Catching up in 2023
Nanny Speak
by Kimberlyn Claxton
1y ago
Giving you an update on my surrogate journey and new ideas for the show more
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Nanny Speak (Trailer)
Nanny Speak
by Kimberlyn Claxton
1y ago more
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My surrogacy update
Nanny Speak
by Kimberlyn Claxton
1y ago
Surrogate journey update, what happened with my last family and what’s happening now more
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My surrogate journey
Nanny Speak
by Kimberlyn Claxton
1y ago
Why I decided to become a surrogate and how the process is going more
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Reflecting on 2020
Nanny Speak
by Kimberlyn Claxton
1y ago
Reflecting on 2020 and give us some insight on what to expect in the upcoming year more
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Holiday Traveling
Nanny Speak
by Kimberlyn Claxton
1y ago
Today’s episode just talking about what precautions everyone is taking when it comes to traveling during the holidays more
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Nannies,working parents,virtual learning
Nanny Speak
by Kimberlyn Claxton
1y ago
This episode is basically about how families are juggling having a nanny, working and having their children learn from home if they are not in class more
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When they see us
Nanny Speak
by Kimberlyn Claxton
1y ago
George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Travon Martin these are just a few people who were killed by white men simply because they were black. This episode speaks about the black lives matter movement and creating change more
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Nanny Speak
by Kimberlyn Claxton
1y ago
In this episode I am discussing during the interview process and making sure your families know you want taxes withheld from your paychecks and be paid on the books so that you are protected as the nanny and they are protected as the employer for hard times like this more
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Nanny Speak intro
Nanny Speak
by Kimberlyn Claxton
1y ago
This intro will cover all the topics I plan on discussing in this Podcast and more. I want Nanny Speak to be a fun place where we can share stories and also discuss different challenges we face and how we can continue to help each other everyday be successful when raising our children more
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