Dr. Cory Dixon to the podcast! Dr. Dixon is an assistant professor of health and PE at Rowan University, in New Jersey. His research focuses on why “race matters” for PE educator preparation, as he advocates for equitable educational opportunities and stronger recruitment and retention practices for Faculty and Students of Color in higher education.
Dr. Dixon earned his Ph.D. and M.Ed. in kinesiology and physical education teacher education from Auburn University. He holds a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology, sports studies, and physical education from Morehouse College ..read more
SHAPE America's Podcast
2y ago
Sean chats with one of the newest members of the SHAPE America team, Kaitlyn Gaddis-Thompson! They discuss her career, about her role as SHAPE America Project Director for the National Initiative to Advance Health Equity in Schools, #SHAPEseattle & more!
Catch Kaitlyn at the following sessions in Seattle:
Coffee Talk: Gaining Support From School Administrators (Wednesday & Friday): https://shapeamerica.confex.com/shapeamerica/2023/meetingapp.cgi/Session/6947 & https://shapeamerica.confex.com/shapeamerica/2023/meetingapp.cgi/Session/7035
Coffee Talk: Enhancing Community-Base ..read more
SHAPE America's Podcast
2y ago
For the second year in a row, Sean is joined by guests from our recruitment and retention task force to discuss For the Love of Health and Physical Education (HPE) Week!
Emily Jones is a Professor of Physical Education
Teacher Education, in the School of Kinesiology and Recreation at Illinois
State University. She is the current chair of the SHAPE America Recruitment and
Retention Task Force and serves at the state level as the chair of the IAHPERD
Higher Education Committee. At Illinois State she is program director for the
undergraduate PE teacher education and coordinates the fully o ..read more
SHAPE America's Podcast
2y ago
In this episode, podcast hosts Sue Scheppele and John Strong welcome Kyle Bragg, the 2021 SHAPE America National Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year! Sue and John chat with Kyle about culturally relevant pedagogy, how to cultivate relationships, creating lesson plans and more. This is part two of a two-part conversation.
Learning for Justice
Welcoming Schools
Strategies for Fostering EDI in Phys Ed (Google Excel)
Partner Levels of Acceptance (video ..read more
SHAPE America's Podcast
2y ago
In this episode, podcast hosts Sue Scheppele and John Strong welcome Kyle Bragg, the 2021 SHAPE America National Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year! Sue and John chat with Kyle about culturally relevant pedagogy, how to cultivate relationships, creating lesson plans and more. This is part one of a two-part conversation.
Learning for Justice
Welcoming Schools
Strategies for Fostering EDI in Phys Ed (Google Excel)
Partner Levels of Acceptance (video ..read more
SHAPE America's Podcast
2y ago
Sean is joined by Kymm Ballard, SHAPE America President on this episode of the podcast. Sean and Kymm discuss how she got involved with SHAPE America, back to school, how her presidency is going and more!
Kymm Ballard is an assistant professor and HETE and PETE coordinator at Campbell University. Her professional experiences include service for more than two decades as a health educator, physical educator, and school administrator, and 11+ years at the state level as Healthful Living Education & Athletics consultant in the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Also ..read more