The Wanderlust Life
Whether you are preparing to hit the road or you are already exploring our beautiful country. This podcast is for you! Each episode your host Sarah Jade, will interview one of your favourite Travelling Families, they will share their story, offer tips + advice and showcase what is truly possible when travelling Australia. Taking out the overwhelm and guesswork when preparing to hit the road..
The Wanderlust Life
1y ago
This episode has certainly been a long time coming, I share my story and experience particularly since becoming a solo female traveller which wouldn't have been as easy and possible without the beautiful girls from Van Adventures.
Last year when I was looking for a Van to take away to Agnes Waters / 1770, I was fortunate enough to connect with Mel and Anastasia from Van Adventures through camplify. They have a Mercedes Vito Van which sleeps 2-3 and is fitted out with an extensive amount of features and luxuries to make your trip comfortable and memorable.
If you have any questions for me ..read more
The Wanderlust Life
1y ago
Even the 4 years of not physically travelling around, we consider that nonetheless, a journey and a important one..
Richard and Liadhan and their 5 youngest children Miriam, Hannah, Esther, Eva and Danny have been Wandering and Wondering throughout Australia for the past 9 years, living life on their own terms.
They have also recently appeared on the popular "reality" TV show PARENTAL GUIDANCE where they showcase their parenting style and lifestyle. We take a deep dive into why they were labelled the "Nature Parents" on the show. Talking about how they are advocates for nature play, natural le ..read more
The Wanderlust Life
1y ago
Time is precious, you will never get time back..
On this episode I chat with Shane from Wanderlust with Little Ones.
Shane and his wife Cassie have previously done quite a lot of overseas travel and what they took away from that was
So 5 months ago they decided to quite their jobs, sell their house and the majaorty of their belonings to hit the road with their 2 kids Marley (4) and Byron (2.5) Leaving Sydney to chase the sun and are currently exploring Queensland.
Travelling in a 20ft Franklin Razer Caravan with 3 bunks and an en-suite, towing the van with a Ford Ranger. They prefe ..read more
The Wanderlust Life
1y ago
Have you ever throught about buying and converting a Vintage Caravan?
On this episode I chat to Shae from The Long Road. Shae, her husband Jack and 2 Boys (ages 4 and 5) absolutely fell in love with Van Life after they did a trip to NZ 2.5 years ago. Once they returned home they scrolled the pages of Gumtree which is where they found their 1981 Jayco Songbird 'Bertie"
It has been quite a ride since doing the 6 hours round trip to collect their home on wheels. Shae shares the highs, lows and everything in between during their experience with renovating the van from st ..read more
The Wanderlust Life
1y ago
On this episode I caught up with Prue + Harris from Local Voyages - True Aussie Wanderlusters living their best life!
Prue is 20 and Harris 22. Both currently Uni students and working part time. They both have a love of travel and getting the most out of life. They find time in between their uni and work commitments to go on little adventures, discover the perfect waves and are on the hunt for Austalia's BEST COFFEE.
Prue and Harris are such an inspirational couple who are truly living their best life.
If you have any questions for Local Voyages or wish to follow their journey you can find the ..read more
The Wanderlust Life
1y ago
After spending time in Bali as a family Jules proposed to her husband Stu that they QUIT THEIR JOBS, PACK UP THEIR LIFE, BUY A CARAVAN AND TRAVEL AUSTRALIA.
After 3 short months of planning they set off amongst the chaos in 2020. "It was definitely an interesting time to hit the road" "But it all worked out in the end" said Jules. As they ended up spending 16 months on the road.
Jules talks about how they sold both of their cars before they left and what they bought to travel in and why.
They set off from the Gold Coast, mostly staying in Caravan parks along the East Coast of Australia ..read more
The Wanderlust Life
1y ago
"The world is so incredible, but I want to see my own country"
28 year old Sydney gal, Grace Cutler has always been a traveller at heart.
Grace shares a little about her wonderful childhood growing up which at the age of 18 years old inspired her to explore overseas and Australia.
From travelling through NSW in a tent, to living and working on a yacht in the Sydney Habour to now living on a luxury tropical island in North Queensland. Grace also shares how she has used her skills and open mind to new opportunities to fund her trips.
Check out her new blog which she has recently launched - https ..read more
The Wanderlust Life
1y ago
"My son struggles to sit in a classroom at a desk. Learning on the road is such an amazing thing for him"
This episode I am chatting to the beautiful Jayde Quinn from Lapping the Island. Jayde has been travelling full time with her partner Dereck and their 3 children since 2018. They have endured many ups + downs along the way however with that comes a lot of experience, tips and advice to share with you.
When Jayde and her family first started travelling they chose SIDE - School of Isolated and Distance Education, Western Australia. Despite hearing that the work load was quite big, they did m ..read more
The Wanderlust Life
1y ago
"The road educates our children for us" The experiences that they are having, the places that they are going, the real life learning is just incredible"
Chris and Bek are both school teachers - Chris has been teaching for 16 years and Bek has been back teaching for the last 5 years after having thier 3 kids. They both took leave without pay to explore Australia.
On this episode Bek talks about how they were granted by their principal, 100 day exemption. Bek explains what this means and how you can apply. Bek has created their own litercacy and numeracy curriculum, she was able to gather things ..read more
The Wanderlust Life
1y ago
The White Family - Four Roam Free - Jamie, Pippa, Harriett and Frankie left Victoria in 2020, they did a full lap of Australia and have now settled in a NEW STATE + NEW SCHOOL in Queensland.
In this episode Pippa explains how she was a little naive when it came to choosing a platform to educate her 2 girls, as she was not aware of how many different options there were avaliable.
After going throug the process of being granted leave from their current school, Pippa then registered for Virtual School Victoria, which was previously Distance Education Victoria.
Pippa is very transparen ..read more