Real Health Magazine
Real Health is the U.S.'s leading health magazine for African Americans. Launched in 2004. It serves up honest, cutting-edge information on fitness, diet/nutrition, hair health, skin health, sexual health, relationships and family.
Real Health Magazine
2d ago
Vitale and Moss were emotional upon their return to sports broadcasting. Plus: NBA Hall of Famer Dwayne Wade also had cancer ..read more
Real Health Magazine
2d ago
There’s a lack of research on whether cat biology makes them more susceptible to H5N1 than other mammals, including humans, pigs, or dogs ..read more
Real Health Magazine
2d ago
Lucrative federal grants are an important component of the overall funding for state universities ..read more
Real Health Magazine
2d ago
Bridgette Hempstead, founder of Cierra Sisters and staunch health equity research advocate, remembered as a force for underserved patients ..read more
Real Health Magazine
2d ago
None of the nine patients who received the vaccine after surgery experienced recurrence over three years ..read more
Real Health Magazine
2d ago
As head of the health department, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will influence food and drug safety, research, Medicare, abortion policy and more ..read more
Real Health Magazine
1w ago
While continuity of HIV treatment is essential, other critical HIV services, especially for marginalized people, must continue ..read more
Real Health Magazine
1w ago
Transgender people and their allies are concerned it will discourage prescriptions and medical procedures and complicate insurance coverage ..read more
Real Health Magazine
1w ago
One study found daily aspirin reduced the risk of colon or rectal cancer recurrence, but another saw no significant survival benefit ..read more