The Falkland Islands
Everything Everywhere Daily Podcast
by Gary Arndt | Glassbox Media
18h ago
Located off the coast of South America and in the Southern Atlantic Ocean is the Falkland Islands.  The Falklands are an almost treeless archipelago where sheep and penguins outnumber the people.  It has little in the way of natural resources beyond fish and grass for grazing.  Yet, these sparsely populated islands have been the subjects of international disputes and even war. Learn more about the Falkland Islands on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily. Sponsors Mint Mobile Cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month at Quince Go to for more
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Natural Gas Explained: Past, Present, and Future
Everything Everywhere Daily Podcast
by Gary Arndt | Glassbox Media
3d ago
One of the most common and versatile forms of energy in the world is natural gas. Natural gas is used for cooking, heating, electrical production, and powering vehicles.  Entire economies are dependent on its consumption, and others are dependent on its production.  As such, it has become one of the most important commodities in the world. Learn more about natural gas what it is, where it comes from, and how it's used on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily. Sponsors Mint Mobile Cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month at Quince Go to for more
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The World's Next Countries
Everything Everywhere Daily Podcast
by Gary Arndt | Glassbox Media
4d ago
Depending on how you define it, there are about 193 to 200 countries in the world today.  Over the last 100 years, that number has been constantly increasing. Sometimes, the number goes up a lot in short periods of time, and other times, there might be decades between the creation of a new country.  There hasn’t been a new country created since 2011, but it is entirely possible that we might make new additions to the list of nations before this decade is out.  Learn more about the world’s next possible countries on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily. Sponsors Mint Mobil more
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Kim Philby and the Cambridge Five
Everything Everywhere Daily Podcast
by Gary Arndt | Glassbox Media
5d ago
In the 1950s and 1960s, the British Intelligence community was shocked by a series of high-profile defections to the Soviet Union.  These defections proved to be devastating to British intelligence during the Cold War and may have led to the death or imprisonment of hundreds of undercover British operatives.  These defections changed Western intelligence gathering forever in ways that can still be felt today. Learn more about the Cambridge Five and how they influenced the Cold War on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily. Sponsors Mint Mobile Cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks more
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The Prime Meridian
Everything Everywhere Daily Podcast
by Gary Arndt | Glassbox Media
1w ago
Located in East London is the Royal Greenwich Observatory.  Passing directly through the observatory is an imaginary line that extends from the North Pole to the South Pole.  This line is significant because it is the reference point for every other line of longitude in the world.  What is even more remarkable is that there is no objective reason for this particular line to be so important.  Learn more about the Prime Meridian and why it is where it is on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily. Sponsors Mint Mobile Cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month at mintmobi more
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The Battle of Stalingrad
Everything Everywhere Daily Podcast
by Gary Arndt | Glassbox Media
1w ago
From August 1942 to February 1943, the Germans and the Soviets engaged in what would become the most brutal and bloodiest battle in human history. The battle took place in a city that probably had greater psychological and propaganda value than it did actual strategic value. The battle, in many respects, was the high water mark of Nazi Germany and the turning point of the enter war in Europe. Learn more about the Battle of Stalingrad and how it changed the entire course of the Second World War on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily. Sponsors Mint Mobile Cut your wireless bill to 15 buc more
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The Origins and History of the Abolitionist Movement
Everything Everywhere Daily Podcast
by Gary Arndt | Glassbox Media
1w ago
The most significant event in American history was undoubtedly the Civil War.  The Civil War was, of course, the result of the institution of slavery, which had existed for generations by that time. By the same token, the opposition to slavery had existed for just as long.  The opposition to slavery began amongst devoutly religious people but eventually spread into a mass social and political movement.  Learn more about the abolitionist movement, its origin, and its growth on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily. Sponsors Mint Mobile Cut your wireless bill to 15 buck more
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Questions and Answers: Volume 27
Everything Everywhere Daily Podcast
by Gary Arndt | Glassbox Media
1w ago
Sponsors Mint Mobile Cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month at MasterClass Get up to 50% off at MASTERCLASS.COM/EVERYWHERE Quince Go to for 365-day returns, plus free shipping on your order! ButcherBox New users that sign up for ButcherBox will receive 2 lbs of grass-fed ground beef in every box for the lifetime of their subscription + $20 off your first box when you use code daily at checkout! Subscribe to the podcast! -------------------------------- Executive P more
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The Five Families and How Organized Crime Became Organized
Everything Everywhere Daily Podcast
by Gary Arndt | Glassbox Media
1w ago
Organized crime wasn’t always so organized.  In the early 20th century, in New York, what we would call the mafia was rather unorganized. There were competing groups, and while the individual groups had an organization, there was anarchy among them.  There was a war between some of the crime organizations, and when the dust settled, all of the major mafia groups in New York City had found a way to work together, or at least not openly feud.  Learn more about New York’s Five Families and the creation of the commission on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily. Sponsors Mint more
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The History of Soft Drinks
Everything Everywhere Daily Podcast
by Gary Arndt | Glassbox Media
2w ago
One of the most popular categories of beverage in the world today is soft drinks. Soft drinks can be found almost everywhere in every country, from corner stores to restaurants to vending machines.  Unlike other popular beverages, soft drinks are a rather recent invention, despite there being early antecedents to soft drinks that go back to antiquity.  Learn more about soft drinks, their origins and how they became so popular on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily. Sponsors Mint Mobile Cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month at MasterClass Get up to 50 more
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